Advice you'd give to your past self?

No matter how hard you try to befriend someone, its all up to them to become friends with you. Dont try harder and harder each time they reject you- you are squishing yourself without positive affect! Make friends with people that want to be friends and will care about your friendship. The ones that will be there whenever.
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id tell younger me to ditch the friends id get. they would seem nice at the time but would then start to ignore you, string you along, then ditch you. itll leave you in a bad state and it will affect you years down the line

also to eat better and start walking more, try to loose some weight because youll have issues itll affect later on
I would tell myself to find a way to go to college and get a degree. Even if I had to wait a few years, better to go later than never because not having a degree has severely limited my job opportunities to only the field where I have experience...and I desperately want out of that field now.
Don’t listen to your mom about trying to act normal and ladylike and impress people; instead just be yourself and be kind :) growing up is really difficult and confusing. It’s okay to try new things and experiment with how you dress/present yourself. Everyone is just trying their best, so don’t look down on other people or hold grudges if they are mean to you. You need to love yourself, forget what other people think of you. Act in ways that you can be proud of who you are. Stay true to yourself, but be cautious of people who try to take advantage of others. Also, it’s okay to feel sad and angry, but learning coping mechanisms to deal with stress will be very beneficial for you in the future. Also just general stuff about communication with other people. I tried my best lol
To my teen self: Don’t worry so much about what they think. In 10 years, you’ll live across the country away from that tiny town full of tiny minds and you won’t ever have to see any of them again.
a couple of things I would tell my middle school/high school self:

1. don't go giving out your hw/study guides to people who are only nice to you to benefit from your friendship. you put too much time into school to let basically strangers get better grades by putting in less work.
2. also stop letting your "friends" publicly humiliate you to get a guys attention/make themselves look better. you'll soon realize that these people were never your friends and that in a couple years you'll meet your people.
I'd probably tell myself to go to a different highschool, and if I did end up at the same highschool, I'd say not to get caught up in trying to win over unsupportive people with unreasonable expectations who want to use me.

Also, go to therapy way earlier.

Also also, when things seem like they won't be ok, they will!
oof i would say so much
- firstly i'd say to save up my money and not spend it on dolls every month, i ended up with around 86 old and broken dolls that i just threw away once i was too old for them

- just because someone is an adult, doesn't mean u should respect them, especially if that specific adult is a dreadful person who will steal ur favourite 3ds game for her own kids, nobody in particular though

- and finally don't worry so much about college, it was way better than school and the people there were really nice ^-^
The main thing I would tell myself in the past is to not eat as much candy and sweets because if you eat to much you can get really dry hands that crack and hurt I’ve woken up multiple times in the middle of the night with my hands burning so bad if only I could tell my past self that
I'd time travel back to fifth grade. Oh boy, I do have a lot of advice I could contribute:
"You're going to suffer a lot, but it's going to help you see the world in a different way. You're going to become a hard person, but also softer at the same time, because you've struggled in life, and you always want to be there for people who struggle. You're not going to forgive - and you're not wrong for not forgiving. You don't have to be a saint and forgive those who wronged you."
I would tell my younger self to stop making boys your higher power. Theres so much more I to do and accomplish if seeking love and affirmation weren't a priority. I used to spin out constantly and make myself depressed by trying to figure out men, and it was honestly such a waste of time! I spent so many years being insecure and not being my best self.

I would also tell my younger self that I should study a little harder in school lol instead of goofing off so much.
All of your hardships are only leading you towards bigger and better things. Trust the process, you won't feel this way forever!
you have a good heart but you have to be more careful about who you trust. not everyone has your safety in mind, just keep yourself safe first
i wish i could tell my 14 year old self that life isn’t a race and people are built differently. Which means everyone has an experience unique to them. So we just have to find ways to adapt and be successful despite our flaws and baggage. That alone will take some time but you just have to be open to failure to move forward
I would tell myself to try harder in University. It totally sucks watching everyone else around you not study and get good grades but I was not one of those people. I would say "Your gonna have to work so much harder than all those other people just to get the same result, but you still have to do it." for one because it would be nice to have better grades but also because it's hard to make friends in your class when you are basically failing said class.
I'd time travel back to fifth grade. Oh boy, I do have a lot of advice I could contribute:
"You're going to suffer a lot, but it's going to help you see the world in a different way. You're going to become a hard person, but also softer at the same time, because you've struggled in life, and you always want to be there for people who struggle. You're not going to forgive - and you're not wrong for not forgiving. You don't have to be a saint and forgive those who wronged you."

Do not trust your friends. They will hurt you, they want you to fail. Trust yourself you'll get through anything. You are capable, you are able. You can do it. You will do it and you will succeed.
Don't do anything stupid, don't keep up with anybody's sh** if they're being mean and don't change yourself for other people