Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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I'm about to leave for work but I can box for you when I get home tonight. c:
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Made a new town, so I'm filling out a new form!

Villagers Requested: Octavian, Marina, Deirdre
Total: 75 TBT
FC: sidebar
Mayor: Maddie
Town: Tropolis
Timezone: ET
Availability: from 6:30 to 7:10am, 3:30-11:30pm

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.

EDIT: forgot to point out, I prefer the beginnings of my towns to progress naturally without TT. I have Dobie moving in, so I won't need anyone else until Thursday!
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Hiya, let me know when you're ready for Rocco!

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@ MadMonsterMaddie

Not a problem at all. I am happy to wait of course. c:
Hey I would like Vesta, Would 25 be a good price? My friend code is 3196-6430-4848

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Oh wait forgot the form, durr sorry
Villagers Requested: Vesta
Total: 25 TBT
FC: 3196-6430-4848
Mayor: Bomb?n
Town: La Prada
Timezone: EST
Availability: 2:45 PM - 9PM, From 7AM to 7:20AM only if absolutely necessary
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I should be able to pick someone up tomorrow morning! Deirdre, maybe? It would be at the same time we've done our other trades :)
Hi, I'll box Deirdre for you so she can be ready for you when you wake up. c:
Vesta is in boxes and my gate is opened! I'm heading to sleep now just grab her whenever you can. If there's an issue with connectivity, let me know and I will rebox. c:
Villagers Requested: Ruby
Total: 25TBT
FC: 1006-5194-7177
Mayor: Steffi
Town: Tirnanog
Timezone: GMT+1
Availability: most days 7pm-3am

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
I'm just waiting for someone to pick up a villager then can box Ruby for you. c:
Ruby is in boxes and my gate is opened so feel free to come over and get her. I'll probably be afk so you can just use the map to find her. Any issues, let me know. Otherwise, please send the tbt after picking her up. c:
Ruby is in boxes and my gate is opened so feel free to come over and get her. I'll probably be afk so you can just use the map to find her. Any issues, let me know. Otherwise, please send the tbt after picking her up. c:

Cool, I'll be by in a few minutes, I'm just letting someone on reddit get Beau first.
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