Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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I've boxed Bree for you and my gate is opened. You can come and pick her up when ready. I'll be pretty afk, but let me know here if any issues.
I'm starting to TT in this town since I've finally got beautiful town set up. You can go ahead and scan in Octavian now!
I'll do that right nw!

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My gates are opened right now. :)
Hi, thanks for doing this <3

Villagers Requested: Goldie
Total: 25 tbt
FC: sidebar c:
Mayor: Honey
Town: Lumiere
Timezone: ET / GMT-4 (forum time below page) - Florida, US
Availability:10am - 2am ET

I confirm that I have added your friend-code.
Sure! I'm waiting for someone to drop off some items, would you be available in a few?
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Ok! If you're ready before they reply, I'll come by x

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Hey, I'm ready for you to pick up Goldie and my gate is opened. :)

Great timing, just finished the trade lol. On my way!

Site's being weird sorry ;-;

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Thanks for Goldie!
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Hey, I'm ready for you to pick up Goldie and my gate is opened. :)
I no longer own the cards: Rocco, Jacques and Cranston.

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The first post has been edited to reflect this.
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