Selling Amiibo Villagers @ 25 TBT/ea | Over 60+ villagers available!

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Can I get Shep?

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Villagers Requested: Shep
Total: 25 tbt
Timezone: gmt
Availability: now
Are you still online? I can help you out if you come online within the next 2 hours. I'll scan in Shep now.
Villagers Requested: Deirdre
Total: 25 tbt
Timezone: GMT
Availability: 5pm - 8pm on weekdays
Is anyone online now to pick up their villagers?


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I have both Shep and Deirdre scanned into my town.
Closing this for now while I'm at work. If you have existing orders, please vm me.
Villagers Requested: Stitches
Total: 25tbt
FC: sidebar
Mayor: Miu
Town: Peachy
Timezone: gmt+2
Availability: next like 5 hours?
Looks like I just missed you. I'll scan in Stitches for now and we can work out another time for you to pick him up. c:
Villagers Requested: Stitches
Total: 25 tbt
FC: in sidebar <3
Mayor: Yume
Town: Oyasumi
Timezone: EST
Availability: Now until 10pm! Also available 5am-6am tomorrow!
Fabulous. I'm just waiting for someone to pick up a villager but I can box Stitches next before I head to work.
Can you make sure you have added my fc?

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Never mind, I can see you have! My gates are open for you now. c:

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Pending orders:

Villagers Requested: Stitches
Total: 25tbt
FC: sidebar
Mayor: Miu
Town: Peachy
Timezone: gmt+2
Availability: next like 5 hours?

Please let me know if there are any other pending orders that have been missed.

I don't right now, but I have just bought her amiibo card, so depending on shipping I'll have her soon. c:
This isn't an immediate need as I'm going to be a bit preoccupied with plot resetting a different villager and will then need to boot someone else out to make room, but I was wondering whether you happen to have Drago's amiibo card since he's not among the villagers listed?
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