Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Town Win!)

why not? I'd rather kill ribbit over zinnia today because Zinnia is just giving me upset first timer noob town vibes
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they're not functionally the same. unravel has played numerous mafia games and zinnia is first time
i guess out of the 3 it would be unravel > zinnia > ribbit today for me. i just dont get maf vibes and think their cops are useless comment was just careless rather than mafia-y
A pox upon eod.

I was comfortable with my susses. Was going to vote one. Now I'm here at eod, reading, questioning everything. Ugh. I have to vote someone.

@Dolby Do you still have trundle strong town? Has your view on ribbit changed?
Trundle... doesn't isn't towncore imo but he is pretty town. Skimming right now mainly, but he feels unagendad in the thread, and I feel like he's town from his posting on it's own, I feel like he's town from the behavior of the thread surrounding him. He isn't beyond reproach but I think the man is a crewmate.

Ribbit's posting since last night has been generally fine if not townish and I think he is still the most sus player in the game to me. I think that there's a few slots that he probably isn't on the same team as (zinnia, TN4U). With that said, posting since last night just also does not feel like a town posting to me if you get what I mean with these two statements.
Well I wouldn't put it past you to be lying to my face lmao, I wouldn't put it past anyone to use an appeal to emotion to get out of a wagon. I do think that tonally you're fine and I didn't get the same initial ick from those posts Dolby quoted you on.

Who do you think deserves the axe if not you?

i can go zinnia or unravel like i said, i haven’t pushed back on dolby but it is very tempting to omgus him………. i am trying my best not to
Downside of flipping unravel today is that we get literally no information if she's town. A zinnia flip would probably give lots of information. And a ribbit flip would give lots of information. But I still think unravel is mafia significantly more than any of the other options.
please note there is half an hour left to vote. It may take me a few min after the deadline to count votes and make the night post, but please do not post after 6:00pm est. thanks!
does anyone have someone they really want dead
It's killing me a little bit inside how you consistently ask vague questions like this and provide me nothing to solve your slot. Why do you want to ask other people who they want dead when you could present who YOU want dead?

you’re right, point still stands though in the case to seem towny you try to start another bw that’s more agreed upon

none of this is actually reading into trundle’s content though
welp ill say now that im kinda feeling good that zinnia will flip red and that will kick me into full trundle tunneling tomorrow
It's killing me a little bit inside how you consistently ask vague questions like this and provide me nothing to solve your slot. Why do you want to ask other people who they want dead when you could present who YOU want dead?
this is the first time i have asked a question this game, "consistently" seems like a misattribution

I didn't want anyone dead, I was just gonna sheep some person. but uh dolby said they wanted ribbit dead and ribbit seems like, slightly townie