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Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Town Win!)

For unravel - i dunno. I didn't actually catch the whole ribbit soft claim thing at the time. Went right over my head.

Possibilities -

town unravel - didn't read roles, assumed softclaim, pointed out anti town/bad move.
Maf unravel - saw a chance to point out soft claim as anti town and gain townpoints.

I dunno about the maf unravel version. Would be smarter to not say anything in thread?

I don't get wolf from unravel reads. I can look back but i dont think they were wolfy reads.
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Curious about how you said "the town" in your reads post though. Almost like you're implying to not be part of it.


Omg...i can't even...
In this scenario, do you think it's rational for the new player to bus their own teammate? Do you think they decided to do that on their own or were instructed to? Dino voted 3 mins before day end that could have severely backfired on them (maf team) if someone from the Zinnia wagon switched to Ribbit right after (entirely possible too, two people voted after Dino). Even more weird that in this read list you literally wrote

so why are you calling them a wolf right after? Or are you implying you're calling them a wolf for another reason, if so what?

Also why is Dolby a mediator?

In saying that though I would like to talk to you more today. If you wanna be on the same page I am open to hearing you out.
Hear me out on this because it does sound a bit confusing: I only put Dino on that list for the sake of attempting to include all four potential mafia members that stuck out to me the most. Out of all the other quiet users, Dino struck me as most questionable and I do believe they may have been instructed to place a vote from someone other than Damniel to avoid mod elimination.

I say Dolby is a mediator because he very much likes to get answers from everyone. It doesn't hurt to try and get every claim straightened out, and I believe that all he's trying to do is help everyone out in picking the right person to eject (and yes, that even includes the mafia members in picking who to kill).
also sorry if im being sensitive but tn4u is a new player so saying things like "too long not reading that" / "painful to read" is rly annoying lol, its rly discouraging for ppl just trying to play the game
Thank you. I'm not going to reply to such posts as doing so would only cause unnecessary issues.

Also i really take ir back when I say one of my strong leads is TN4U. It just feels..... Sudden improvement like as if it is scripted which I believe few people pointed out and agree to it
Let me point out that it is kind of hard to keep up and formulate proper opinions when there are a million posts being made per minute. What I was doing in D1 were essentially quick skims at posts and wanting to have a word about them, and that caused suspicion from others simply because some of my posts didn't make a whole lot of sense from how quickly I typed them up. I'm now taking D2 with a slower approach, and I fully understand my replies aren't fast or frequent. My real-life job involves driving, so I can't just pause at stoplights and give an opinion on the fly.
Sorry ness
@N e s s

what if im stupid and secretly missing maf!radical and volt is discreetly pocketing me and i miss it the whole game >_>

it's nagging me in the back of my brain
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Hear me out on this because it does sound a bit confusing: I only put Dino on that list for the sake of attempting to include all four potential mafia members that stuck out to me the most. Out of all the other quiet users, Dino struck me as most questionable and I do believe they may have been instructed to place a vote from someone other than Damniel to avoid mod elimination.

I say Dolby is a mediator because he very much likes to get answers from everyone. It doesn't hurt to try and get every claim straightened out, and I believe that all he's trying to do is help everyone out in picking the right person to eject (and yes, that even includes the mafia members in picking who to kill).

Thank you. I'm not going to reply to such posts as doing so would only cause unnecessary issues.

Let me point out that it is kind of hard to keep up and formulate proper opinions when there are a million posts being made per minute. What I was doing in D1 were essentially quick skims at posts and wanting to have a word about them, and that caused suspicion from others simply because some of my posts didn't make a whole lot of sense from how quickly I typed them up. I'm now taking D2 with a slower approach, and I fully understand my replies aren't fast or frequent. My real-life job involves driving, so I can't just pause at stoplights and give an opinion on the fly.
Sorry ness
hey idk if u missed it but i did reply to your post ab that

is prompting a bunch of questions from people towny? also sorry hope to talk to you when you catch a break o7
what if im stupid and secretly missing maf!radical and volt is discreetly pocketing me and i miss it the whole game >_>

The possibilities...adding looking into these for my to do list tomorrow. I thought i saw some volt stuff that was v town, but I'll have to look for it tmrw. Lotta pages to go through. You did a good job on the iso stuff. I dread doing it again. Ugh.
frosty is bit too self aware all the time and it makes me uncomfortable
acutally does anyone else feels this as well
she always comments when she is wolfread, she talked a couple of times abt she should be nk'd, during out argument she felt in the need to prove herself even though i wasnt even talking about her
maybe too early for this but i need to scratch an itch
acutally does anyone else feels this as well
she always comments when she is wolfread, she talked a couple of times abt she should be nk'd, during out argument she felt in the need to prove herself even though i wasnt even talking about her
maybe too early for this but i need to scratch an itch
Scratch away. Outliers are always a possibility.
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But I will say - i comment when I'm wolfread also. I think that's not anti town. Better to defend if you're town.
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I'm taking a break for a while. My eyeballs hurt. Back later.
Scratch away. Outliers are always a possibility.
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But I will say - i comment when I'm wolfread also. I think that's not anti town. Better to defend if you're town.
i think its the "hey finally someone wr me!" attitude. feels a bit like wine
Curious about how you said "the town" in your reads post though. Almost like you're implying to not be part of it.
What I meant by Dolby being a good mediator "for the town" implied that he is town as well. Not sure why you read it otherwise.
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is prompting a bunch of questions from people towny? also sorry hope to talk to you when you catch a break o7
It can and also can't be. I can see him indirectly trying to help the detective/watcher into determining who the wolfs are, but it also helps the mafia lurkers at the same into determining who to kill. Helping both sides, essentially.
do u think her replies are like more aggressive than usual?
yes, it was jarring and I think they are upset they made a mistake since they've been playing so well. (frosty is mafia hat)
yes, but it could just be a point of annoyance since they're trying to help contribute but we're hyperfixating on an unnecessary little mistake (frosty is town hat)

frosty mafia hat makes more sense to me here but i'm still in no way certain
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so the thing abt this mindset of "ill just kill who i personally think is sus" is a bit egoistical but it does nothing but to clear yourself from the mess
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unravel and mog + rad/tn4u/yoshi. maybe frosty if im feeling fancy
this is incredibly close to my list, just remove tn4u maybe and consider annika and possibly lily
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clearly the FrostyAlmonds train of thought is picking up rather quickly since that reaction to including themselves in the potential mafia list. I also think it's crazy that FrostyAlmonds is claiming this is their first mafia game lol
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fwiw im pretty sure this is Frosty's second mafia game, on TBT at least. She played a seven player game with me one year ago where she was mafia
I think I’m going to be keeping an eye on Lily after post #1,097. I just think it was kind of defensive, and I realize how that sounds stupid since that’s you’re supposed to defend yourself, but I just found this post to be weirdly abrasive. Also, I’m pretty sure she didn’t respond to the post Trundle made after that.
I don't think I like this sudden shift on Frosty coming from Radical. Don't like Trundle jumping on it so quickly either. I think that Frosty made a bit of an awkward point in those string of posts but it's not like she said anything we weren't already thinking. Curious to hear a little more from @voltairenism because they implicated they were beginning to feel suspicious as well.
H U H ? ! ? What does a maf!ness have to do with this? You're literally describing what a doctor's role + options are? Are you saying of Ness didn't speak all game the doctor wouldn't heal anyone or?????? You are aware the doc just blindly targets someone they think mafia will shoot? They can't say, 'I think Ness is maf so I want to heal whoever Ness targets'

I'm sorry Shiny but you're just making up stories, you have this whole narrative about Ness seperating townies and maf but your only reasoning is that 'it's the way you questioned people'. I'm failing to see the connections behind what you're saying.

WTF??????????? Like what does this mean????????? I'm mafia throwing the game okay. If I didn't want to be mafia why wouldn't I just walk in, say I'm maf, vote me right now, and point out each of my teammates??????

Look, I'm gonna town read Shiny now and give up on trying to interpret where these ideas are coming from. This is a logic game not a creative writing seminar.

Hi Mog. I've barely talked to you? Who do you think is Maf? Who do you think is town?
I saw this post get called out earlier as being too dramatic, but she didn't say that Shiny was wolfish for this just that Shiny was making some really bad takes. And he definitely did lol his thoughts on me just don't make sense if you think on it. Sure it's a little over the top but I don't see the harm in it being a WTF type of reaction, especially with how much she has townleaned me.
Because checking a universally town read player is a good slot to check and a valid move for cop to make, More than one person has already been throwing around my name lightly today for being a deep wolf lmao.

I'm including me because I literally said the statistic is a gamemaster pov and I'm not a new player, so I am objectively someone who fits this category. I love that you're calling this a slip and I want town to remember that you're calling me out for this post.
To be fair it's a little weird how Frosty thinks that she'd be targeted by a cop and not the doctor, but I feel like it's something to digress a bit. Regardless Frosty was legit just trying to say that it's pretty likely that someone who has played in the past in on the mafia team. I feel like it would have been a little more awkward if they made a conscience effort not to include herself on that list, no? Implicates a shred of confidence to me.

That's just my two cents though.
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Like be so fr rn, Shiny has gone rabid everytime someone wolf leans her; shouldn’t that be indicative of town since she wants to 1. Live past d1 and 2. Gain more perspectives?
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Btw hasn’t Frosty implicated multiple times that they were closely following the last game
is it though
theres a framer and a godfather
Exactly why I asked Dolby for thoughts about framer target.

Also you're right about Shiny, I was replying because I didn't want to ignore them but I could have been nicer.
And I will backtrack and say that while you're still wrong about me, I'm starting to see why you're saying I'm wolf wanting to be town, but you got it backwards. I'm town wanting to be wolf (read). It's a lot harder to find when a wolf is fabricating a push on someone when you don't know they're town, it's much easier when the fabrication is on you so you can actually find the inconsistancies. :lemon:

clearly the FrostyAlmonds train of thought is picking up rather quickly since that reaction to including themselves in the potential mafia list. I also think it's crazy that FrostyAlmonds is claiming this is their first mafia game lol

I literally never said that, I put myself in the group of experienced players. Dolby is correct this is my second game; I played with Betsy and Dolby (and Dan), they can tell you if they thought I was a good first time player or not if that matters to you. But please build your case on me. I wanna hear it.

acutally does anyone else feels this as well
she always comments when she is wolfread, she talked a couple of times abt she should be nk'd, during out argument she felt in the need to prove herself even though i wasnt even talking about her
maybe too early for this but i need to scratch an itch

I'll invite you to built a case on me too if you want. But TBH I don't care about it as much because I think you're town vs Trundle who Im mixed on.

@Dolby are you done mindmelding with me? :(
trying to figure out where i should be looking into next

trying to sort people

ShinyDungeoneer - yes really this high

Unravel - like her posting a lot today


Kinda just feel like I don't have enough in this group

Betsy - Kinda feels like she hasn't really been solving teh game on day two. Looking at her day two posts it feels like there's no town spark and she's looking to get townread more than find imposters

RibbonRibbit - really need to dive deep back on him. On one hand there are a lot of players she is not aligned with and I need to think of what teams can take place. On the other I just think that this slot is wolfy and I do not see why there are so many townreads directed from so many places.
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Frosty hi, Day Two seems like it's gonna be a low energy day for me but I am here
Frosty if there is a framer I'd expect them to go on a lot of the same people a cop would. I guess an important question to consider would be who mafia might have thought the cop was, and where that cop would likely go on N1, however we are getting into weeds where quite frankly it probably is ultimately harmful to talk further about it
yooo frosty o/

did you reread? ik u said u had a lot of homework
I also think it's crazy that FrostyAlmonds is claiming this is their first mafia game lol
even if she did that only means first game on here. this is only my second game on here and i have years of mafia

this isn’t my focus rn, i think i skipped over the zinnia bw and im missing something. i’m gonna look into those players again
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@unravel are you around at all

i wanna go back and forth w you for a bit
Think I slipped or I have a plan and this is all calculated?
Frosty I don't think I like how you engaged with Radical on it. I don't believe that it was a slip but I felt that you were overdefensive and that town!Radical could plausibly point something like that out

So neither
dolby you said earlier you were thinking about the bws once you saw the correct voting times

any thoughts or did you just forget ab it?