• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons releases on March 20th, 2020

I think it's a nice month to start in because if you play for a year, you have all seasons from start to beginning. I'm a bit upset we have to wait for 9(!!!) more months but at least we have the certainty now that we will get it then. I would be more upset if we still had a 2019 window (like Luigi) and getting the news in september that it will be delayed.
I'm fine with this. I'd rather the game be more polished and also I have more time to save up for a Switch. I kinda hope some neat Animal Crossing themed Switch comes out.
I don't mind the delay. I'd rather have something polished than we can enjoy for years to come. And as others have said, it gives a bit more time to save up for a hopefully AC themed Switch.

I'm still really excited, it looks good so far.
I don't mind the delay! (and I'm glad they actually gave us a release date, even if it was pushed to 2020) I had my doubts at first when I watched the trailer, but the more I watch footage of it, the more the whole look and feel of the game grows on me. I'm excited to see further refinements to it...besides, this is the Animal Crossing mainline game we're going to have to live with for another 6-7 years. I'm just glad I'm content with the games I have atm to keep me occupied until ACNH comes out. Otherwise the wait would be so painful lol.
From what I saw of videos published to YouTube, I am not sure what to think of the previews of “Animal Crossing: New Horizons.” (It is scheduled for release on Friday, March 20, 2020.) I love “New Leaf” so much I was imagining taking it, with the mayor concept, and building on it. So, I am going to let more time pass before strengthening an opinion on “New Horizons.” I figure, here in June 2019, Nintendo needs more time to do its own building of this new version of “Animal Crossing”.
This E3 presentation for me was like eating stale cupcakes. Disappointing, but still good. I personally don't like what I saw so far, so I'm happy they're taking more time to work on it. I'm not sure how much I could possibly like this game as whole, though, since I really don't like islands at all. I like the forest vibe of the previous games... I hope we can do things to make it feel like that. This isn't my cup of tea at all, but they have added nice features and I'm sure there are many more to come. I just want my vibe back.
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Now that we know the theme of the game, a delay makes a lot of sense.

Nobody wants to start a tropical island getaway in the middle of fall or winter. Willing to bet that's one reason for the delay.
Now that we know the theme of the game, a delay makes a lot of sense.

Nobody wants to start a tropical island getaway in the middle of fall or winter. Willing to bet that's one reason for the delay.

I don't think such a detail would make a company decide to waste a half year's sales. Besides, those playing in the Southern Hemisphere will be starting their towns in Fall anyway. :)
I was upset about the delay but once I read the article where Doug Bowser states that they were worried about the quality of life and work/life balance of their workers and how they didn’t want to work them into the ground, so chose to delay the game, I suddenly didn’t care about the delay. That quality of life is so important!
Haven't seen this elsewhere on the forum but the Japanese name for NH is Atsumare Doubutsu No Mori.

Atsumare translates to gathering, both in the sense of collecting stuff and social gatherings.

(Atsumare Made In Wario's the Japanese name of the GameCube Warioware game)
This E3 presentation for me was like eating stale cupcakes. Disappointing, but still good. I personally don't like what I saw so far, so I'm happy they're taking more time to work on it. I'm not sure how much I could possibly like this game as whole, though, since I really don't like islands at all. I like the forest vibe of the previous games... I hope we can do things to make it feel like that. This isn't my cup of tea at all, but they have added nice features and I'm sure there are many more to come. I just want my vibe back.

the vibe will be there for sure i think. they wouldn't stray too far from the original concept of animal crossing - we all know nintendo likes to stay true to original console ideas. the island vibe is cool but the forest vibes will definitely be present on the inside of the island. just like how we have a beach on the outside of our new leaf towns, but the inside is all nice and cozy. also, animal crossing games in the past, and new horizons is no exception, have always been about how we, as players, want it to be. wether that's through how we customize our towns and houses or interact with our villagers, we get to control our town.

i also read an article that says tom nook is pretty smart in this game and he'll go along with whatever vibe you want through this game. if you want the more outdoorsy life, he'll let you do that as long as you keep your town that way (not having big shop built while you're still living in a tent). and then if you want a big bustling island, nook will let you! i think this game holds many opportunities for our customization and we need to wait until more info is released until we decide wether we wanna play or not.
Nine months is the best part of a year away.
It was meant to be out this year.

We've been waiting so long already.
It's disheartening.
I'm not fond of waiting any longer, but as long as the game comes out great, the wait will be fine. I rather have them make a great game and take their time to do so than rush through the whole process and then it being bad. Gonna have to try to find something to do for the next nine months, but I think I'll be OK. XD
Yeah but guys don't be sad because it's only delayed by 3 months (december was the only realistic release month) and it's not nice to start in winter anyway so it's all ok. Better than release a complete unfinished game *Gamefreak i'm looking at you*.
Yeah but guys don't be sad because it's only delayed by 3 months (december was the only realistic release month) and it's not nice to start in winter anyway so it's all ok. Better than release a complete unfinished game *Gamefreak i'm looking at you*.

100% agree.

Even looking back at when it was announced in the last Direct, I could already tell that it would be out November/December this year at the earliest. They didn't have any gameplay to show back then, now 9 months later they have a semi completed game. 9 months from now can make a lot of difference, and I think this game is so promising that 9 months is going to make a hell of a difference. Why put your staff under so much pressure for a crappy outcome when you can announce well-in advance that you need more time? So hearing that it's pushed out 3 months isn't disheartening at all. It's been 7 years, 3 months isn't going to make much of a difference. At least we know that there is a game out there being made for us fans.
Yes and this is much better because they sound pretty confident about the 20 march 2020 release date. That's a lot better than a release window like Luigi's that's still only 2019. You never know if it gets pushed back until you have a release date.
So i'm cnfident they will release it in march. And it's a lot of fun to see new features in the upcoming months!
Yeah but guys don't be sad because it's only delayed by 3 months (december was the only realistic release month) and it's not nice to start in winter anyway so it's all ok. Better than release a complete unfinished game *Gamefreak i'm looking at you*.

It's always better to delay than crunch, in my opinion.

However, there is disappointment to be found in the fact that we will not be able to ring in a new decade in the new Animal Crossing without time-traveling, and now we'll have to wait another 10 years for that. Not a huge thing, but it was something I was immensely looking forward to. Some us like winter too. :p

Regardless, I'll be picking up the game as soon as it's out regardless of the season we end up starting in.
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fittingly enough March 20 is the international day of happiness <3

anyway I'm totally fine with the delay, honestly I'm just happy that we now have a release date! I'm glad that they're taking their employers' health into consideration, and I would rather have a delayed but polished game than a rushed one. (plus after all these years of waiting, 9 months doesn't seem all that long haha)
I love how it looked! I'm so excited!

Especially the part about being able to create our own paths without using custom patterns and everything.
And did you notice the hairstyle with braids? I think it's new!
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