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Animal Crossing: New Leaf Release Date Countdown

It will only be 42 days when I get back off my holiday :3 so I've got 35 days till I go and then I've got a week on holiday. I think time will go slower when I get home :')
'Just' 82 days left for me! I have a app for countdowns on my Iphone :) I like to forget about it once in a while and then remind myself of looking at it, and going wild about the fact that some days have passed!
I just beat the final boss fight in Paper Mario: Sticker Star. Tomorrow, I have intensions to get Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon. Hopefully it'll be a good time-passer.
I think my excitement for Luigi's Mansion is only refueling my excitement for New Leaf. It's nearly painful, because I can't enjoy the Luigi's Mansion release as much as I'd like to because it's not the game I'm really yearning for, although I'm simultaneously fired up about Luigi's Mansion!!! :confused: LinandKo have done such an outstanding job covering the game, but I'd really like to keep some of it unspoiled.
Ah man, the release date is right before E3. I'll just be indulging myself with video games ൬൦ڀ൦൬
Man i can't wait for this game. Besides Yarn Yoshi, this is the game that i am antisapating the most. I have the countdown bookmarked on chrome, just waiting patiently. I have been planning for the big day. I have a few QR code sites bookmarked that have patterns and clothes i will be getting on day one. I know what face i want, and i know what theme i am going for, witch is Earthbound. I can't wait to stick my face through a face board that looks like Ness, or hear the theme of Onett every time i talk to a villager.
I just got really excited when I realised that out of the 82 more days I have to wait.. I'm only in school for 43 of them! That makes the wait feel much better! :D
June is going to be such a good month.

New Leaf's release date. My birthday 2 days later. Then, going out clubbing that weekend to continue celebrating my birthday (I'm turning 19 which is the legal drinking age in Canada), then it's Pride week in Toronto so I'll be going to that, and plus school ends!

So excited. :D
June is going to be such a good month.

New Leaf's release date. My birthday 2 days later. Then, going out clubbing that weekend to continue celebrating my birthday (I'm turning 19 which is the legal drinking age in Canada), then it's Pride week in Toronto so I'll be going to that, and plus school ends!

So excited. :D

Oh wow, that's a lot of stuff.

Your birthday is also on the day of E3 (if your bday is on june 11th) but you probably don't care about that :p
I got Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon! It's awesome! So, there's 76 days to go. Tell me, how are you passing the time? As for me, I'm playing Luigi's Mansion and watching Minecraft videos. Also I'm in school.
Oh wow, that's a lot of stuff.

Your birthday is also on the day of E3 (if your bday is on june 11th) but you probably don't care about that :p

Yes! My birthday is on June 11th. :) I don't especially care about E3, but I'm sure a lot of people are. :p

How am I passing the time? Hmm, just trying to keep my mind off of it I guess. Lately I've been playing Nintendogs + Cats again. I would love to get a new 3DS game to pass the time, but I don't really want to spend my money on that right now.
I am currently studying my butt of at school. I am now only in upper-tier college courses and this semester I took every class that had nothing to do with programming so that I could just dork out for the rest of my stay. I never realized how tediously boring it all would be. I just want to code and drink coffee and eat cup noodles until I pass out!

But I have a countdown on my phone and I am reminded with every text and such. I am so ready for this flippin' game!
But I have a countdown on my phone and I am reminded with every text and such. I am so ready for this flippin' game!

Oh my, wouldn't that make the time seem to go by more slowly if you're constantly reminded how much longer you have to wait? :eek:
Oh my, wouldn't that make the time seem to go by more slowly if you're constantly reminded how much longer you have to wait? :eek:

Not necessarily. I have one on my phone and iPad as well. I don't always look at it daily, so it is a nice surprise when I look at the badge and it is reading 75 days. The last time I looked at it, we were still in the 80s.
Well, I had a bit a scare today. We were given our exam timetable for June, and it turns out we have an English exam June 4th, a Biology Exam June 5th, A Chemistry exam June 11th and a Physics exam June 13th! @.@

However, the bit that worried me was the fact that there, right in front of me, were the words: MATHS EXAM, 9.00 - 10.30am, JUNE 14TH. That got me annoyed and upset because it meant my taking the day off plan was going to go down the drain. :(

HOWEVER, I went to talk to my maths teacher at the end of the day and she told me that Top Set (my class) was exempt from the exam! Yay! :D
Oh my, wouldn't that make the time seem to go by more slowly if you're constantly reminded how much longer you have to wait? :eek:

I currently have so much stuff going on that I don't feel the wait so much. I mean, when I'm sitting down looking at it and nothing else, I absolutely feel the time slow down, but for the most part it's just a daily "YEAH ONLY X MORE DAYS."
For me, time is moving by super fast because I've got a portfolio show on April 18 that I have been busy preparing for, and then I graduate May 5th (so many assignments to finish!). After that, I'll only have about a month to wait, which will be spent on post-graduation stuff (like looking for a design job). XD
March did fly by for me! But April and May will be horribly slow. Dealing with classes, and then the waiting game once classes end on 5/9. At the moment I'm playing City Folk and HM: A Tale of Two Towns 3DS to occupy my spare time. ><
I do keep myself busy though so until the last month before hand, it'll be a daily sigh of only _ more days. :l