Happy 20th birthday, Animal Crossing! I started playing about 8 years ago, and wow does time fly. I remember being super excited to play online for the first time in NL, along with so many other memories!
Thank you, staff, for hosting this kind giveaway! I love that everybody gets a prize of some sort. Congrats for having the forum open for so long to see four new games release!
20 years! i only started playing when new leaf came out, but i cherish so many memories that i’ve made thanks to the series. i hope i can continue playing and making memories for years to come.
and ofc thank you to the admins for hosting this giveaway!
Voted for the New Leaf lineup because I love the house collectibles a lot!
Thank you for this giveaway, it's really kind of you guys! Happy 20 years to Animal Crossing, you've changed my life for the better and I couldn't be happier. ❤
I voted New Horizons, but it was really a tie for New Horizons and New Leaf! Can’t believe I’ve been playing since New Leaf, and happy 20 years Animal Crossing!!
Happy Anniversary! My favorite memories from early Animal Crossing (on game cube!) were: the dump, burying trash, using the post office for extra storage, and laying out paths for acre borders so i could (finally) get a perfect town score, and mostly- the music!
I only discovered this forum playing New Horizons, and really love it.
Happy birthday animal crossing!!! You’ve been around since before I was born so growing up youve been there with me. Playing wild world with my sister growing up was literally my childhood lol
New Horizons is my first Animal Crossing game and it has made me a fan of the series. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the franchise and I'm eager to be part of it. Although the franchise was already a big-one sales wise, I'm also hyped to see how much higher NH can go!
Even if I end up playing less and less NH as time goes by, this game will always hold a special place on my heart. Not only because I've loved the awesome world it introduced me to, but because it is the first videogame my mom has truly played- sharing my love with videogames with her has been amazing.
Congrats to the TBT staff team for keeping the forum for so long!
Here's to another 20+ years of Animal Crossing. If they ever do a Pokémon Crossing spin-off I'm going to die.
Thank you, Jeremy and staff!! Awesome giveaway!! HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY
I have played Animal Crossing on every platform since it was released (please bow to my ancientness )
I remember when my sister first told me that I need to play this new game and I said meh ... little did I know that would become well and truly hooked for life! I chose City Folk for nostalgia (because of the friends and fam I played obsessively with - GameCube) but I love every category!!
I lurked around on the forum for a long time before joining in 2014 ... I am absolutely loving New Horizons and ridiculously happy about every update!! I will probably die with my Switch in my hands - don’t be shocked that’s a happy prospect! LOL
Happy 20th anniversary!! and thanks for the giveaway!~ My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World, which was a big part of my childhood. There’s some stuff that i’ll never forget such as how savage Resetti was and shooting down Gulliver’s ufo lol. I’ll always cherish those memories I had spending all-nighters playing the game and working on my town. I’m glad New leaf and New Horizons was able to let me experience that feeling of discovering something new for the first time again, while also giving a sense of familiarity.