Are any of you going to have extra characters?

I'm having 3 other characters as well as Katie (named after myself) as mayor.
One will be called Sam (after Sam Winchester),
Another called Gerard (after Gerard Way),
and I'm still thinking of a third name.
At first I wasn't planning on more characters. However I have a few ideas as to what to do with the extra buildings so I think I will. I always have a character named Bottom to store and lay paths with.
Ouais! I'll probably have the max amount. It'll be a long way off, though. I want to fully upgrade my main character's house before doing anything else.
Once I really get established (...Or when I completely run out of storage) I will consider making a second character named Grace.
Just for curb appeal and interior design.
I intend on having atleast 1 other who will stay in a tent next to the campsite, and I can then abuse their pattern and locker storage.
I don't know about others, I'll have 2 towns, so that's already 2 houses to fill. I'll probably attempt to fill an entire house with 1 furniture series just remade differently for each room.
I don't have any names planned though, I'll just come up with something at the time.
I'll have me (Not sure if I should go with my real name, Netbook or RobloNet) and someone with path patterns, called Derp :3
This'll be my first time with paths though. Still not sure if I should bother... :confused:
Yup, I think I'll make an extra character or two after playing with my main one for a while. I like thinking of the extra houses as my main character's spare houses heh.
I'm going to have myself as mayor.
Next, my brother and sister will each have a character.
The last one will be for a path. I will also use the extra's house for some kind of decoration possibly.
I'm going to be mayor only. I'm not letting my little siblings even think about playing my NL(when I get it), and the having extra characters plan back-fired in WW because I was pretty much using Hobbes(My main character).
I will only have one character, the mayor. The reason is that in Wild World I had multiple characters, and it confused me. I never knew what to donate to the museum, or what the museum needed. Also, I always forgot who did what in the day and what their catalog had. In the end, I only played as one of them, because playing with more was too confusing. And I always got duplicates of music... -.-
I'll be definitely using 4 characters per town. They aren't usually shared with others, so I use them to get multiple items per event and gain some extra rooms to put more stuffs I gather. I could use them for more patterns on the ground.
omg my town is gonna be called Kansas and my other 3 chars are sam dean and cas x)

Awesome! I assume you're changing the theme song as well, if your town name is Kansas :D

For my town, I want to make it more interesting for people if they visit through the Dream Suite. In the past I always played one character, myself, but I'm treating this version as more of an RPG. In order to make it less confusing for me as the player, I'll use game notes when necessary and take the mayor's duties very seriously! So she's the only one who gets to donate to the museum, except for artwork, which will all be donated by my artist character.

I just love the option to have lots of space to decorate, extra space for patterns, being able to showcase more music, and have a themed town. I think of my town as sort of a Steampunk/Dr. Doolittle mashup. So my mayor will be the kooky doctor-type, who loves music. Then I will have a boy character who's an artist/inventor, and then another girl who is an archaeologist/scientist. She'll have a fossil dig in her basement, and make some science-related museum displays for live visitors.
No, I end up making them and then play them every few weeks so it's not even worth making them.
Might as well... I'll have my Mayor character, or course...

My second character will be called Xylia, who's gonna be a geeky Goth girl, who lives on coffee. Her location will be near the railroad tracks.

My third character will be a hippie girl called Treela. She's gonna be in charge of orchards, and the like, and run a fruit orchard.

My fourth character will be a male meteorologist, who studies the weather patterns in his highly-technological basement. He barely cleans his house, due to his main furniture series being the Sloppy Series. (He also has that machine we thought was a beehive, as well as a satellite dish near his house.)
Yes, I have it all planned out, actually. All 4 characters are Female and based off of OC's. And they represent four arts - Painting, music, literature, and film. Also, their names are either fruit or fruit-based puns. And each of their houses will have their own unique style.

Cherry - The mayor. She represents painting. Darker blonde hair, darker blue eyes.
Lema - She represents music. Her hair colors will cycle between red, black, and light blonde. Her eyes will be the lightest shade of brown.
Mayago - She represents literature. She is also the most tomboyish. Her hair will be orange, and her eyes will be black.
Coco - She represents film. She's into zombies hardcore, too. Her hair will be brown, and her eyes will be black or brown.
I only plan to have one character, myself (as mayor). I don't see the point in making other characters if you're the only one playing.
I'll have different characters for different traits of my (the mayor's) personality and their homes and clothes will be based off of these personalities.