Are any of you going to have extra characters?

Yes, so I can have extra event items to trade with people in different regions n_n
I'm planning on making an island themed character as well as my mayor.
Hah! Me too! Apparently my name has a Hawaiian version (even though my name is firmly Irish/European...), so I am going to make a character just for the Island that I am going to let tan.
Ill make more characters sure, but I might not play with them. They may only be design holders
Yeah, but just for extra patterns and things like that :3 I won't be playing them regularly or anything.
I'd like to avoid multiple characters. I get kind of annoyed when villagers ask you to tell the other character to do something... especially since that other character might just be my pattern holder.
If I do have another character, it would be for holding patterns... or just for fun out of boredom.
But like I said, I'm going to try and avoid having multiple characters.
if I get really bored I might start another character, or if I need more patterns, but other than that probably not. More space for community projects and flowers that way :p
My main character will be my OC maybe because I like to think that she's the mayor. :p

Although, I have a feeling I should create another character - who will be male - for multiplayer purposes. I don't want people who I play with on the Internet to think and assume that I'm a girl (on City Folk, some freaked out when I told them that I'm actually a guy) and people via locally to think that I'm weird for playing as an opposite gender to myself. I'll name him after my Internet name: peenB2. :I

The second (or third) character will be my twin brother.
Lol, why would people be so freaked out? I don't think it's weird at all. Play as both genders! That's what I always do.
I really just want to keep it as mayor only since I'm kind of OCD about these things and I don't like having characters I won't use, but I might have to have more characters for patterns.
I'll have multiple characters for paths and patterns most likely. Also just like having more homes in the town to look pretty and give visitors something to look at
I will, for patterns and storage

This. I'll probably only make 2 characters total (mayor + 1 more) though. I'll probably only make the last 2 if I'm really desperate for space. Since you have the extra rooms in the museum now, maybe storage won't be too bad. Maybe.
I'll have one male character as mayor
and then a female character
I'll have one male character as mayor
and then a female character

Yep, that's what I think I'm going to do. But I haven't decided which is going to be the mayor yet.

I don't want more than 2 characters because then I won't really use them. And then you'll have the townies asking where x person is all the time. At least, I had that in GC and WW. Got old.
Yes yes yes :) making the three others for houses I can create.. I want something interesting for people to see like that. I'm still brain storming ideas, but it'll be great.
I'll make one guy be myself, the mayor. One person's going to be a ranger or forester or whatever it's called and he is going to live in my forest/camping type of area.
The third is probably going to be some kind of restaurant with gyroids as guests and waitresses.
The fourth slot is still open then i guess :)