Are any of you going to have extra characters?

I'm going to make a second character based of a friend of mine so he can live in my town. My wife is going to do the same since she'll have her own game.
Basically, we can upgrade a second house to showcase furniture sets and turn into a hangout spot, like a club.
Should be fun!
Later in the game, I'll have other characters just so I can have the extra house space for my community houses, like the hospital, etc.

I know one will definitely be my boyfriend though. When we move together, I'll make a Mii based off him with the 3DS camera and then he'll be in my game with the Mii Mask maybe.
I'll have some extra characters for paths. I intend to have plenty of pathways in my town but I always need to have my QR outfits on my main character. >: I might decorate their houses too.
Once I run out of storage space for the mayor character
I'll have two characters.

Bri, the mayor, my main character! Then I'll have another character or two for path holding/storage. They will forever live in a tent by my little campsite. xD
I don't see the point tbh, I'd rather work on one particular character, and if storage really becomes a problem, I might make a second character, but I doubt it as I've never done it before.
So far I've only planned on having one extra character. My mayor will be female so I'd like to have a male character too.
I will at least have one other character. I like the idea of having another house with more rooms to design! Also, like the poster before me, I like having a character of each gender.
I will eventually make extra characters, but not for a while. I'm going to heavily focus on my main character, and only create additional ones as I need them, or as I unlock more things in my town. It'll be a distraction if I do that early on, but if I wait a bit, that will work out nicely for me. :)
I mean, the only problem I could see with having multiple characters is how much it's going to cost to fully upgrade their houses, and I'll only do that after I fully upgrade my own. I mean, for all four villagers it'll be 30,383,200 to fully upgrade. Oh well. I know I'll definitely be using my other characters for storage. If there's this many unorderable items in the game, I've gotta store them somewhere. Does anybody know how much you can store in a single storage unit?
I want to make besides my main character three others: Mami, Homura and Kyoko... just because I love Puella magi madoka magica! I have made them with the mii creator ;) But maybe I'll go with another Anime or Manga not sure about it
I mean, the only problem I could see with having multiple characters is how much it's going to cost to fully upgrade their houses, and I'll only do that after I fully upgrade my own. I mean, for all four villagers it'll be 30,383,200 to fully upgrade. Oh well. I know I'll definitely be using my other characters for storage. If there's this many unorderable items in the game, I've gotta store them somewhere. Does anybody know how much you can store in a single storage unit?

Each character gets 180 spaces in their storage. ;)
I wasn't going to bother, but does each character get their own storage space? If I opened the wardrobe for my second character, it wouldn't have all the stuff already stored by the mayor for example? Coz that would tempt me to make another character for the first time ever!

(Just like how if you open your fridge and your wardrobe and your bureau they all contain the same things)
I wasn't going to bother, but does each character get their own storage space? If I opened the wardrobe for my second character, it wouldn't have all the stuff already stored by the mayor for example? Coz that would tempt me to make another character for the first time ever!

(Just like how if you open your fridge and your wardrobe and your bureau they all contain the same things)

Each character has their own storage space. It's been like that since GameCube, and if Nintendo changed that now, it'd be a disaster.
There are lots of benefits of having more than one character. I am going to make all 4. That way I can get their tents in before other animals move in. Im going to display full sets of furniture in their rooms. so that way I can have 24 different themed rooms in my town. Or even 4 more if you count the museum rooms.

Also with extra characters you can have their patterns displayed in your towns. So you have lots of pattern space to have paths and murals without taking up your main characters slots.

There is one more reason I want to have more characters. Im not sure if this works yet so let me know if it does or doesnt. But if you have more than one human in your town when you get the BEST BUY items or other DLC all the characters get one right? so that way you can have some extras for decorating or trading!

I also plan on making my town a theme town once I do everything in the game so people have something fun to look at with my dream code. So I want to have my characters look like mario, luigi, toad and Princess Peach haha.

A bad thing though that I dont like about multi characters is when your playing you main, the animal villagers will talk about your other characters. like you can play as your new character just once, and then your favorite animal will talk about how the other character is their best friend... WTF
I will probably make a second character based off my boyfriend. He's gonna live in a tent forever and hold my patters for me LOL.
I only ever use extra characters for storage. It's great you can have a house for each one now, but I'm also very excited about the museum wings, so I'll probably be more likely to display collections and themed rooms there.