Senior Member
Yeah, it makes a lot more sense than "you know what's a good idea? Let's drop a paid dlc the same day we're dropping a huge free update!". Like, marketing-wise, you would want to make people feel the desire/need to buy new content asap. Right now, it's not the case. With so much content added for free, it would be reasonable for most people to just wait a few months before feeling the need to spend 25USD on more content, as they haven't even experienced the free content.
ACNH reached a bigger audience than it's predecessors, so we can assume that most people aren't "hardcore" AC players (which are the people who usually get DLCs on day one and buy most/all additional content). By dropping both updates at the same time, you're not encouraging people to buy the paid dlc as soon as possible. It's really not the smartest business decision I've seen, but Nintendo has a very laughable track record when it comes to decisions like this so I can't say I'm exactly surprised here.
IMO they picked the best possible time to release the DLC. They softened the blow of a paid DLC by first introducing a whole bunch of free content that people have been asking for. The reignited hype of AC will be at its peak on that week of Nov 5th but you can be sure in the following weeks lots of people will be bored and say there’s no content again, it’s the nature of the game. Its more likely people will buy into the hype and the trends and purchase the DLC asap rather than when the fire has cooled a month or two later and people have moved on to the next hot thing. The lure of getting those new furnitures more easily using the new HHP currency as compared to the few items you can get from Nook everyday will be huge as lots of people have been flattening and restarting their islands in preparation for the update. Although just a small sample size, all the polls I’ve seen asking whether they will be buying the DLC, majority is always in the yes. I think the DLC will do very well.