Difficult topic. All this talk about right or wrong, valid or unvalid.....
It normally isn't a black and white issue like that. Besides that, who decides what is valid/right and what isn't?
This talk about change when you hit 18.... 18 can be just a day older then 17. What makes it so wrong to argue before that? Or for that matter, what makes it ok after you turn 18?
We try to logically place rules on matters of the heart. In the end the rules don't decide whether it is right or wrong, but a childs nature & nurture.
I've had arguements with my parents since as long as I can remember. I consider them valid points of arguement, based on the ethics I was raised upon and the nature that lies within me. Nonetheless, everything aside, I love my parents to death. I'm not perfect, they are not perfect. the way I was brought up, argueing means you care enough to be involved in eachothers life. The love means that when push comes to shove, I stand side by side with my parents, as they stand by my sister and me. As flawed as we all are (and boy are we), we are a family. I wouldn't want anyone else in their place.
Argueing is part of becoming an adult. Its a way of comfirming ones identity and fighting to preserve it. The manner in which you argue and the topics you choose are so grey area because of its many factors, its impossible to genrrally state whats right or wrong.
Ofcourse still fun to debate and take in account I haven't slept for to long.