Arguing With Parents?

Is it okay to argue with your parents?

  • Yes!Freedom of speech!

    Votes: 90 86.5%
  • No,shut up children!

    Votes: 14 13.5%

  • Total voters
I think its okay SOMETIMES but not all the time. You should definitely have big mad respect for your parents but if something is super unfair or its making you uncomfortable please speak out. Make sure you do it in a kind respectful way though! It really hurts me when my friends try to say something really important to them but sadly they communicate it in an ineffective way making their parents sad. I on the other hand would never even think of arguing with my parents because I do everything they say and I trust them alot!
I think it’s reasonable sometimes. I don’t get along with my mom at all and I have no problem letting her know how I feel. She’s not very supportive of my long term goals and it kills my confidence. My stress levels are high when I’m around her which is why I avoid her as much as possible. There’s no problem in blocking out toxic relationships, even if they are your parents.
To a certain extent, yes it is.
It is important for us to speak from our view. Parents should not silence their children (whether they are a child or an adult). We deserve to have a say in things when having a discussion with our parents.

And I hate to be the one to say it, but not all parents deserve respect. ^^;;
I did but my parents were in the wrong and I still think so to this day.
Aside from circumstances like that, I think it is generally healthy to have open communication which would include disagreeing and arguing. After all, offspring are individual humans with feelings and thoughts too, not mindless minions. Parents should acknowledge they are raising kids into adults, to be adults, not managing children forever.

Just know there is a right way and wrong way to approach arguing and there are costs. In other words, pick your battles.
Of course it is okay to argue with your parents, as long as you talk to them in a respectful way. I usually don’t have to argue with mine, though. They‘re very supportive and understanding.
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i argued with my mom all the time because she's a terrible person and we never got along. i moved out and cut contact with her and boy, is my blood pressure much better. in a perfect world if i had a mom that was responsible and loving, i don't think i ever would have argued with her. i don't argue with my dad cause he's super great and actually hears me out on what i wanna say without getting defensive or blaming me.

sometimes arguments are just unavoidable. this includes arguments with your parents. and i don't believe at all that you shouldn't argue with your parents. obviously, dont act like a brat, but stand up for yourself and let yourself be heard. children are not submissive little punching bags and maids.

i'm getting off topic now. tl'dr ya i argue(d) with my mom cause i hate her. not my dad cause hes cool. simple as.
Yes, I think it's okay to argue. After all, I want to justify myself and state my opinions. Not like I can, though. My parents think they're always right, even when they're not. :rolleyes: Sometimes I feel like they like to pick fights and drag on the argument. I always ask them why they won't let me explain, and their resposne is: "Because you're a kid, you don't need to." I find that very ludicrous. (Okay, I'm gonna stop before this turns into a rant.)
It depends on the topic and whether your parents are being reasonable. As a kid and teen I sometimes argued with them about bed times and life choices. More often than not they were right. I wasn't ready to travel to New York at 14, I should've started at a community college first, and that restaurant job was a terrible idea. They were reasonable about all of those things and I blew them off because I wanted my way. With hindsight I can say that. That being said, some parents aren't reasonable. I had friends who would get into arguments with their parents for perfectly valid reasons. Sometimes arguments just happen. I would just say don't stoop too low and try to think from both people's perspectives.
trying to argue with or have any sort of serious mature conversation with either of my parents has always been futile for me. my mother has always been too emotionally and mentally unstable to parent me, let alone listen to anything i have to say, so anything that she deems to be negative or criticism towards her is met with “i’m sorry i’m such a horrible mother”, “i’ll just leave then and then everyone will be happy”, “i won’t do anything anymore/i’ll just die”, or something else along those lines. it doesn’t matter what the conversation is about or how i approach it; i could be calm and rational, or upset and crying, or angry and yelling and i’d still be met with the same response every time. because of this, i bottle up my feelings where she’s concerned. it works out for her because she doesn’t have to deal with me emotionally, but i’m unable to tell her when she’s hurt or misjudged me, when something serious is going on and i need her help, when i’m struggling mentally or physically, etc, and that doesn’t work for me. i can’t tell her how her fits of rage make me feel unsafe and uncomfortable in my own home, or how i’m on the verge of having to drop out of high school, and that sucks. i can’t rely on or talk to my own mother, and that makes me feel unable to rely on or talk to anyone. plus, whenever i do finally have to talk to her about my feelings or a situation, she thinks it’s sudden or that it’s coming out of nowhere when it’s not — i suffer alone for days or weeks at a time so that i don’t have to deal with her trying to manipulate me, make me feel worse or saying/doing the wrong thing again. i’m not sure if it’s done intentionally or if she’s just responding the only way she knows how, but it still hurts and is incredibly frustrating lol.

my father isn’t any better, unfortunately. he’s an angry, emotionally absent man, and has been for as long as i can remember. going to my mother about my feelings or things i’m dealing with/going through is favorable compared to going to him. everything is always a competition with him. i can’t be tired or grumpy because i’m running on only 4 hours of sleep because he only got 3 hours of sleep. i can’t complain about the food poisoning i got back in march because while he didn’t get sick, his food tasted gross, and that’s obviously worse than me being physically ill from what i ate for almost a week. i can’t be in pain because his knee hurts. i can’t be mentally ill because that’s inconvenient to him. me not knowing how to do anything is an inconvenience to him, and yet so is teaching me. his response to pretty much anything, good or bad, is jealousy, anger or indifference. i’m nervous about telling him about things i’m happy about or proud of, like getting a good grade in school or making a phone call by myself, because if it doesn’t directly involve or benefit him, or it’s confusing to him, it’s either not good enough or he says/does something that ruins it. whenever my mother tries to talk to him about her friends or something she saw/read, he interrupts her with “i don’t care,” and yet we always have to listen to everything he has to say. you can’t talk about a common interest with him without him getting overexcited and yelling at you, especially if you have an opinion that’s different from his. hell, i can’t even tell him that i’m taking a day off from school without him stomping around the house and slamming **** for the rest of the day.

communicating with my parents is impossible, but they’re not any better at communicating with each other. arguing with each other usually consists of us yelling/screaming, ignoring whoever we were arguing with for a few hours or days, and then breaking the ice and pretending like it didn’t happen until the next argument arises. no argument or problem ever gets resolved because of this, tension and resentment is always high (especially on my end), and i have no idea how to communicate with or resolve arguments with other people; i either just ignore them or the problem at hand until i blow up, or we do talk about it but i still keep my mouth shut, which results in the same outcome. i’m also always terrified of having a disagreement or argument with someone else, like a friend, because i think they’ll respond to me in the same way that my parents do. 🙃 it sucks lmao.

kids should be able to talk to, and argue with, their parents about pretty much anything imo. a relationship doesn’t work without communication, and that doesn’t just apply to platonic or romantic ones — it applies to familial relationships as well. kids having their legitimate questions be shot down with “because” or “because i said so”, or being prevented from responding during an argument with “don’t talk back to me” so that the parents always have the final word and don’t have to hear their kid out has always bothered me. i think some arguments are non-negotiable, but i think everything can be talked about, and i think kids have the right to ask their parents why their answer is what it is. kids also have the right to talk to their parents about things that are bothering them, even if the thing that’s bothering them is the parents themselves. people have the right to talk and be heard, even when it’s with their parents. having any kind of authority over someone doesn’t mean you don’t have to listen to what they have to say.

i’m tired so i have no idea if any of this even made sense lmao, but yes, i think kids should be able to ‘argue with’ or talk to their parents about things. even if the argument is about something non-negotiable/the parent considers to be nonsense (ex. a 9-year-old wanting to get a tattoo 💀), communication is still important and things are always worth being discussed. not talking to or hearing your kids out will strain your relationship with them. they’re relying on you to teach them how to communicate from the moment they’re born, and shutting them down, tuning them out or not knowing how to regulate your emotions enough to have serious conversations is not the way to go about it.

tldr; yes lol.
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I would never have dared to argue with my parents. I never felt listened to or important.

As a parent, I have always tried to listen and understand. Maybe it’s different being a single parent but we have always been a team. In any decision I had the deciding vote but my sons opinion was listened to.

Now I feel that I am learning. I feel very lucky to not only have an amazing son who is clever and kind. I have learned so much from him.
I also like to add that it's important for parents to be forgiving and move on. This can also apply to other aspects of life as well. It's been over a week since the incident between my dad and he still doesn't want to talk to me when I want to move on. I'm trying to make things right again, but it's sad and honestly infuriating when I'm straight up being ignored. Like, I just want to be happy with him again. Thankfully, I'm fine with my mom and she's not the one who holds grudges against others... Even if my feelings aren't being validated most of the time.

I don't think I'll become a parent in the future but if I do, I want to let my child have their voices heard to have a healthy relationship with them. Most importantly, I'd let them express their emotions and ask why they'd feel that way to understand them. Disagreements can happen, but it's better than to be shut down and assert dominance to have the last word.
I would never have dared to argue with my parents. I never felt listened to or important.

As a parent, I have always tried to listen and understand. Maybe it’s different being a single parent but we have always been a team. In any decision I had the deciding vote but my sons opinion was listened to.

Now I feel that I am learning. I feel very lucky to not only have an amazing son who is clever and kind. I have learned so much from him.
I don't know why, but it warms my heart that you learned a lot from your son. It's great that you're getting along with him so well. 🥺