ask the below user a question!

Back in my 9th grade gym class, we were playing volleyball. One of the classmates on the opposing team (who also happened to be in every single one of my 6-hour classes) decided to goof off by forcefully spiking the ball with a great amount of force and it lodged itself into the overhead beams. All of us were dying laughing, though that student ended up earning a detention for his actions. Legend says that ball is still in that same spot to this day.

Let's keep it going... same question?
Oh God, I finally have a chance to talk about this. I wasn’t involved, but when I was in the first grade, one of the students rubbed a dead bird on his skin. 😂😂😂

Then there was a time during my senior year — my choir teacher was talking to us about certain stuff like making ends meet, living on our own, and one of my classmates I had randomly shouted “Ramen noodles every night!” and after a few minutes, everyone just started laughing, including the teacher himself. 😂😂😂

do you like your current living situation?
It’s fine. The only thing I don’t like about it is that I don’t have a room. I could go on and on about this, but I’m just gonna cap it off by saying that I share a room with my sister and she can be real annoying.

What are your thoughts on noise-cancelling headphones?
For breakfast I had toast and a cup of tea.

What was the last thing you ate? 💜
I drink Sprite on a semi-daily basis.

Do you like any songs from a genre you typically don't like?
My least favorite genres are rap and pop, but there are a few select songs/artists I like from those genres. Basically I like the well-known songs from Eminem and Lady Gaga.

Same question?
Yes, there are certainly some songs I like that are from genres/styles that I typically don't like or care for much. One example would be "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People. Good song (even if it's about something disturbing), not-so-good genre (Indie Pop? No thanks!).

Same question!
Sometimes I think about how nice it would be to live in a city. I don't mind people (that much) and I wish we actually lived in walking distance to places. Living rural means I'm basically stuck in the house aside from my obligations. Because we live in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes I just want to go roam freely.

Favorite animal crossing game?
New Horizons. (It’s my first and only Animal Crossing game, but I think even if I played the others, it would be my favorite for sentimental reasons.)

Have you ever bought food from HomeGoods? (I have had some of the candy and chocolate pirouette sticks. They’re actually pretty good!)
I don't think there are any of those near me LOL
I just looked it up, and the closest one is over an hour away, so no lol

Do you like going for walks?
Yes I do! Walking is really relaxing and an easier way to force myself to get some exercise in. I also like walking to clear my head or reset my mood.

What’s something good that has happened to you today?
I ended up winning the 50/50 for Qingyi in Zenless Zone Zero! Honestly wasn't expecting it.

Same question?
Hmm, I enjoyed being able to work on my colouring for a little bit this morning! And I had a nice breakfast.

What field do you work in?
Actually I'm on disability.

Who's your favorite antagonist?
Mine would have to be Doofenshmirtz (from Phineas & Ferb) for how hilariously bad he is at trying to be evil. His origin stories are pretty ridiculous as well; the man is simply the most disorganized villain of all time. If he and Perry the Platypus had their own show without all the musical numbers, I'd totally watch it. Also, how come the Danville cops just let him own a skyscraper in downtown with the words "Evil Incorporated" on it? The world may never know...

Do you like LEGO's? If so, what's your favorite theme set?