ask the below user a question!

Hmm. Probably the Sony app that came with my mirrorless camera, it's poorly designed and when I had it on my phone, it would auto connect to my camera, draining the battery.

Is there something you watch or listen to to relax?
Well that depends,

The *Eleven Kingdom theme* from SOT puts me easily at ease.

Another would be *Emotion* from Pokemon Black/white*
But I also sometimes just listen to the birds outside, and it relaxes me too. So it depends.

Favorite type of tea?
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No, unless writing counts. ;w;

Same question?
I feel like writing is definitely a form of art! Don't sell yourself short. I like the write myself. It can be a fun and creative hobby. I used to draw, but need to get back into it. I also like to restore different things to their former glory. I feel like that is a form of art to.

What is your favorite type of vacation?
I feel like writing is definitely a form of art! Don't sell yourself short. I like the write myself. It can be a fun and creative hobby. I used to draw, but need to get back into it. I also like to restore different things to their former glory. I feel like that is a form of art to.

What is your favorite type of vacation?
Oh, well thank you! I was unsure if writing was even considered art because I always thought of it as drawing and such. But I love writing! :]

And I love vacations, as in "breaks from school". I'm always sad when it's over. TwT
There’s no question, so I’ll answer the one about vacations.
I love vacations that allow me to travel very long distances and spend the most amount of time possible on a train.

What is your favorite anime?
Probably Kingdom hearts 2, I think the over all series is alright, but fighting against accertain character, and then seeing them, ya know.. i couldnt handle it.

I like to think Im pretty strong, and I sont usually cry in games. But this one I did. Esspecially when they showed it again in the credits xD

Are you still into anything that you liked as a kid?
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Not really. I did like Pokémon and I still do like it but not to that extent. I also liked Total Drama and I still rewatch it sometimes, although it did get worse as the seasons progressed. Other than that, my interests changed big time.

Do you like school as a kid?
I'm not a kid, so that question makes 0 logical sense to me.

But when I was a kid, I hated it. :]

Which do you prefer, school or working?
I'm not a kid, so that question makes 0 logical sense to me.

But when I was a kid, I hated it. :]

Which do you prefer, school or working?
Lol, I worded that question weirdly. 🙃

I prefer working by a long shot.

What song most describes the situation you’re currently in?
I am not sure, but it would probably be a song about getting back to normality and being able to do the things I need to do.

Favorite author?
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I'm not a kid, so that question makes 0 logical sense to me.

But when I was a kid, I hated it. :]

Which do you prefer, school or working?
I believe she meant "did", not "do". ^^ :p