Bell Tree you been warned

Pie_Or_Die said:
i have the best idea of all ideas

ok so if their IP is constantly changing

TBT admins can see the ip change also

so if one of our members ip keeps changing

there is our spammer

if none of ours changes

its not one of our members
That is a wonderful idea. FDT_ADMIN, I will keep you informed, okay?
Hold on for second... FDT_ADMIN, what was the screen-name of the person spamming at your forums?
hold on

but Tornado kirby is the founder

and he is a outstanding member of our community


oo nice i just did that work of art l ike right now


im bored

and also i think tornado kirby should tell us the specs

it would make moer sence eh
For whoever did thsi if they did i have one question.........
888    888 888       .d8888b. 
888  o  888 888       d88P Y88b 
888 d8b 888 888         .d88P 
888 d888b 888 88888b. 888 888 .d88P" 
888d88888b888 888 "88b 888 888 888"  
88888P Y88888 888 888 888 888 888   
8888P  Y8888 888 888 Y88b 888     
888P   Y888 888 888 "Y88888 888   
            Y8b d88P     
I thiink I got an email on this.

Look if there password was stolen tell them to change there password.

If they hacked through HTML then stop letting them use it.

Also, threats like that basicly break the ToS so the ironic thing is, if you try to do somthing, your board might be deleted.
BAMBAM! said:
I thiink I got an email on this.

Look if there password was stolen tell them to change there password.

If they hacked through HTML then stop letting them use it.

Also, threats like that basicly break the ToS so the ironic thing is, if you try to do somthing, your board might be deleted.
Why did you get an email?