Besting Blunders

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Senior Moderator
Jun 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Green Bunny Balloon
Yellow Bunny Balloon
Orange Bunny Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon


To create a short story between 500-2000 words using the following prompt:

While preparing for (or during) a social event something goes wrong. Show how your protagonist overcomes this obstacle and saves the day.

Your entry must be a complete short story: no poetry, scripts, or a chapter of a larger piece of work. Entries must be fiction; no non-fiction or personal accounts. The only fan fiction permitted is Animal Crossing. Completely original works are accepted.


  • Only one entry per person and entries must be your own work.
  • You may not use AI to write the story for you.
  • You cannot collaborate with another person whether or not they are a TBT member.
  • Must be a brand new piece of writing.
  • Serious entries only please. If we think your entry lacks effort, or has just been submitted as a joke, then it will be disqualified.
  • Keep content suitable for a PG-13 audience. If it would breach our Rules & Guidelines then it is not suitable here.
  • Entries that go outside of the word count guideline will be automatically disqualified. Word count often differs between word processors, so we will be using this word count tool as the official guide for this event. Please use this to check the length of your entry before submitting it.

How to Submit

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday 25th August 2024.

Submission Checklist:
✅ Your entry meets the prompt.​
✅ Your entry is between 500-2000 words in length.​
✅ It is no later than 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday 25th August 2024.​


  • First Place:
    • 96 Tickets
    • Rainbow Birthday Bouquet collectible
    • Gold Trophy Collectible

  • Second Place:
    • 72 Tickets
    • Rainbow Birthday Bouquet collectible
    • Silver Trophy Collectible

  • Third Place:
    • 48 Tickets
    • Rainbow Birthday Bouquet collectible
    • Bronze Trophy Collectible

  • Nominee:
    • 6 Tickets and 6 Throwback Tickets

  • Participation:
    • 12 Tickets and 12 Throwback Tickets

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who will decide who wins? The staff or members' votes?
A. The staff will vote internally to nominate entries. The entries with the most staff votes will then go forward to a public poll. The recipients for the first, second, and third place prizes will then be decided on by the community.
Last edited:
Today was the day that the little island of Cherrytown was going to be celebrating its anniversary of founding day! Each villager was to bring a food item to bring with them to the potluck being held outside in front of the Plaza. KK Slider was specially invited to bang out a few tunes and at as DJ for the event. There were even rumours that Dr. Shrunk might be visiting from in town!

In order for every villager to bring something different so that not everyone was bringing the same item, a community chart was made and put up on the notice board ahead of time. Bunnie had suggested to bring an apple pie. Tangy volunteered to bring orange jello. Cheddar offered to bring a charcuterie board with different types of cheeses. Others voiced aloud what they were bringing and it was written town.

The big day came and Maple was tasked with bringing in candies in the shape of maple leafs. This seemed like quite a conundrum for Maple as she didn't know the first time to be able to make candies. She looked up a recipe and realized that it wasn't something she could make right away. She went to visit Leif to inquire about getting some sugarcane starters. Yet, each time she went to visit, there was always seeds she didn't want. On one day, Leif had pumpkin and carrot starters. That wasn't what she needed! On another day, it was wheat and tomatoes. She supposed she could get some wheat starters to be cultivated to be made into sugar and flour once she acquired the necessary sugarcane. Maple patiently waited and on the third day, Leif happily informed her that he had sugarcane starters. Hurray!

With the seeds in her paws, she quickly went to the community garden to plant the wheat and sugarcane seedlings. It would take some time before they were ready to be harvested. Maple diligently went to water the plants and even her neighbour's plants in the community garden. What a nice Maple bear she was! She checked on them frequently to make sure they were growing nicely.

Finally, on the third day, the sugarcane and wheat were ready to be harvested. Maple was thankful she didn't have to buy an axe to chop them down. She had seen other people buying axes and hitting the bamboo trees in the grove during the springtime in order to harvest young bamboo shoots. It took time and effort, but Maple was able to grab herself a basket of each.

Exhausted from harvesting the sugarcane and wheat, Maple wearily went home to consult her recipe book to look up how to make candies. But as she looked and looked, there didn't appear to be a recipe for candies! Oh noes! What was she going to do? She went into a panic as the day for the celebration was tomorrow! She asked her nearby neighbours if they had a recipe for candy and they all gave her a quizzical look. One of her neighbours, Mira, asked if she was sure Maple was supposed to bring candies. Maple was positive she was supposed to. Mira and Maple walked quickly to the community board to verify what each villager was to bring to the potluck. Turns out, Maple was to bring CUPCAKES.

With a sigh of relief, Maple slumped to the ground. Mira helped her up and offered to help her make the cupcakes, which Maple graciously accepted. They walked back to Maple's house and together, they followed an old recipe from Maple's grandmother that she adored. Maple's grandmother used to bake her these brown-sugar cupcakes when she was a cub every time she visited her house. Today, Maple wanted to share the recipe with her fellow villagers and share the love she felt from her grandmother.

The day of the celebration came. There were many festivities and loads more to eat! Everyone from the island came to celebrate, even grumpy old Walt, the kangaroo. Maple was content with herself. But she was surprised when she was presented with a ribbon for best made sweets! Maple's cupcakes were the most scrumptious that anyone ever had and all the villagers praised Maple for the cupcakes she brought.There weren't any left to take home!

Maple stayed until the celebrations were over. Content and tired, she crawled into her soft bed to sleep.

Word count: 733 words
Zucker's Buggin' Birthday Bash

Zucker awakened in a cold sweat. Today was the day, wasn't it?! With an extremely heavy elongated sigh, he got out of his bed. Zucker was well aware it was Mimi's birthday today. He was foolish enough to offer to host her party at HIS place. However, he did NOT feel like cleaning his house. That meant he had to get rid of all his bug friends! It devastated poor Zucker, almost to the brink of tears! Zucker had to act fast, he only had about a few hours until his friends would arrive.

"What am I going to do, bloop!" he cried aloud. As he paced back and forth, it's almost as if he could hear the bugs speaking to him. Zucker could have sworn he heard them say they wanted to party, too! What a magnificent idea! Zucker adored his insect pals very deeply. He couldn't imagine a party without them! Although... What if Mimi didn't like bugs?! He began to panic once more. Zucker was certain Mimi didn't like bugs. The two were super close friends. So of course, they knew everything about each other.

"Man... I wish Mimi liked bugs." he sniffled, wiping his nose with his shirt sleeve. Zucker was now back at square one. Even if the bugs wanted to join in the partying, Mimi would NOT appreciate their presence there. Unless... This was a breakthrough moment for the lazy octopus. He could always put them in small enclosures! Yet another brilliant idea! He jumped up and down with excitement, beginning to gather the necessary materials that would keep both the bugs AND Mimi happy.

Within just 30 minutes, the insects were safely secured in their new habitats. Zucker took a step back to bask in the glory of his wonderful plan. The insects were sitting on a separate table, giddy as could be about their cool homes, and the fact they too, could party! Zucker began to set up the other required decorations, feeling not only relieved, but incredibly overjoyed! He couldn't wait for the festivities to begin.

A hour or two had passed, and his pals came, just like they said they would! Melba, Cranston, Dobie, and of course, Mimi! Zucker was very pleased with himself. He had done so much work for this to go according to plan. Everything seemed to be going perfectly fine!

"So, Mimi... I hope you enjoy the set-up!" the octopus smiled warmly. Mimi gave him a quick hug, nodding in approval of how everything looked.

"Everything looks wonderful! Thank you so much for hosting the party!" she giggled, continuing to look around his house curiously. Mimi was quite pleased, overall. But... there was one thing she remained inquisitive about. What were in those containers on the other table..?

"Zucker?" Mimi inquired softly.

"Yes, bloop?" Zucker replied with a small innocent grin.

"What's in those containers?" and thus, Zucker's internal panic began YET AGAIN. He squinted as he scrutinized the table from a distance. Where were the bugs?! Oh God. Oh no. He didn't dare look over to the cake on the display table, as he feared they'd be there. And, as he suspected, they were feasting on Mimi's birthday cake!

"Mimi's cake! No! The bugs... they got out!" Zucker cried; clearly in distress. What was he going to do now! The other villagers did not seem to notice the dilemma whatsoever. This made Zucker worry even more. However, he did know Melba liked to bake. The octopus ran to his fellow koala friend, sweat drops trailing down his face.

"Melba. I know you love to bake, do you happen to have an extra cake on you?! It's urgent!" he exclaimed anxiously. Melba took a second to assess the situation at hand. Seconds passed, but she replied with a reassuring nod.

"I always bring an extra cake, just in case problems like these arise!" Melba pulled a cake out of her super big purse, handing it to Zucker happily. It felt nice to be useful!

"Thanks a bunch, Melbs! I really do owe you one!"

And with that, the bugs not only got a cake of their own, but got to party with the rest of Zucker's friends! To top it all off, Mimi had the best birthday party ever. One she would remember for years to come.

Word Count: 721 words​
Claude’s oven saves the day

The annual Summer fireworks show on the warm sunday evening in Totoro island is almost ready to go, coco was tasked with bringing her famous chocolate chip cookie pie which was always a favourite among other villagers, she has prepared it the day before and popped it in the oven ready to get going before the first firework gets lit up, so she thought.

As Coco was going through her wardrobe to pick her perfect outfit to wear along with her favourite party hat, she couldn't help but think something was not right…… she couldn't think what was going wrong so continued to find the perfect outfit, a trip to the Able sisters was called for!

After finding a brand new dress to wear trotting along her way home she bumped into fellow villager Claude, who seemed somewhat concerned ‘coco, are you not bringing your chocolate chip pie this year’? ‘Ofcourse i am why would you ask such a silly question’ coco replied

‘Well by this time in the day your house normally gives off an aroma which lingers so sweetly around the island’ then it hit coco, her oven was broken, the flame had not been lit and her task wouldn't be complete

‘OH NO!!!, my oven must have broken, what am i going to do everyone is relying on my pie to set the scene at the firework show’ she said worryingly ‘i only have a hour to go, i was wasting precious time shopping for a new dress’ looking concerned claude offered the service which may save the day ‘I just bought a new baking book and been using my stove, i know mine works, bring your pie and use my oven to bake, we can't go without your pie’

‘I need to go, no time to waste, i'll be over as soon as my legs can run with my ingredients’ she said in the distance as she ran home to get her pie she prepared but was unable to finish the task of baking, running across the island with her pie and dress to change at claud’s to avoid time wasting, she ran past isabelle who was setting the plaza up ‘hi coco, how's your day been’ ‘NO TIME TO WASTE, IL CATCH YOU LATER’ coco said as she was running through the island past isabelle who was looking confused as to what was going on.

Arriving at claude’s, she threw her outfit on the nearest chair and got down to business, figuring out claude’s stove and making sure it was baked through perfectly, no burning at all. It needs to be perfect!

Claude was trying to offer friendly support as coco was focused on the stove staring and ignoring Claude's affection, she was a woman on a mission.

DING! The stove bell rang through the house, coco turned her head strikingly and running towards the stove pushing past claude ‘DONT TOUCH A THING’ she shouted as she got the brand new oven gloves claude got after learning how to bake, ‘HOT STUFF COMING THROUGH’ she placed on her favourite cooling rack as she had a routine set through of how things worked to taste the best.

Getting her outfit on she was turning her head every few seconds towards the pie making sure it was doing it job, cooling down setting the flavour in, as there was only 10 minutes until the first firework was going to be lit.
Locking the door coco was with claude as they decided to put the pie safely in a cooking tin, to avoid any bumps which would cause coco to have a cookie pie meltdown, the clock was ticking and they needed to get to the plaza quickly as everyone was awaiting coco and her famous pie.

‘WAIT FOR ME, ITS HERE’ villagers heard from a far distance as coco was only seen by the tips of her ears as everyone breathed a sigh of relief that coco wouldn't be left out of the event which was a favourite of everyone, and ofcourse they all wanted a piece of the best cookie pie on the island.

Shuffling quickly to avoid any accidents over the Stone bridge which divided Claude’s house from the Town hall and plaza, Coco made it ahead of Claude who couldn't keep up with the bunny on a mission.

‘BOOM’ as soon as the famous pie was placed on the table, the first firework was lit and everyone cheered, amazed by the beautiful colours in the sky as the pie was perfectly cut into equal pieces ready to eat!

Coco, exhausted, sat on the bench by Redd’s raffle stall, feeling ready for bed before the party even started.

Although she was so happy to receive the compliments from the villagers on her pie, she felt as if she couldn't believe she managed to pull off the broken oven fiasco, along came isabelle with a cool lemonade drink for coco

‘Same time next week’ isabelle jokingly asked
Coco looked up in surprise with a slight pause, Then both breaking out into laughter with each other knowing the event was a success once again for the summer of 2024!

Word count: 867
A Fishy Birthday

It was a great day on the island. Hugh, the only human, was helping all of the animals prepare a special birthday party for C.J outside the Residence Services building. Everyone was there helping out. Even Chip, his father, and his best friend, Flick, were there as well. Chip looked over at Hugh and smiled.

“Hugh, can you go find some party poppers? I think Redd is selling them somewhere…um…probably on the creepy boat in the back.”

Hugh smiled and nodded. Hugh is a human so obviously he can verbally talk.

“You can even take Flick with you. Just be sure to don’t tell C.J. if you see him. I told him I saw a golden dorado in the river and he didn’t believe me because it's March. We need to keep my boy from knowing until we’re all ready. Right, Flick?”

Flick came over and joined Hugh. He nodded and swung his net, even though no bugs were around. Flick often does that and Hugh never really knew why.

“Sure thing! Let’s go to Redd’s creepy ship, Hugh! The party starts this afternoon so we can’t be late!”

Hugh nodded and followed Flick. Both of them went to the higher elevation of the island with rivers that had crystal clear waters. Hugh rarely fishes in them because fish in the ocean are usually worth more bells. Both walked in silence until they ran into C.J., who was busy fishing in one of the rivers.

“He has to be wrong! Old Dad…why would you say there’s one here?! If there is one my viewers would go crazy! Imagine all the views I would get!”

C.J. noticed the both of them and reeled in his fishing rod to go over and join them. “Flick! Hugh the Human! What are you doing here?”

Flick blushed redder than his red scaly skin and laughed nervously. “Umm…well…we’re going to Redd’s. We need something from him.”

C.J. looked skeptically at Flick and then at Hugh. Hugh couldn’t talk so he just twirled around and put his hands in the air. Flick frowned. “You’re taking Hugh to Redd to buy fake art? You know how creepy Redd is…but I could use that!” C.J. smiled. “I could use that as new material for my viewers. If I can’t get the March dorado, I’ll get the scoop on Redd and his money laundering scheme!”

Flick shook his head and his facial expression started looking desperate. “No it's not that at all! We’re going there to buy party poppers!”

C.J. looked at Flick in confusion. “Party poppers…why would you need those?”

Flick angrily looked at C.J. and leaned his head closer to C.J.’s. “THE PARTY POPPERS ARE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY!”

C.J.’s face looked defeated. He slowly turned around and began walking toward the beach. “I see…my birthday is today isn’t it? Huh…I’ll just do a video about sturgeons. Yeah…my viewers should expect something like that…”

Flick now looked worried. “Oh no! My fiery artistic self went too hot and I exploded in rage! Hugh! What should we do now?” Hugh made a thought bubble and he suddenly had a great idea! In his bag he took out a golden fishing rod and gave it to Flick. “What? Me, fish? I don’t know how! And what would we even fish?” Hugh took out his Fish Encyclopedia and showed Flick a picture of a golden trout. Flick gulped looking at it. “I have to catch that?!” Hugh nodded and took away Flick’s cool bug-catching net and gave him the rod. “Can a golden fishing rod catch a golden trout? I’ll try…”

The fishing montage began. Hugh brought a mix tape of K.K. Adventure and Go! K.K Rider to inspire Flick. “Oh no, a crucian carp…it's definitely not a crucial catch!” Flick was unaware that C.J. returned! C.J. hid behind a tree with his NookPhone and began filming.

Flick had a determined look. “I need to catch it to make up for spoiling C.J.’s birthday! Come on golden trout!” With Flick’s next attempt, he finally caught the golden trout. Flick proudly went over to Hugh to show it to him. “I caught it, Hugh! Look!”

“And I caught you, partner! My Best Friend Fishes For The First Time! A Golden Trout! will surely be a massive hit for my channel!”

Flick looked like he just saw Wisp. “I-uh-I only caught this because Hugh thought you would like a golden trout for you. I didn’t want you mad on your birthday—I still think bugs are the best!” C.J smiled and took the golden trout from Flick’s hands. “I’m not angry…well, I actually came back to try the March dorado again but seeing you fish made me feel even more energized! It's ok! Let’s get the poppers for my birthday. I won’t let anyone know you told me, best partner.” C.J. held out his paw.

Flick shook it and blushed. “Best partner.”

All three went to Redd’s boat docked on the suspicious beach to get the party poppers. C.J. tried filming inside but was permanently banned by Redd for doing that. C.J went off to fish for the March dorado until he returned to the party at Resident Services. He acted like he never knew about his birthday party but that’s what it meant to be a NookTuber: presentation is everything! Hugh could tell though…he could tell that his best partner Flick fishing for him was the best birthday gift he could get…and that his video will get millions of views and more subscribers.

Word Count: 946
The Substitution Solutions

It is Lola’s 22nd birthday, her last birthday before her college graduation. For her birthday, she wanted a strawberry cheesecake as her birthday cake, spaghetti and meatballs as her birthday dinner, balloons and ribbons to decorate her house, and a trip to the local ticket-dispensing arcade after they celebrate her birthday at her house. The five presents she wanted were an OLED Nintendo Switch, a plasma ball, an optical illusions lab, three puzzle books, and an aurora borealis jigsaw puzzle. She invited her friends, Kaylee, Jenny, Penny, and Maria to the party, who also would bring her presents and birthday cards.

Andrew and Andrea, Lola’s parents, planned the party as early as one month in advance. But during their shopping, they began to have problems. The first problem was that the optical illusions lab Lola wanted was nowhere to be seen, in retail or online. They were able to get the OLED Switch, plasma ball, jigsaw puzzle, and puzzle books just fine. They had to ask Lola if she wanted anything else besides the optical illusions lab. They thought that a magic kit would be a suitable replacement, but Lola specifically wanted a science kit. So, the magic kit was ruled out. The optical illusions kit was her favorite science kit. Knowing that she was going to get a Physics degree, they decided to get her a snap circuits kit for their daughter, which she also expressed interest into.

The next problem was the eating utensils. Despite getting the decorations purchased and set up, they did not have the multicolored paper plates, cups, napkins, or plastic utensils available at the local party store. They were sold out. They feared that Lola would be disappointed since the eating utensils wouldn’t match the multicolored decorations. However, Lola wasn’t opposed to generic paper plates or plastic utensils from a regular grocery store, as they could match the multicolored decorations just as well as they can match anything else. So they got new paper plates, plastic utensils, cups, and napkins.

Three days before the party started, they bumped into another problem. The grocery store was out of stock on beef, meatballs, and pasta. That meant Lola couldn’t have her spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. She was asked if she can have pizza instead, or if they could order from a restaurant. Lola suggested that they should save their money as she preferred to eat something homemade for her birthday dinner. However, she thought of a new idea. They could use different ingredients to make spaghetti and meatballs. The solution was to get packets of ramen, a bag of orange chicken, and some orange sauce, to make a more interesting variant of spaghetti and meatballs. They were at least fortunate that they can find the ingredients to make the cheesecake she wanted.

On the next day, she found out that her friends Kaylee and Maria couldn’t show up to the party. Kaylee was sick, and Maria had to go out of town that day for a tournament. She had to get in contact with both Jenny and Penny about who to invite instead. Jenny told Lola that she can invite her sister Blaire, while Penny told Lola that she can invite her cousin Claire. Following their suggestions, Blaire and Claire were invited to the party.

The family bumped into one final problem after the planning. The arcade that Lola wanted to go to was planned for remodeling for a month, and the closing day was exactly on Lola’s birthday. They asked if Lola wanted to go anywhere else, or if they could play video games at home. She decided that she would like to do miniature golf since she likes golfing too. They decided on doing golf as the post-party entertainment.

When the day finally came, Lola’s birthday has become a success. First, all of the friends she invited shown up and brought her some presents, which were mostly gift cards. They decided that they’re not going to leave until the golfing trip is over, with Jenny and Penny staying longer. When everyone shown up, they had their ramen-and-orange-chicken spaghetti. The friends thought that this was even better than traditional spaghetti and meatballs, which made Lola feel happy. They didn’t mind the regular paper plates and plastic utensils, but they loved the multicolored ribbons and balloons used in the house. They also liked the cheesecake that Lola got for her birthday. After dinner and cake, Lola opened her presents. While she was happier with the OLED Switch more than anything, she was delighted that they got her the snap circuits, as she always wanted it since she was little. She got her other presents and enjoyed them. Finally, the family and friends went to the local mini-golf attraction and played golf. There were no problems at the mini-golf course.
As I wake up to the clock alarm, the first thing that came to my mind was:

Today is Marshal's birthday.

My heart started to beat with excitement, which helped me get out of my groggy self. Never been a morning person. As I got myself ready, I did a mental rundown of things to do.

First, you're going to make sure you leave the house with your carefully wrapped gift, a cinamoroll jacket to add to his collection of clothes in his favourite color, blue. He's going to be ecstatic. Then, you're going to meet up with Audie, Sasha and Sheldon, at Sasha's place before going together to Marshal's house. Your gang is going to surprise him this year with a complete dancing routine you've prepared hard for the past few weeks. Since, you know, Marshal always likes it when things get a little extra.

Leaving the house, I ran a bit to not be late. It was 11h02 when I arrived at Sasha's house. His place is just a few walks away from Marshal's. It was just about half an hour before the birthday party started. We had decided to meet up early in case someone needed to revise the dancing routine for one last time. As I was approaching, I saw Sasha standing in front of his home, a worried expression adorning his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Sheldon hasn't arrived yet. And I can't get a hold of him. His phone is probably out of battery again."

Now that was a problem. Even if I didn't see Audie yet (which I am not surprised, she is also not a morning person like me, and takes 2 hours to put on makeup), I wasn't worried for her. Her house is in the same neighbourhood. And she was the first to have mastered the dancing routine. “This is nothing for an aspiring idol like me!” She would say proudly. Sheldon though, his house is on the opposite side of this island, in the woods on the outskirts of town.

"Sasha, I'm going to check what's going on. You go first to Marshal's party with Audie and explain I'll be late. Here's my gift for Marshal if you can bring it for me."

"Oh..Ok! Please be careful, Minou!"

"It will be fine," I said with a reassuring smile, before turning my heels and leaving.

There was but one road Sheldon would be taking to get here. Following that road, I ran as fast as I could, while hoping I would stumble upon him on the way. Reaching the farm area, I slowed down and caught my breath. I looked at my watch. Marshal's party should have started by now. Sasha and Audie are such good talkers, I was sure they would keep him entertained.

Having rested enough, I began to run again. The woods were just a few meters away now. There were no signs of Sheldon throughout. What could have happened for him to be so late? As I got past the entrance to the forest, and approached the river separating me from his house, I could see over the distance Sheldon sitting on the grass, next to the bridge that, to my shock, was collapsed. No wonder he couldn't come.

Poor him, the squirrel villager looked completely distraught, not noticing my presence until I called out to him.


"I'm coming to get you!"

Taking out my vaulting pole that I always have on me, I jumped across the river. Immediately he ran to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I was so scared. I thought I would be left stranded here for the whole day!!"

"It's okay, you're okay now. I'm sorry you had to go through this."

After having him hold onto me tightly, we jumped back to the other side.

"We will get this bridge upgraded. But first... we've got a party to go to."

"Yes! I want, cardio."

It was past 13h30 when we made it to Marshal's house. Immediately upon our arrival, the villagers attending the party gathered around us, asking frantically what happened. After we were done explaining, the party went on, and we completed the much awaited dancing routine. It was a total success.

And thus, the much unexpected eventful day ended well.

Marshal couldn't look any happier.

The End.
It was a cold and snowy winter morning at Cosa Bella Island. I was all rugged up with a multitude of soft warm, woollen blankets. I was wearing a beanie that K.K. Slider had generously knitted and gifted to me so that I could keep warm while walking through the snow. I was curled up in my bed and I was having the most amazing dream of birthday parties and celebrations. In my dreams I saw colourful balloons, party poppers, piñatas, prettily decorated tables, with crystal glasses and cutlery and delicious looking party food. In the centre of the table stood the most exquisite cake that I had ever seen. I started to toss and turn in my sleep and I started to feel a little uneasy. I could not understand why I would feel uneasy while dreaming of a birthday party with a magnificent cake; but at that exact moment, the phone rang and my perfect dream came to a shattering end. The reason I was feeling so uneasy was revealed. The phone call was from my best friend, Kiki.

“Stephanie, why are you still asleep?” Kiki asked. “You do remember what today is don’t you?”
Of course I knew what day it was. It was Tuesday the 13th of August and it was Tabby’s birthday.
“Well since you are the Island representative, we have all voted for you to bake her a cake for her party later tonight and we are also having the party at your house, so please start baking,” Kiki begged.
So that is why I was having a dream about birthday parties and cakes I thought to myself.
“Oh yes of course, the cake is already baking in the oven now,” I lied.
“Perfect, then we will all see you tonight at the party.” Kiki squealed with joy as she hung up the phone.
I had lied to her about the cake as there was no cake baking in the oven. The cake I thought I had baked was only in my dream. I did not want to let the islanders down so I pulled off my beanie, put on my apron and began to gather my ingredients and cake pans. I was not going to disappoint my friends and I was going to give Tabby the best birthday party ever. Tabby’s cake was going to have three tiers to it and it was going to be made of fluffy vanilla sponge, raspberry filling and with a swiss meringue buttercream frosting on the outside.

While the cake was baking in the oven, I tidied up the house in preparation for the party. While I was cleaning I had a brilliant idea. I rang my friend, K.K. Slider to ask him for a favour.
“Hi, Stephanie, have you lost the beanie I made you already?” he asked.
“No, I was wondering if you could sing at the birthday party tonight,” I asked.
“Oh of course, I know Tabby loves opera so I will go and practice my singing right away,” K.K. Slider said excitedly.
So I left him to practice and I started to ice my beautiful cake creation. Usually after the third layer of buttercream I would place the cake in the fridge to set but as it was still snowing outside, I just left the cake to set outside on the window ledge. While the cake was outside I had a visit from Hamphrey the cranky hamster. He saw all the spoons and baking bowls in the sink and asked me if he could lick them all. I still had a lot of cleaning and setting up to do so I told him no and for him to leave. He became cranky but left soon enough. The table was now set, balloons and streamers were all ready. The only thing to do now was to bring the cake back inside and to place it as a centerpiece on the table.

I went outside to grab the cake and when I saw it, I almost fainted. The cake had a huge chunk taken out from the side. I thought it was completely ruined. How could I place that cake on the table now and show all my friends? Tabby would be so disappointed. Her birthday party would be ruined all because of me. As I sat in the snow crying, I realized it was Hamphrey who had eaten the side of the cake. He was cranky because I had not let him lick the spoons or bowl. There was no time to panic or cry now, I had to come up with a solution and fast! As I wiped away my tears, at that very moment an icicle broke off the window ledge and hit me on the forehead. This gave me a brilliant idea. Tabby loved geodes so that is what I would shape the side of the cake into. If I made the edge with geodes coming out of it; it would not show the missing piece of the cake and in fact it would look even prettier than before.
I raced inside and began making the geode for the cake. I carved out chunks of the side of the cake that Hamphrey had previously eaten and I filled it with edible rock candy crystals. Next I painted the crystals with purple food colouring edible paint on the inside and painted the outside of it with edible gold leaf. The cake now looked like a piece of art and I was so happy with it. The sun began to set outside and I had barely any time to get changed and wrap Tabby’s presents before the guests started arriving.
Tabby and all of the islanders loved the cake and no one knew of my previous dilemma. Everyone had so much fun at the party. K.K. Slider ended the night with his opera songs while we all ate the cake and smiled with joy. There was only one guest missing that night and it was Hamphrey, but I guess he was too unwell from eating all of the side of my cake before the party. He was not missed and in the end, he had done me a favour because my cake turned out even better. I already have three more orders from the islanders for birthday cakes. Yes, you guessed it, everyone wants a geode cake for their birthdays now.

1068 words
Losely based on true events surrounding my 6th birthday lol.

September 1st, 1999.
Dear diary,

This week is my birthday, and I will be celebrating it with my best friend Coco and some other friends. Coco and I have been planning this party for days! We want to have a cute picknick in the meadows near a foresty village we used to go on holiday when we were little. Coco has been a bit tired the last couple days, so I should make sure she sleeps enough and takes good care of herself.

September 2nd, 1999.
Dear diary,

Today Coco and I went shopping for a nice picknick blanket and a cute picknick basket. We found this adorable big blanket with all kinds of flowers, which is perfect for a meadow! Then we found a cute little shop that sold all kinds of antique household items, where we found a lovely wicker basket, with a red plaid lining inside, just like in the movies! That will be perfect for our picknick. When we got back home, Coco went to take a nap on the couch and fell to sleep instantly. I made her a little blanket and some warm tea when she woke up. Hopefully that made her feel a little better!

September 3rd, 1999.
Dear diary,

A good picknick is not complete without a couple of cute games! Ofcourse it would be nice to buy some, but it would be a lot more fun to create some games ourselves. So we decided to come up with a scavenger hunt, where we will hide little stuffed bunnies all around the meadows for our friends to find. The one who finds the most, wins a bunny balloon! Coco was the one who came up with using bunnies for this, I wonder where she did get that idea... She was very tired again the rest of the day, hopefully she is not getting sick...

September 4th, 1999.
Dear diary,

Coco is really not feeling well, poor thing. I thought might be best to reschedule the picknick, but she really wants to make sure the party will go on! I asked if she wanted to stay at home, but eventually she decided to come with me to the party shop to get some party stuff. We got some balloons, a bunny balloon for the hunt, some cute fairy light for when the sun sets, some confetti canons and some party favors to give to our friends so they can always remember this picknick. We thought glass flowers would be a perfect party favor for this, and hope our friends will love it.
When we got home, Coco finally admitted she was feeling sick, and she slept the rest of the day. I've been taking care of her with warm soups and drinks and blankets, but not sure if it will help... Poor Coco :(

September 5th, 1999.
Dear diary,

Today Coco and I were supposed to do the food groceries together, but she is really sick, so I went out alone. I decided to get all of our favourite things, in the hopes of her getting better. I got baguettes, some cheese, lots of fruits like grapes and strawberrys, some pop sodas and lemonades, cookies, chips and ofcourse a bunch of birthday cupcakes!
When I walked home, I walked by a pharmacy, and suddenly thought "Ofcourse! I need to get medicine for Coco!" I couldn't believe we didn't think of it sooner! So I picked up some medicine and gave it to her as soon as I got home. Now we will have to wait if she will be feeling better tomorrow, or if we have to cancel...

September 6th, 1999.
Dear diary,

Today was my birthday! When I woke up I was worried about Coco not feeling well, but the medicine worked! She was feeling great and ready for the picknick! Yay!
I packed all of our groceries in the picknick basket, and we all headed out to the meadows. When we got there, w threw down the flowery picknick blanket on the softes grassy spot we could find. We all sat down and first opened the basket for a good meal. After we were done eating, we started the scavenger hunt, which was great fun! The winner really deserverd their balloon.
Than when the sun was setting, we turned on the fairy lights and we ate the birthday cupcakes. They were so delicious!

I had the best day, and I'm really glad in the end it all worked out!

Now Coco and I can start planning her birthday... 🥳

756 words
silly question, does the protag have to be the one preparing/hosting the event? have an idea where a villager is struggling to prepare a party because things go wrong and the protag would find out and step in to help, just want to check if that's okay before i start writing lol.
Atch and Bee and Clarice and Denny were there when you woke up, surrounded:

Helium balloons' heads rested on the ceiling. Confetti was in the carpet. Banners and streamers hung from every imaginable hook, corner, edge, and surface, proclaiming colourfully, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" "HAPPY 20TH!" "IT'S YOUR B-DAY!" and so on. There were several cards too, all birthday cards. Games and toys aplenty lay all around the room -- on the big living-room table, scattered around the floor, tucked into and spilling out of boxes open and closed, and in your hands.

You woke up holding a small plastic game controller replica filled up with water and plastic rings, and the first thing that you remember doing was squishing one of the control sticks. Inside the toy, water squished and squirted water. The colourful rings swirled.

"Whos birthday is it?" chuckled Bee, breaking the silence.

You giggled, and then laughed. "I don't know. I don't know!"

There was a chorus of laughter and I-don't-knows from your friends. None of you knew, you all realized together, and there was a sort of comfort in that at first! Bee joked, if even Denny had no idea then how could any of you mere mortals hope to remember? Atch laughed the loudest at that.

"So you really don't remember?" Clarice asked you and Denny, then everyone. "None of you?"


Atch was the best runner. You were second. The two of you must have passed through a thousand different party rooms together. There had been so many 20th birthdays, but also the odd 31sts, 46ths, 2nds. You had once glimpsed a 100th.

Denny's plan was to map the partyverse -- he had a fancier name for it, 'non-Euclidean themed manifold' or something, but the rest of you just called it the partyverse -- in which the five of you had found yourself lost. The surest and only way to begin solving any problem, he insisted, was to understand the problem. In this case the problem was the partyverse.

"Stop!" yelled Atch. You had gotten lost in your own thoughts again. You stopped to listen. "Look, it's a 101st, and a 105th. We have to go back and tell Denny!"

"Let's just put it on the map and keep moving," you said, your eyes fixed on the inflated silver ballons that went one, zero, one.

Atch gave you a look that meant no, we're going back. Atch said, "No. We're going back."


Clarice oversaw map construction.

You and Bee on one side, Denny and Atch on the other. Atch didn't trust you anymore, and their suspicion made you suspicious of them. So everyone decided to separate the two of you. It would be alright, you thought, as long as you and Atch still trusted Denny.

Bee whispered, when Clarice was looking the other way, "Is that how it looked? The 101 room?" She pointed sneakily.

Atch had altered the map.


Denny's leg meant the expedition had to move slowly. There was plenty of cake and snacks to eat, but you couldn't eat too many sweets, so everyone had to do some foraging along the way too. By the time you were halfway to the 101st room, which had only taken you and Atch an hour, everyone was tired and ready to sleep. There was no night in the partyverse, but all of the rooms had light switches.

You turned off the lights in your current room, a 16th birthday with gluten-free pizza, as well as the adjoining rooms, and even a few rooms further out in order to darken the 16th birthday party room sufficiently for everyone to get comfortable.

"Good night, Bee."

"Good night, Atch!"

"'Night, Clarice and Denny."

"Night, Denny. Night, Atch. Night, Bee..."

You fell asleep while everyone was in the middle of wishing everyone else a good night. You were tired.


Atch shuffled around in the middle of the night. You got up and followed them in the dark, careful not to step on a kazoo or a whoopee cushion or, worst of all, into any patch of carpet darkened and made sticky from spilled soda. Slowly they moved towards the 101st birthday party room.

You could only follow, morbidly curious. They rounded the corner and disappeared.

You crept, nervously, to the corner.

Then you slowly rounded it. After the 101 was another 1, then a 0. It was dizzying. An infinite string of one-balloons and zero-balloons extended down an infinite room, nothing like any of the rooms you had seen before... and the more you looked, the further it seemed to go.

"It's my birthday," said Atch, from around the corner. "I'm... this many years old." They smiled at the balloons and gestured. "It's my birthday party. I think Denny designed the party-themed manifold as a surprise. I didn't want to ruin it for everybody though. He did that whole memory thing, too. Ah, but you can't fool me."

You stuck your tongue out. "Should we go back and pretend like we never saw this?"

Atch shrugged and nodded. "That was my plan. I didn't know you were in on it."

You punched Atch in the shoulder gently. "Well, happy 101st birthday."

"It's not my..."

"I know."
He turns his head, ever so slowly towards the incident he caused. It only took a moment for him to realize what had happened. While sleepily walking to the kitchen for a cup of water, he has bumped his beloved sister's clay figure to the ground. He freezes in horror. And sweating. ...If dogs could sweat, anyways.
After a pure thirty seconds, he breathes.
He runs towards the scene of the crime, "Oh no, no no no..." Digby says, panicked. The once finished figure has turned into a broken figure, pieces scattered all over the ground. He hurriedly grabs all the pieces and puts them back on the table. He starts panting.
This is the figure that Isabelle was working so hard on for Show and Tell.
Isabelle usually forgives Digby and his childish antics but this? She would not forgive.
It was an accident! I didn't mean to!
His panting grows more intense, his face red and his eyes feeling hot. He bites the inside of his mouth with a snap- he can't be crying. He has to fix this!
.... But what can he do? The Show and Tell is tomorrow- no, in a few hours. He thinks of waking Isabelle but shakes his head. It might be the best option to do seeing as she made the original figure. But, he's scared of her reaction.
After calming down and reassessing the situation, Digby finds that he has a small amount of options.
One, he could try to fix the figure with some sort of glue.
Two, he could try to remake the figure with the leftover clay and try to find something to make it harden.
Or...Three, he wakes up Isabelle, begs her for her forgiveness and do her bidding for however long she wants.
He frowns. Not the best options, but there's not much to do at 2AM.
He picks up the pieces and stares. He has no idea what Isabelle's final creation is. Already to a rough start. His hands move without purpose and starts blindly putting the pieces together. Fortunately for him, the pieces are big enough to easily figure out.
He grabs the super glue with confidence and starts putting the pieces together. Every time he figured a piece of the puzzle, he glued. And glued. And glued. Having no experience with the arts, he's shocked at the effectiveness of the glue.
He begins examining the piece and his face darkens.
The glue works! ... But maybe a little too well.
He glued the wrong piece. Now, he actually starts crying.
How is he supposed to fix this now?
There's nothing left to do. He can only beg for forgiveness. But maybe he can soften the blow.
Snotfilled, he grabs the extra clay and starts molding.
He continues to try to make the clay take shape , and it does! But it takes longer than expected. The clock chimes five o' clock.
He looks at the art he made and sighs. This will have to do.
He sits in the chair, dejected but slowly gets up realizing that Isabelle will be waking up very soon for school. He can at least make an apology breakfast for her. He crafts her favorites, an egg sandwich, sliced fruits and a glass of milk.
He flinches. She's awake. His heart is pounding.
"Isabelle..." He says loudly or maybe quietly, he can't tell anymore.
She walks into the room. "You're.. making breakfast. That's new!" She says, in awe.
"Yes, I did.. and.. um.." Hesitation. "Um..." His voice shakes, "I'm so sorry Isabelle... I ... destroyed your project for your event!"
Isabelle's eyes widen with surprise. "What?"
"I.. accidentally bumped into it.. and... it .. it shattered. I know your show and tell is today but.. I tried to fix it, I swear! I know how hard you were working on it too.. but I couldn't fix it. I just.. made it worse." He grabs the two figures from the counter and presents it to her.
Isabelle doesn't say anything. She accepts them from Digby.
"I tried - to fix it but.. I glued the wrong pieces.. so I just.. I tried to make you a new one.. I'm so sorry..."
Isabelle is still silent.
She's not sure how to react.
Because the event has already passed. And the one Digby was trying to repair was the prototype. She looks at him, not knowing what to say. If she says something to him, his efforts was done in vain. ...But if she doesn't say anything, then she has to lie. She nervously laughs, stares at the clay figures. She sets them down and hugs Digby.
"Thank you." She smile at him.
Tension gone, Digby can finally relax.
"...But you didn't have to do that. This figure isn't for that event."
Digby's eyes and mouth involuntarily open from shock, while Isabelle swiftly grabs a plate of breakfast.
Nowhere to Run
A Snapdragon Story

5:38 AM.


Crashing waves in the distance.

Palm trees swishing in the breeze outside my window while I stared at a random ceiling in yet another random seaside hotel room.

Boredom can look an awful lot like paradise.

The life of a semi-famous detective can lead you away from home to help other islands augment and “upskill” their staff. I’m on just such an island, wrapping up yet another training program… my life now full of giving presentations, fielding questions, and drinking coffee.

I really hate PowerPoint.

At least my life has calmed down. Foxton is cleaned up. The villagers are all healthy, happy, and safe. Even Tom Nook has walked the straight and narrow, lifting Foxton up onto a million different blogs spouting rubbish like “10 Best Islands to Visit 2024. #4, Foxton.”

You must visit Foxton’s pristine beaches and beautiful tulip fields…!

Boredom can also look a lot like hell.

Rubbing the last bit of sleep from my face, I placed both feet on the floor next to the hotel bed. Ready to face another day.

A day that just happened to be my birthday. Like I cared. Or anyone else cared, for that matter.


Grabbing my phone from the bedside table and lifting the screen to my still sleepy eyes, the words on the screen brightened my day. Finally, something to sink my teeth into.

It was Tom Nook. I was going home.

Time to call the DAL ticket service line.

1:21 PM.


It’s literally just a number.

Who decided, ages ago, that just because the earth traveled one full revolution around the sun, we were magically another full digit older?

Congratulations! You can now go to school. Get a job. Drive. Vote. Drink. Become mayor. Senator. President. Retire. Draw down your pension. Social security.

What was so different about me 24 hours ago? Do the cells dividing in my body know this?

I pondered this while the seaplane landed down gently on the waves next to the beaches of Foxton.

My home.

I grabbed my bag from the overhead and walked through the gates of the airport, the familiar sounds and smells of Foxton giving me a slight spiritual boost. Stepping outside into the sun, I saw Blathers waving urgently from the boardwalk.

“Jack, welcome back! I’m so glad to see you! And I believe also Happy Bir-”

I cut him off. “Good to see you too, Blathers. Tom texted me early this morning. Sorry to cut to the chase here, but what’s the issue with the Vermeer?”

He vigorously shook his head so hard I was afraid he was going to lose some feathers. “Deary me, the Wistful Painting is gone! I noticed it this morning while I walked towards Brewster’s to grab my morning café latte. It was definitely there last night, so it had to have been taken sometime between 10pm and 5:30am!”

Having a precise timeline was a good start. “Any chance of a reasonable explanation? Restoration, maintenance?”

Blathers shook his head again. “Absolutely not. I control the schedule for those kinds of things, and it’s in perfect shape! It’s just gone… someone took it!”

Looking at the state of him, I was afraid there were going to be tears. I did the only thing I could think of.

I patted his back.

“I’ll get to the bottom of this, Blathers. Let me drop my bag off at home and then stop by island services to talk to Tom and Isabelle, find out any details of on any recent events on the island. Then I’ll stop by the museum sometime a bit later for some additional questions if that’s okay?”

He nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes! I’ll be waiting for you. I’ll be there all day!”

Nodding my head, I turned towards the middle of the island. Started walking. Thinking. An obvious theft like this is asking for attention. And a fast escape.

There was no chance of this going unnoticed for very long. The thief had to know this. Which means the thief had to have a way off quickly.

Could a visitor have taken it? Just in time to catch a flight or boat back home…?

3:34 PM.

Standing in line.

A snail’s pace.

It was like Tom and Isabelle were purposely taking their time.

Every villager picked today to be in island services, picking up packages, making loan payments. I was in the back. Considering the topic of my own query, I was reluctant to skip the line and cause a stir. So I waited. And waited. Until I was finally the only one left.

Tom brightened when he looked up. “Jack, you made it home! I wish it was under better circumstances, but it’s still so good to have you here for your birth-“

I cut off the nonsense. “I’ve started checking into the issue you texted me about, Tom. Caught Blathers outside the airport about the missing Vermeer. Do you have a list of all the visitors on the island?”

He shook his head sadly. “That’s the thing Jack, with the season winding down we’ve shut the hotel for maintenance. We have so many vacationers now that we need a good couple of weeks to get set up for the holiday crowds. Even the boat service is shut down for the rest of the month.”

The implication struck me immediately. “Wait, we have no visitors at all right now?”

He looked me in the eye sadly. “No, no one.”

My heart sank.

This was bad news. The thief was someone on the island.

Likely someone I knew very well.

4:57 PM.

Someone I knew.

There had to be another explanation.

After a very late lunch and a walk to think about possibilities, I stopped by the museum to talk to Blathers. I caught him in the foyer, looking agitated and nervous. He looked up when he saw me.

“Jack! Any news?”

I shook my head. “Nothing yet. I stopped by island services to talk to Tom. Didn’t realize we are shut down to visitors right now. Can you think of anything unusual over the last week or so? Anyone lingering by where the painting was? Any villagers?”

Blathers shook his head. “No, nothing. It’s been completely normal here, except for the quietness due to the end of the vacation season. Well, wait. There is something…”

Blathers suddenly looked terrified. Something about his eyes. “Except what?”

I heard the door to the museum open.

A voice spoke behind me.

“Except I took it.”

I spun around in time to see Tom Nook dashing back through the museum's front door.

5:01 PM.

It made absolutely no sense. Why was he running? Why would he take it? He was the one that texted me in the first place!

And he was fast.

But I’m still faster. Seeing him head for the island square, his options were about to be limited.

He had nowhere to run now.

I was gaining on him when he rounded the front corner of the island services building. I surged after him with another burst of speed. “Stop, Tom! You have nowhere to ruuuuuuuun?……”

The words died on my lips as I screeched to a halt in the middle of the island square. The scene in front of me was flabbergasting. Tables set up with treats, cookies, cake. Chips. Drinks. Balloons.

A “Happy Birthday” banner in obnoxious colors.

And all of the villagers looking my direction with genuine happiness to see me, drinks and paper plates in hand.

And in the middle was a slightly out of breath Tom Nook. And Blathers right next to him. Tom just gave me a genuine smile and said “Happy Birthday, Jack. Apologies for the subterfuge to get you back here, and getting you to run after me. It was the only way I could figure out how to get you here on time. You always need a mystery to solve, Jack. Luckily, the only mystery here is the flavor of the cake Audie made for you.”

Blathers just laughed heartily. “I haven’t had to fly that fast to beat you here in a loooooooong time. You’ll be happy to know that I took down the Wistful Painting before you got back to the island, and it will be put right back up before I go to bed. Which reminds me, flying so fast and staying awake all day is making me sleepy…”

One by one, all of the villagers wished me happy birthday. Shook my hand. Hugged me. Tom hugged me last. “Thank you for all that you do for the island, Jack, and all the other islands on this great big ocean.”

As it dawned on me that maybe Foxton really is a great island worthy of those blog lists, the words of Louis Armstrong’s most famous song came to me. What a wonderful world.

But the world is not wonderful… not even close. It can be ugly.


Stomp you when you’re down.

But there can also be empathy.


It can give you friends that lend you a hand to get right back up again. Friends that will give you a surprise birthday party, knowing that a measure of trickery would be needed just to get you to show up.

A wonderful world? No.

But it can be… okay. Especially at a surprise birthday party.

If you open your heart.
Here's my entry! These events make me remember when I actually liked writing stories as a child.

Merry was busily putting on her brand new, sparkly-but-understated dress, getting ready for Goldie’s birthday party. “I can’t believe it’s today! It’s coming around so quickly,” she exclaimed to herself, wanting to both look at best, AND make sure Goldie has the best time today! The two had become very close over the last few years. At first, she was flummoxed by how calm and soft-spoken Goldie was, and thought that she needed to bring some excitement into her life! But she quickly realised that Goldie was happy with who she was, and didn’t need to change, and Merry learnt a thing or two about not being at 110% all of the time.

Merry heard a rapping knock at the door, and got up to let her visitor in. “Hey, silly! I LOVE that new dress!” Rosie said. “I know right, hopefully not too much, mweee?” Merry was a little worried about it, but Rosie reassured her she was perfectly flashy but not overwhelming. They conversed about the plans for the day, making sure they had set up all of the decorations the night before, invited all of Goldie’s friends, going over all the little details. “And you’ve got her that new book, right? The sequel to ‘Flightless Fowl, Swimless Fish’?” Suddenly Merry froze in horror. She knew she had forgotten something! The sullen look on her face told Rosie all she needed to know. Merry didn’t know what to do. “This is totes NOT GOOD, Rosie!” she cried. Rosie helped calm Merry down a bit after a little bit of a major freak-out. That was her thing in times of crisis – be a bit melodramatic and usually that helps somewhere down the line, to get it out of her system now rather than later.

The two energetic cats quickly brainstormed on where they could find it before the party started. They had their laptops and NookPhones open, scouring any places they could find that sold the types of books their dear friend enjoyed so much. They weren’t having much luck. Copies seemed uncommon at best, and none that could be delivered before.. next week. Rosie had a look at the clock up on Merry’s shelf, it was only over an hour till the party by this point. She decided to go on without Merry to help set last-minute things up with Goldie before the other guests arrived, and said she’d cover for Merry as long as she could. The usually chirpy feline hurriedly made her way out of the house, leaving Merry frantically searching for anyone who had the book she wanted so desperately to make her friend happy.

About to resign herself to her own forgetfulness and accept the fact she wouldn’t give up, when she looked at the sepia-toned photograph placed on her desk. It was her and her old friend Celia, who had moved to the next island over a few years ago. Goldie had moved in a few months after her departure. She then realised, Celia was a total bookworm just like Goldie! Almost like lightning, she opened her NookPhone again to quickly dial the eagle’s number. There was no time for a quick catch-up (which wasn’t necessary, as Merry always made sure she had time for all of her friends and checked in with them often!), as she quickly pleaded her case to see if she had the book. Sure enough, Celia had it! There was only one caveat, she had annotated many of the pages during her own perusal of the novel, to make notes on once she had finished. While it may not have been a pristine new version, Merry had to take what she could get.

She dashed in her reflective, attention grabbing-garb as she passed by a few of the island’s residents heading very much so in the opposite direction. They were heading to the party, but Merry had another destination to get to first. Orville sensed her urgency and arranged a seaplane as soon as possible. She felt like she was on a spy mission, and briefly imagined herself as the world’s first pop star/super spy hybrid celebrity, but once she thought about it, she realised her stardom might get in the way of any covert operations she’d have to do. Her dream faded just as soon as the plane landed, and made her way to Celia’s house at pace. The lush bird had already gotten the book ready and neatly wrapped it up in some appropriately glitzy wrapping paper she’d often used for Merry’s gifts. The two friends had no time to chat, but exchanged a heartfelt embrace as Merry thanked her sincerely. She only had about 20 minutes to get to the party, but luckily the island’s were very close to each other. She scurried back to the airport, feeling hopeful for the first time all day.

As her plane landed, Merry heard the recognisable ringing of the town hall’s bell. Goldie’s party was starting! With her newly acquired package in hand, she rushed towards the sight of balloons and the sound of some jazzy music playing in the distance. Luckily, when she arrived everyone was busy talking to each other, and Rosie noticed her in the corner of her eye, panting and rosy-cheeked after running as fast as her legs could take her. She slipped away from Goldie to let her enjoy her party and checked in with Merry. “I can’t believe you managed to get it!” she excitedly whispered. “We’re going to bring in the cake in a minute, go say hi to Goldie first!” Merry did as instructed, putting the gift in the small pile in the corner. Goldie was very happy to see her friend had made it to her party. After apologising for not being able to come by earlier, the pair hugged, as the lights dimmed. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to the golden girl, and after some laughter they all had some cake. Goldie eventually started opening her presents, and Merry’s was the last one left. She was ecstatic with it, and Merry said how she knew how badly she wanted this one! Goldie opened it and after some light skimming, noticed the annotated pages. She was puzzled, and Merry reluctantly confessed and told her the whole story.

Goldie started laughing, and Merry was just as puzzled as Goldie was a few minutes ago. What was so funny? She felt awful, but Goldie was so touched that she had gone to so much trouble just for her birthday present, and admitted that she loved to get previously-owned books, as she found just as much enjoyment from seeing the previous reader’s comments as the books themselves! With a huge sigh of relief, Merry grabbed Goldie for a dance just as the newest K.K. song was coming on. The two friends laughed to themselves, celebrating Goldie's big day in just the way she liked it.

Word Count: 1153
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