Bread, Rice, or Pasta?

If you had to choose one, which one?

  • Bread

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • Rice

    Votes: 14 31.8%
  • Pasta

    Votes: 14 31.8%

  • Total voters


@ discord if urgent
Aug 23, 2015
Throwback Tickets
if you've heard this question before, no you haven't. quiet, splatoon player


Battle of the carbohydrates! This was such an interesting topic that I need to know the general public's choice. Feel free to share food pictures to prove your point and beat the other carbohydrates!!

I'm team Rice all the day. literally. I have rice every day. Asians rice up (pun intended)
It's a super hard one, I like rice but bread also come in so many yummy varieties. I'm choosing bread but rice is close. However, I hate pasta.
All of these are of course superb, but I have always been a lover of bread. I eat a bagel nearly every morning with my breakfast, and I’m excited about it every single time. Plain white bread with butter is one of the most perfect foods on earth.
I'm French but I voted pasta. I love baguettes, like ACTUALLY love them it's wild, but I like pasta more. As someone who's very fussy, having food I really like is rare and pasta is so versatile so it's amazing to me.
Voted for bread because I can't imagine life without it 🥐🥖
Pasta's an easy choice for me. I'm not a fan of rice, and while bread is okay, I find pasta a lot more enjoyable to eat, plus a lot more versatile as Hat mentioned above.
the hardest question fr 😭 i love jasmine and basmati rice as well as all types of pastas and breads
Really hard since they’re all good, but I think I pick rice. Rice is good in any form, but there’s this one Nigerian rice dish that looks like this and it’s so good. There’s also this one and they’re both so goated lol. Probably some of my favorite foods ever so I think I have to pick rice.
i love all three but i feel like i eat bread the most often so that’s what i voted for! 🍞
Rice is easily my favorite, and I eat it the most out of the bunch too. My family actually has had a nickname for me as a rice lover (as a child, I ate the most rice in my household and frequently got seconds), though I don't know what's the translated English phrase lol.
Definitely pasta because you can put so many different types of sauces on it, and there are so many different types of pasta!
Rice... I can't even go a single day without any of my meals containing it. 🍚