Bugs diving or fishing?

What's more enjoyable?

  • Catching bugs

    Votes: 34 35.1%
  • Diving for creatures

    Votes: 22 22.7%
  • Fishing

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • I dislike all 3

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters


📝Hello Friend 📨
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
What do you enjoy most of these?
Whether its about earning bells, filling your museum, or the sheer fun.
I know you can earn bells by turnips or pumpkins but i dont really perceive these as activities like these other three.

Personally I find bug catching the most enjoyable and fun.
Mine is fishing because it's more complicated. Which frustrates me, but makes it so much more WOWing when I manage to snag one of the more expensive fish. With the bugs, it's all RNG based really. Sure, there are a few that take skill, but I still find it easier to catch a tarantula than it is to reel in a blue marlin.
I read that as "bug diving" and I went "wh-what?" lol

I like fishing a bit more, I think. The bug off is more fun than the fishing tourney though. Those two are more so tied and diving is my least favorite.
Lol yeah i should have put a comma in there but didnt think about it.
Fishing is fun yet frustrating for me. More often than not, I press the button too soon because I don't want to let it get away. It doesn't help when the shadow charges the line but doesn't strike it. I fall for it every time.
I voted for diving
Diving for sea creatures is the worst of the 3. There's just no fun in being out in the ocean spamming A

I think fishing is the best and since it doesn't have as complex of a spawning mechanism as the bugs do, it's also easier to complete
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I think I like fishing the best. I keep fish in real life and it’s really cool to see all the fish next to each other in a completed museum.

It’s also personally the easiest for me. It’s how I made all my bells by catching sharks in New Leaf, so when I hear the “bloop” sound my head almost automatically smashes A LOL.
i’ve been doing these a lot over the last few months as i’ve been working towards completing my nm achievements and while they’re all fun imo, i’ve definitely grown to like bug-catching more. might be a bit weird but i lowkey like walking around my island, waiting for a bug to spawn and then the excitement that follows when it does aha. :’^)
if i'm feeling engaged and focused, i prefer fishing.

if i am feeling lazy and distracted, i prefer diving.

trying to fish when i am unfocused gets frustrating because i mess up more often, but diving when i'm unfocused is great because half the sea critters don't go anywhere anyway. OH and i like looking at the water while swimming! it's a good visual stim to me.
I prefer fishing the most. Diving just feels really slow to me to fully enjoy and for bug catching... at least running around with the fishing rod won't get me attacked at night haha.
I prefer diving the most. It's just a nice and chill activity to do to relax with, and also easy to do something else (i.e. watch a video) on the side while doing it. It also helps that it's the best way to grind for bells out of the 3, lol
at the moment I’m probably doing the most fishing but I think overall I prefer diving? It’s definitely less stressful than fishing lol
I go diving more than anything purely because it’s the one activity where your tools don’t break constantly.
Fishing is my favourite out of them, I like the wide variety of fish that can be caught and also the fact that while you can always find some in the water there is also the option to spawn more with fish bait, so if I’m feeling lazy I can just stay in one spot and fish. Between fishing and bug catching I find it easier to make more bells catching fish so that’s another reason I prefer it.
I’m more into bug catching in the summer months when there’s more variety and all the butterflies around so I’ll probably spend more time catching bugs then. I like diving but I can get tired with it pretty quickly, still do it at least once a day though as it’s a quick way to make bells and it’s a chance to see Pascal .
I enjoy fishing as I find it the most relaxing. Diving is ok and it is fun when you manage to catch a difficult crab or something or when Pascal actually gives you something other than a Pearl 😂 I’m not great at bug catching so don’t do it often. I am terrified of being attacked by spiders and scorpions 🥺😂
Bug catching, at least they're not shadows so you don't have to este your time catching something you don't need.
if i am feeling lazy and distracted, i prefer diving.
That must be it. I'm lazy and distracted a lot. Haha
That explains a lot. :D
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I actually think I like diving the best. I seem to be able to make the most money while doing it too. I just like the idea of swimming and diving. I'm not sure if it's because it's an update and I feel like I've been fishing/catching bugs and stuff forever, but diving still kind of feels like a novelty somewhat. I think fishing would be a close second, though. I'm not that great at catching bugs, or any seasonal things in the air for that matter, so bugs are definitely my least favorite to try to catch!