of the three, i prefer fishing the most. not sure why, maybe because it's more reliable? you can run around your town for ages (especially in winter) and rarely comes across bugs in general, let alone half-decent ones, but there will always be fish readily available to catch without much hunting on your part. interestingly though, i prefer the bug-off to the fishing tourney, largely because the timer mechanic suits it more -- there's too much waiting in fishing (even with bait) for it to ever be as fun/effective, and you can easily screw up the timing. diving is my least favorite of the three, no question, but if the swimming speed was faster, i'd prefer it to bug catching.
When I was younger I liked catching bugs the most, maybe because I liked all the interesting bugs you can find, but now I enjoy the process of fishing more
This is going to sound silly. But when I'm tired or sad or otherwise need to chill out, one of the things I do is just run up and down the beach and... farm clams. Then I go nuts making fish bait. I must have so much fish bait built up. I'm just saving it, I guess, for a fishing tourney but sometimes when C.J is on my island, I'll take a stack out and fish until I'm bored to make some bells. I think I enjoy all of them fairly equally though.
Diving, I guess, since I discovered it, just cant get myself out of water for all of free time. It's just so relaxing. And also extremely profitable It takes only 10-15 min to completely fill the inventory, with fishing and bugs it would be impossible.
I like all 3, but chose bug catching because it's the easiest and most relaxing. I like fishing a lot, too, but I play without sound or vibrate most of the time and the visual of the bopper going down is very subtle and I'm slow.
I enjoy fishing the most. Catching bugs is okay, although sometimes annoying depending on what bug you try to catch. Not a huge fan of diving/swimming, mainly because of how slow it is.
Everythin else is a grind, the bugs come so easy when you have lots of flowers around. I will keep any bug thats worth more than 800 bells and when Flick comes around sell them all. In the Spring and Summer seasons I was making quite a bit, like 400k everytime he came. I don't do the whole turnip thing so that's kinda where alot of my bells came from. I used to make 800k before Nintendo nuked spawn rates mooonths ago.
I'm not a fan of fishing, never have been in any of the games. Sometimes I'll press A too early. I also don't find chasing the sea creatures to be fun, nor do I like the mystery of what I'm getting. With flowers I have a pretty darn good idea of what I'm getting: paper kites, lots of them, the occasional Raja Brooke and Sunset Moth (depending on the season). Yeah there are other butterflies but they seem to spawn more in open grassy areas rather than my crossbreed fields.
I'm definitely in the minority opinion here, but I love diving. It's frustrating when you're looking for a specific creature and can't find it, but if I'm just doing it for fun, I find it pretty enjoyable. I love how the water looks in-game and I love the satisfying swishy sounds your character makes while swimming
I love fishing the most, because compared to bug catching, you don't know what you're going to get ! And I love the fish 3D models a lot in this game.
Diving is also fun but I find it slow so it's not my fave activity. Actually hate it when Gullivarrr is asking for my help haha
I like fishing. For a while I was so upset that I couldn't figure out how make a nice pond on my island to fish from (even though I have caught all pound critters). I fixed that problem though Now I’m upset that my top water fall area isn’t fishing friendly. I’m going or have to fix that. Can’t have those areas unfishable.
Normally I'd answer with fishing, but currently I'm more excited about bugs because that's the only one of the three that I still need to hunt for the achievements. I can't wait for the bugs to return. ^^
Catching new fish was always a lot more exciting than finding new bugs, I guess because of the surprise aspect. Diving wasn't too bad to do once I found some strategies to avoid having to sneak/chase too much, but I never really did it without distracting myself with videos/movies and I can't say it was that entertaining.
Fishing has always been my favourite part of AC! Sometimes I forget that diving is a thing lol
I think I’ve exhausted myself from the hours I’ve put in because I’ve nearly caught each fish/bug/sea creature. I think I paced myself a little more in older games so I was always able to catch new fish whereas this time around it’s always more of the same so can get a little boring
I prefer fishing but in the summer bug catching is so easy lol so I do that a lot. Diving is fun except when you’re chasing one of the hard to get creatures for like ten minutes lol. Although I appreciate now how the creatures seem to no longer be able to escape under the rope in the deeper parts of the diving area. That was one of the most frustrating things in NL when you would be so close to catching a creature then poof it escapes under the rope
I think I'd probably have to say that bug catching is my favorite of these three. Simple, mostly easy (aside from stuff like the Petaltail Dragonfly that just zooms around everywhere at high speeds), and you know what you're getting when you swing your net. Nice and straightforward. That said, stuff like the rare, expensive beetles on the coconut trees seem way more skittish than they were in New Leaf and some can seem kind of unfair at times.
With fishing, it can sometimes be a pain because I usually don't have the game audio on and some fish can get away as a result, and there are of course the moments when you think you might catch a decent fish and it ends up being a Sea Bass or whatever. I do enjoy fishing, just not as much.
As for diving, I've never been a fan, especially back in New Leaf. I don't like having to button mash, I worry about the button components wearing out.