Bugs diving or fishing?

What's more enjoyable?

  • Catching bugs

    Votes: 34 35.1%
  • Diving for creatures

    Votes: 22 22.7%
  • Fishing

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • I dislike all 3

    Votes: 2 2.1%

  • Total voters
Catching bugs is fun! I still do it, even though I've already caught every bug in the game. Especially those big butterflies. They're like coffee to me. I see a cup of coffee, I will drink it.

Also, when you catch bugs, you're guaranteed never to catch a stone, boot, can, tyre or Bunny Day egg.

*stares at ocean full of stones*

Unlike what others have said, bug catching is more enjoyable for me than fishing. I can't remember how many times I've "died" to the creepy crawlies of the night, but even so I enjoy it when they spawn, and like a hunter, when I catch them I feel very proud. The animation for some insects are really cool, like the dung beetle, so it its neat to sometimes just watch them. Some of them also have different conditions for spawning, unlike fish, so its more fun to try to figure out how to get them. Fishing is too easy that its boring and diving is just frustrating, especially when it comes to creatures like the red king crab.
I like diving. I'm still early in the game and I need bells, and one loop around the island diving can net me quite a lot of creatures for bells.

I also enjoy those little "wisdoms" from Pascal. He is funny. I'm still trying to collect all the DIYs from him so I try to get a scallop every day.
I prefer catching bugs. I actually don't mind diving at all even though I have to keep pressing A. Fishing is fine but I hate how half of the time I cast my fishing rod, the fish face the other way which annoys me. You have no idea how often this happens to me.
Diving is kind of slow and annoying, I really like fishing though. Catching bugs is too inconsistent, it seems like fish and sea creatures are more plentiful in this game.
fishing atm bc it's making me the most bells. bug catching is more entertaining around spring/summer bc there's way more to catch.

I'm not a huge fan of diving. trying to catch those fast ones can get aggravating, especially when you're doing everything right and they still manage to zoom off.
I really enjoy fishing and for now I do it for a good part of my day on Animal Crossing! But I like diving as well even if I find it less fun because we have to swim and spam the A button to be efficient (and my finger is hurting). Finally, catching bugs is ok but they are in my opinion sometimes difficult to find compared to fishs and sea creatures so I prefer avoiding this when it's possible.
I generally like bugs the most, but as there aren't that many around in winter, I think I'm enjoying diving the most at the moment as I do enjoy swimming around trying to look for bubbles.
Ah this is tricky! I really like all of them, lol.

Fishing might be my favourite though, because I love the little sounds. The splash when you cast your rod, when the fish bite the bait, I find it really satisfying. I prefer fishing in the ocean to the river, as I find it’s less of a headache. Fishing in a pond is 0/10 I rarely do it because I find I spend 90% of the time casting my rod to line up with the fish.

I do enjoy diving for sea creatures though because it also has some nice water sounds and I don’t have to worry about anything breaking. Some of the speedier creatures can be tricky to nab but at least I’m never concerned about something breaking and losing my rhythm.

Catching bugs probably comes last but I really like it as well! I love seeing all the colourful bugs in the spring and summer it’s so pretty 🥰💕
I've loved catching bugs and fishing in every other AC game, where tools didn't break, or need to be customized. :D
There was a time soon after the game came out where I really enjoyed fishing. I don't do much of any of them since completing my fish and bug exhibits, but I still have a handful of sea creatures left to catch. I don't really care for diving because I find it hard to predict or find the creatures I'm missing.
Diving by far since the wetsuit doesn't break 😝 I find it really relaxing to just do laps around my island at night and catch whatever pops up. Even the fast creatures are pretty easy to catch once you get the hang of it( esp. since they can't go off into the boundaries anymore) so it's also my current favorite way to grind bells.

Tools breaking honestly kinda ruined the fun of fishing/bug catching for me, so I only really do those when there's a tourney on or I need a specific one for the museum/ one of Flick's models.
I prefer diving the most but tbh when I have caught all the bugs/fish/sea creatures for the month, I don't do a whole lot of any of them!
I prefer diving. I find diving relaxing and I don’t have to worry about tools breaking. I still like fishing but don’t do much of it.
At this point, I do the most fishing. I haven’t been diving much recently because... well, winter and snow. However, in warmer weather probably spend the most time fishing, then diving, and bugs.
I love fishing when a new month starts, and you get new fish. I always find it exciting to catch a new fish for the first time. I was especially excited when shark season began. Now that I've caught them all, I don't fish much anymore.

I like catching bugs too, but get so frustrated because I constantly scare them off.

Diving for sea critters makes my thumb tired. Lol. It's my least favorite.
i love catching bugs it's so fun and all the bugs are so cute in this game ^-^

fishing is the most annoying thing tbh
in fact the moment i caught all fish, i straight up chucked my fishing rod in the bin and i haven't had one since

divings ok, but still annoying how i have to constantly press A
This question currently seems a bit unfair as the bug life is butchered cause of the winter season and hasn't been very fruitful for months. I easily choose catching bugs as it's the most fun for me hands down. I get to travel around my island and hunt bugs with my town and villagers sometimes playing a part. The models are awesome and the Bug Off was actually pretty fun.

Fishing is a bit less interactive with your actual island as there are more set spawn points, but you can still enjoy fishing at a river while one of your villagers walk by and stop to sit by a nearby tree next to you. But the actual fishing can be annoying from the fish turning when you throw the line or when the fish really drags out the catching process with nibbles. Then you also got the whole trash and Sea Bass thing. I actually think I prefer Stardew Valley's fishing.

Diving... is horrible. There are only two positives I can even think of for it. It's the least skill based way to get money as you literally just find stuff. The other positive is that is fits a island environment and is one of the VERY few more long term and game play updates this game has actually seen. Most updates are for little events and holidays with very little actual meat to them. It's boring and rather uninteractive though. You stare at your bland ocean and chases shadows. If it's runner, you get to SLOWLY wade over to it which is a snore fest. I don't even know if I want to aim for the Diving achievement for catching X amount of stuff. It's just boring and takes me away from my island to look at a bunch of water.
Diving used to never bother me in NL but it absolutely irks me in this game. I don't know why, its unsettling. Fishing is the best, no contest. It's super peaceful but at the same time rewarding. Bug catching I don't really think of as a "hobby" you can Actively DO in this game, if that makes sense? It's mostly just like, spot a bug, notice you haven't caught it before, catch it. I don't put much thought into it. but I feel you have to, like, Engage in fishing. I don't know where I'm going with this thought, but its gonna be fishing for me, dog