Mafia Call the Ships to Port: Game Thread - END GAME - TOWN VICTORY!

Ok. So. I can think of a few reasons why FN would vote me.
1. We're scum bussing each other, which we aren't.
2. He's a Jester who is intentionally doing something that would seem not obvious to do as Jester, as in like reverse psychology.
3. He's being a really stupid townie.
4. He's scum doing a form of reverse psychology. He probably knows that he would be sussed for it, and then people would realize it is a stupid idea to do as scum, because it would be too obvious that he would be sussed for it.

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I'm honestly not liking mog's play, I need to get some of her town meta, and some scum meta. All of her posts are about me, and I feel like it would be easy to blend in this way as scum.

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1. What is your timezone? USA

2. How active will you be this game? Not disclosing.

3. Preferred pronoun? He / him

4. Do you prefer being town or being mafia? Not disclosing.

5. How do you handle pressure? Not disclosing.

6. Which player(s) in this game can you read the best? See #5.

7. Which player(s) in this game can best read you? See #6.

8. How many games have you played? 15-20, could be slightly higher or lower.

9. Who would you fearkill N1? Myself.

10. Will Ness answer this RQS? Ask him, not me.

Ahh these RQ's are really bad imo. If he's played 15-20 games, then I'm defo more confident that he's scum. Also the number of Not disclosing? Really? You're kidding me. He only really answered 3 and 8.
Honestly pretty surprised I'm not townread by Dolby yet

Mhm... I see. I'm assuming this has to do with FireNinja's vote on Punchy.

The above was his supposed reasoning on why they voted on Punchy for a lynch. Only thing I like about is that it seems like FireNinja isn't easily swayed by other people based on how they responded about their vote on Punchy. That's the only reason I would want to have them around is because of that.

It's a potential possibility is all I have to say.

Ok. So. I can think of a few reasons why FN would vote me.
1. We're scum bussing each other, which we aren't.
2. He's a Jester who is intentionally doing something that would seem not obvious to do as Jester, as in like reverse psychology.
3. He's being a really stupid townie.
4. He's scum doing a form of reverse psychology. He probably knows that he would be sussed for it, and then people would realize it is a stupid idea to do as scum, because it would be too obvious that he would be sussed for it.

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I'm honestly not liking mog's play, I need to get some of her town meta, and some scum meta. All of her posts are about me, and I feel like it would be easy to blend in this way as scum.

Why would you put down scum bussing as an option and then follow up by saying that's not what you're doing? lol idk if it's just me, but that came off as slightly sus??? like why not just leave that option out.. If you know you're not scum, scum bussing wouldn't be on your list.

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EDIT: Sorry about the extra quotes,I'm on mobile and must have clicked them by accident while scrolling thru the thread.
To awnser your question...wikipedia...also i read the hisyory of the game very interesting btw.
Ok heres what i think keep in mind these are not what i confirm just what i think
Punchy: im leaning twords mafia...he did get a little defensive it seems near the begining...dont know why though. But ill keep thinking on it
Ness vs Toads: Oh ho! Quite a ruckus you two made. Heres what i think i believe they are more close to town. Ness more so than toads tho. Ness did keep more of his cool during these arguments. But in the end i belive town for these two.
Tom: mafia. Idk about it but im going with my gut with thus one...not that ive seen him post enough to tell.
Everyone eles: so far i belive every one else is neutral at this point no one besides the ones above have stood out to me.
Hi, I'm here. I've been vaguely following the thread while at school.
To awnser your question...wikipedia...also i read the hisyory of the game very interesting btw.
Ok heres what i think keep in mind these are not what i confirm just what i think
Punchy: im leaning twords mafia...he did get a little defensive it seems near the begining...dont know why though. But ill keep thinking on it
Ness vs Toads: Oh ho! Quite a ruckus you two made. Heres what i think i believe they are more close to town. Ness more so than toads tho. Ness did keep more of his cool during these arguments. But in the end i belive town for these two.
Tom: mafia. Idk about it but im going with my gut with thus one...not that ive seen him post enough to tell.
Everyone eles: so far i belive every one else is neutral at this point no one besides the ones above have stood out to me.

What triggered a "gut feeling" that Tom is mafia? I've seen a few other people say he's possible scum as well, but I think we need more posts from him before we can start saying he's sus.
Gonna respond to accusations first and then talk about suspicions. Separate posts most likely since I haven't done actual analysis, just keeping up with the thread.

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ok sooo...anything you'd like to say?

also unvote Punchy if you know what's good for you

Why would you put down scum bussing as an option and then follow up by saying that's not what you're doing? lol idk if it's just me, but that came off as slightly sus??? like why not just leave that option out.. If you know you're not scum, scum bussing wouldn't be on your list.

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EDIT: Sorry about the extra quotes,I'm on mobile and must have clicked them by accident while scrolling thru the thread.

I honestly think it would be sus to not include it at all. If I were scum and fellow scum were trying to clear me, I have a feeling someone would point out that that was an option, and then everyone would possibly think about it, and maybe eventually lynch me for it. I was trying to include everything that I thought of if I were anyone else. And then there's the option that he's a lyncher, which I can almost certainly rule out bc that in no way will that lynch me lol.

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Gonna respond to accusations first and then talk about suspicions. Separate posts most likely since I haven't done actual analysis, just keeping up with the thread.

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tom always acts like he is rn, honestly I don't see much value in trying to analyze his ****posting d1. Wait until n1/d2 on him imo

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Gonna respond to accusations first and then talk about suspicions. Separate posts most likely since I haven't done actual analysis, just keeping up with the thread.

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sounds good. I await your post(s). And thanks - but were you going to anyway, or did you do so only because I prompted you to?
What triggered a "gut feeling" that Tom is mafia? I've seen a few other people say he's possible scum as well, but I think we need more posts from him before we can start saying he's sus.

Nothing triggers gut feeling they just come naturally
Nothing triggers gut feeling they just come naturally

I don't think going off a gut feeling is smart at all (especially this early in the game). Shouldnt we leave all feelings aside and use logic instead? It's better to wait and see if people do/say something suspicious rather than just saying somebody's mafia out of nowhere.
I don't think going off a gut feeling is smart at all (especially this early in the game). Shouldnt we leave all feelings aside and use logic instead? It's better to wait and see if people do/say something suspicious rather than just saying somebody's mafia out of nowhere.

I did also say that he didnt post enough to tell
Post interspersed with actual defense and fluff. Enjoy.

Fireninja leaves this. I'm going to say this right now before rereading through the rest of the thread: I don't like either of them as of right now. FN is being far quieter than I last remember him as town (MM), while Punchy has been kinda weird, even considering that it is him we're talking about. However, Fire leaves absolutely zero reason for his vote other than "he voted first" when Punchy literally retracted it in the same post and it was well established as a joke
1. The "he voted first" reasoning was a response to Mog about why I'm not trying to get an easy townclear from this, not why I voted him.
2. I don't think using Mystic Messenger is a good standard. My opening to that game was ridiculously controversial.

Honestly, my theory is that FN is a hostile TP. This is quite possibly a new role that no one else has created. If this is true, and something happens, then town will be doomed.
This theory is false.

other than that noonces done anything obviously scummy yet, just a few weird things like toms kinda memey posts and fireninjas weird omgus in defense of ness thing, but idk their meta yet so that could be normal. gotta look over old games when im free, theres so many new people and vets i havent played with b4
I haven't mentioned Ness once this game.


-Voted for Punchy over one simple thing, and I don?t think he has played with Punchy before either. I agree that what Punchy said was weird and out of place but I am also considering that if Punchy is inexperienced town acting wacky and he isn't mafia, this can very much be looked back upon as jumping on easy prey. I don't see how this is so. The vote against Punchy was exactly that: a vote against Punchy.

-Also if you are going to answer RQS with a bunch of ?not saying? then just ignore the RQS Why?

Ok, still don?t have time to talk in depth rn, but I?ve read the thread and would like to remind you that FN is still a option, and I kinda feel like you all forgot that he existed
Yeah, this FN guy is pretty shady, let's lynch him.

- I get why fireninja would vote punchy, seeing as FN hasn?t played with punchy before, but the fact he kept his vote long after it was established punchy was trolling is mildly concerning
I sort of just kept it there and was going to change it later lol. This should answer your question from earlier.

I just went through his posts and he hasn't really posted anything substantial, and his punchy vote seems really random? FN seems v fishy but I also feel like that's too obvious as mafia, would he really vote somebody right away without explanation if he was trying to lay low?

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The whole "we aren't a team" was random to me as well, I don't see why FN would feel the need to say that as nobody had even considered the fact that they were a team. I agree with punchy, FN is either playing bad town or bad scum lol. Not quite sure who a jester is tho?
It's not me, I am not the jester this game. Also, if you had to pick between the two which one is it?

@Ryu If I have somebody who I think should be, itd FN. but I don?t think he?s getting nearly enough scrutiny
I'm not opposed to more scrutiny.

@Dolby Fireninja's never played with Punchy and what punchy did could have been seen as scummy by someone unfamiliar with Punchy's ****posting. But at this point it's an untenable position to hold
I didn't know of Punchy's meta going into this game, just to be clear.

I can't tell if this is a beary509 town or a mafia and yarr it's drivin' me nuts

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post glitch ripperoni
Throwback to 2015 oh my god.

don't know who or what beary509 is, but if I'm reading Trundle right, I gotta say I agree that Ryumia's post doesn't make much sense here. If FN is scum I wouldn't be surprised if Ryumia is as well cuz of Ryumia seemingly protecting FN here. But it's way too early to make a definitive call on that. Just a situation to keep tabs on for sure
Beary was a former mafia player. I'll talk about other players in a bit.

Ok. So. I can think of a few reasons why FN would vote me.
1. We're scum bussing each other, which we aren't.
2. He's a Jester who is intentionally doing something that would seem not obvious to do as Jester, as in like reverse psychology.
3. He's being a really stupid townie.
4. He's scum doing a form of reverse psychology. He probably knows that he would be sussed for it, and then people would realize it is a stupid idea to do as scum, because it would be too obvious that he would be sussed for it.
It's actually all four at the same time.

sounds good. I await your post(s). And thanks - but were you going to anyway, or did you do so only because I prompted you to?
See above--I was going to change it at some point, but you asked so I did it anyway.

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Ahh these RQ's are really bad imo. If he's played 15-20 games, then I'm defo more confident that he's scum. Also the number of Not disclosing? Really? You're kidding me. He only really answered 3 and 8.

That was on purpose.