Canvas Crossing Drawings

Looking through this thread and getting to see over 400 (wow!) pieces of incredible art was truly such a gift and an incredible experience! I'm gonna be honest, I looked through here before really looking at the contest, staff favourite and raffle winners LOL. I was just so excited to finally see everyone's work!!

The generosity, kindness and friendship in this community has never failed to astound me in the 9 years I've been here, but the generosity (and the talent!) you all displayed during this event truly took my breath away! It makes my heart so happy to see how many of you did extra drawings! Getting to see so many unique reps in so many different and wonderful art styles was such a blessing for my eyes. Whether you only managed to do one extra drawing, 50, or any number in-between, you are all incredible and thoughtful, and I know you've all made each and every one of your recipients happy!

I've already thanked my artists personally and in the closing ceremony thread, but I just wanted to say a big thank you again to Dunquixote, .: Meri :., -Blue-, Halloqueen, faerie, xSuperMario64x, BetsySundrop, azurill, Foreverfox, MrBox and Zerous (not pinging you all again because I don't want to be annoying lol) for drawing me! I truly wasn't expecting any drawings at all, so the fact that 11 people thought of me and took the time to draw me means the world. 🥹 I will cherish my new art and all of your kindnesses forever!

I'm very happy that I was able to squeeze in a few extra drawings myself before the deadline! I wish I could have gotten started on them sooner and submitted more in time for the big reveal, but I actually continued to work on drawings after the deadline to send to people personally! I've been able to complete 7 drawings between then and now, and since all of the recipients have seen them, I thought it'd be fun to post them in here for everyone else to see as well! I still have.. 6 drawings to do.. so I will be back!!


@Dunquixote (ft. Spanky and Jewels!)


@azurill (ft. Aurora!)

@Midoriya (ft. Pippi! 🩷)


and lastly (for now!), @rosetti
Canvas Crossing Submission #1
A Drawing for... Rhea!


I really loved Rhea's jester outfit, and Rhea's commitment to Pudge, the lazy bear cub!
Also included some of those shiny collectibles

Ahhhhh @Millysaurusrexjr this is AMAZING!! And with Pudge too omg! I can’t even describe how much I love it!! 😍

If only I was as talented as you. Thank you so so much!!

I might have to change my title…
Pudge Millysaurusrexjr worshipper
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I drew my friend LambdaDelta! Here is their Wonderous Wardrobe post. I hope you can look past my horrid drawing skills and ignore the proportion of some things hahah.

honestly, I really love the charm of a good old simple ms paint style drawing

sure, it's not winning any objective artistic points, but there's just something about its silly simplicity I will always love

Canvas Crossing Submission #2
A drawing for... LambdaDelta!


LambdaDelta's Wondrous Wardrobe entry pic + overall aesthetic immediately caught my eye!
I just had to combine their rep and Kracko in a drawing, so here she is, surfing on Kracko 🏄‍♀️

actually laughed when I saw this one in the browsing. what an amazingly silly and fun submission. also, massive props to getting a solid feel on what my kracko edits were meant to convey as well

(but also, my god, this post looks like it was hell to format)

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For LambdaDelta, based on this post

Not sure if this is exactly what you meant, but I very much enjoyed drawing this HAH​

a mix of slightly disturbing, cool, somewhat silly, and highly creative. kudos to your big brain 'outside the box' thinking here
I've had to browse through this reveal a few times just to appreciate how much work, time, and love everyone put in their entries. This was by far my favorite task of any event and I'm looking forward to it's inevitable return. I've already thanked everyone privately who had drawn me, but I meant everything I said! I'm so honored and touched and it warms my heart. There were about 150+ reps to choose from. I will cherish these drawings forever! I'm actually surprised so many had chosen my rep. A dear friend shared their drawing they did of me way before the reveal and I was so touched! Before that, I didn't expect any drawings, but 16 different drawings!? omg I'm so blessed to have such great friends and members with this wonderful community ❤️ I tried so hard with so many different outfits, but my storage was so lacking nothing was sticking. 😅 But that so many said it was a cute wardrobe means a lot haha! I don't want to ping everyone and be annoying, but you all know who you are and I'm grateful for you and your gift, tysvm! 🥰

ForeverFox and MrBox you were so dedicated with how many drawings/reps you were able to finish. It's amazing. And it didn't matter if your final number was 1, 3, 50 or something else, that you drew art for someone means a lot to them. I know it does! I've had a lot personally thank me and some did so publicly. I'm sorry for those of you that made a public shout out, I missed a lot of them because I got swamped with so many alerts. Holy cow, I think this was probably the most I've ever gotten lmao. It was like 150+ the first night the reveal happened. I didn't even know where to begin! :ROFLMAO:

This event was really fun! I'm going to draw a few more at my own leisurely pace. There was this ambitious one I wanted to do of a giant cake and lots of reps just helping bake/decorate it or causing mischief. I'm going to try that again!

I also want to thank LadyDestani and any staff involved with this task. It was so fun and that you allowed us to keep drawing extras meant a lot. It was a fun distraction for me during a trying time. And that there were over 400 drawings or reps included is crazy that you managed to keep it all running smoothly and organized! I would love to draw for all of you staff involved in this event as well. If you don't mind, do you have somewhere on the forum with a picture of your island representative?
I would love to draw for all of you staff involved in this event as well. If you don't mind, do you have somewhere on the forum with a picture of your island representative?
You're not the first person to say this. It's very kind of you and the thought is certainly appreciated! I actually don't have an island rep since I skipped NH. I know some of the other staff members do, but I don't have a location to point to for all of them.

It really makes me so happy to see how much everyone enjoyed this event! Seeing your reactions to the reveal has been beyond rewarding. There were so many amazing, cute, fun, or cool pieces submitted and I was bursting to share them with you all. We definitely need to do this again in the future!
You're not the first person to say this. It's very kind of you and the thought is certainly appreciated! I actually don't have an island rep since I skipped NH. I know some of the other staff members do, but I don't have a location to point to for all of them.

It really makes me so happy to see how much everyone enjoyed this event! Seeing your reactions to the reveal has been beyond rewarding. There were so many amazing, cute, fun, or cool pieces submitted and I was bursting to share them with you all. We definitely need to do this again in the future!
( It doesn't have to be NH..!! )
late to the party but thank you @MrBox and @Nika for drawing soup!! i have been having one of the worst weeks of my life right now and it really helped me smile to see your art. i appreciate that you chose my little soup to draw ✨🎉

thank you for hosting this event! it was so much fun and i hope we have more like this in the future too.
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Here's a drawing for Sharksheep!
Ref here!

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I drew Sharksheep

I chose Sharksheep!
Hope you've been enjoying the fair! 🎡

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Link: Sharksheep's post in Wonderous Wardrobe

I finally finished! I resized image as it was too big, hoping it loads.

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I drew:
Princess Mipha

And Redd.

Thank you for the drawings everyone! I love them all 💛
You're not the first person to say this. It's very kind of you and the thought is certainly appreciated! I actually don't have an island rep since I skipped NH. I know some of the other staff members do, but I don't have a location to point to for all of them.

It really makes me so happy to see how much everyone enjoyed this event! Seeing your reactions to the reveal has been beyond rewarding. There were so many amazing, cute, fun, or cool pieces submitted and I was bursting to share them with you all. We definitely need to do this again in the future!
U DON’T have NH?!?! Ummm. Hey guys, does everybody wanna donate a dollar and we’ll just send Lady a copy?!?! But no in all seriousness thank you guys for hosting this particular event. At first, I was really dreading it because I really know that drawing “people” it’s not my forte at all, but this particular event became so endearing and I loved the whole community coming together to do this. I really really think this might be the most special event y'all have ever hosted.
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You just got "How to draw Manga"ified, Shanica92!!!
Thank You, @MrBox for drawing my island rep. She looks beautiful! ☺️ 🩵
I drew Shanica92’s outfit‼️

Here is the reference post

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Thank You @toxapex for drawing my island rep. She's cute and having fun while holding her treat.🥳🩵
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As a huge blue lover, your party getup was hands down my favorite! 🩵💙 Enjoy!
Character Reference Link
Pose Reference Link
Thank You @VenalLapin for drawing my island rep. I'm glad you like my rep party getup, blue is my favorite color. ☺️🩵💙

Thanks again MrBox, toxapex, and VenalLapin for drawing my island rep. I'm speechless and I love them so much!!!🥹☺️💙🩵