Canvas Crossing

It’s really heartwarming to read many of you have drawn extras for this event, it’s so sweet! ❤️ My art skills aren’t the greatest but I’m happy I could my best and I hope to leave a smile on those that I have drawn. Technically, I’ve made one more drawing but I’m not submitting it, waiting for the right time to show it to them.
I'm not gonna make it 💀 The urge to make every line as clean and smooth as possible took over yet again 🥲 But I'm going to continue working on it in my own time. I'm just sad they won't get to see it 🥺

Also 20 and 50?!?! 🤯 That's amazing!!! And incredibly generous ❤️
And in general, everyone who has gone out of their way to draw extras is so kind 🥹 Y'all are the MVPs!!!!
Do some of you guys have a lot of free time or what? Because wow, that's a lot of drawings and I only managed to muster up three because of my busy work schedule. I've started my fourth one, but I wouldn't be able to finish it before the deadline, sadly. Despite that, I'll complete it eventually and show it to them personally. I love this activity. 💙
Haha I wish. I'm just dumb and just sleep deprived myself some nights and then went to work on a few hours 😅 The idea of others drawing and not getting anything in return didn't sit right with me so I tried my best and ran out of steam before I even got half way there.

With's not going to be like Van Gogh's work. It's more like Van Oh-nos work. They're not super detailed like I am expecting so many of the skilled artists to have submitted. With the bodies I mean. Mine are very simple.

I'm not gonna make it 💀 The urge to make every line as clean and smooth as possible took over yet again 🥲 But I'm going to continue working on it in my own time. I'm just sad they won't get to see it 🥺

Also 20 and 50?!?! 🤯 That's amazing!!! And incredibly generous ❤️
And in general, everyone who has gone out of their way to draw extras is so kind 🥹 Y'all are the MVPs!!!!
I don't know who you're drawing, but you can always PM it to them when you're finished! I'm sure no one would say no to a friendly surprise like that.
I managed to get 5 bonus drawings done and submitted before the deadline! I would've been able to get more done had I started sooner, but I wasn't sure I'd be doing any bonus drawings at all with how I've been feeling this past month, despite how much I've wanted to. 5 drawings in less than 48 hours isn't too shabby, though!

I still have like... 10+ reps I want to draw though, so hopefully they won't mind receiving their art personally rather than during the big reveal. I know it won't be as exciting that way, but hopefully it's the thought that counts. :') I hope I didn't butcher anyone's rep too badly haha!

This was honestly a really sweet event; I'd love to see something like this return in the future! It's been so heartwarming to see so many of you dedicate time to creating bonus drawings, whether it was 1 or 50!

I've also seen some of you worrying about disappointing your recipients with your art. I hope you all genuinely know that regardless of your artistic abilities, receiving art from you (or anyone) is a gift. I can guarantee you that everyone you created art for will be so honoured and happy with what you created for them, because it's not the ability or skill that matters, but the thought and effort. I can't speak for everyone on this point, but personally someone could draw a stick figure for me and I would literally still offer them my arm and leg in gratitude lol. You have all gifted people with your time, effort and thoughtfulness, and that is worth much more than artistic ability. 🩷

I can't wait for the big reveal!!
I managed to get 5 bonus drawings done and submitted before the deadline! I would've been able to get more done had I started sooner, but I wasn't sure I'd be doing any bonus drawings at all with how I've been feeling this past month, despite how much I've wanted to. 5 drawings in less than 48 hours isn't too shabby, though!

I still have like... 10+ reps I want to draw though, so hopefully they won't mind receiving their art personally rather than during the big reveal. I know it won't be as exciting that way, but hopefully it's the thought that counts. :') I hope I didn't butcher anyone's rep too badly haha!

This was honestly a really sweet event; I'd love to see something like this return in the future! It's been so heartwarming to see so many of you dedicate time to creating bonus drawings, whether it was 1 or 50!

I've also seen some of you worrying about disappointing your recipients with your art. I hope you all genuinely know that regardless of your artistic abilities, receiving art from you (or anyone) is a gift. I can guarantee you that everyone you created art for will be so honoured and happy with what you created for them, because it's not the ability or skill that matters, but the thought and effort. I can't speak for everyone on this point, but personally someone could draw a stick figure for me and I would literally still offer them my arm and leg in gratitude lol. You have all gifted people with your time, effort and thoughtfulness, and that is worth much more than artistic ability. 🩷

I can't wait for the big reveal!!
That’s it!!! I’m gonna draw Xara as a stick figure!!!!! but I’ll be good and give you the AC circle hands 😉 also make sure there’s food in your drawing or at least cotton candy looking clouds that you can eat!

(Not making fun of course, just being silly!!!)
Post automatically merged:

Do some of you guys have a lot of free time or what? Because wow, that's a lot of drawings and I only managed to muster up three because of my busy work schedule. I've started my fourth one, but I wouldn't be able to finish it before the deadline, sadly. Despite that, I'll complete it eventually and show it to them personally. I love this activity. 💙
I actually do not. I work six days a week. I work in the evenings so after my hands got their feeling bk in the morning the last week or so I worked on the extra ones that I did lol! I fully intended to try to get 5 done, but I’ll manage to get three extras done.

Lori! You are the real mvp!!!!
Well, I was late logging in tonight, but that's a wrap for submitting drawings! I'll be reviewing them all, adding them to my spreadsheet, and then I'll come back with final totals.

Dizzy and Ladydestani tonight

Thankfully not! 😂

Jeremy will do the merging and it should be pretty easy.
Do some of you guys have a lot of free time or what? Because wow, that's a lot of drawings and I only managed to muster up three because of my busy work schedule
Nope haha, I homeschool, work from home, and somehow clean the house and do all of that and draw at the same time. I have a (bad?) habit of multitasking, but I’m also pretty good at it, so meh, it works. 😂
This was so much fun. It’s impressive how so many were able to get so many done . I tried for 12 but could only get to 11. That being sick for a week didn’t help. Maybe will still try and get that last one done and send it to them later . Hopefully they won’t mind that it would be late.
Data Posted! New
All drawings are tallied and accounted for! We had a massive response to this event. It's unbelievable how much time and effort you all put into making each other happy!

There were 128 representatives available from Wonderous Wardrobe. Over the course of this event, 85 participants combined to draw a grand total of 431 representatives! There were some group drawings submitted so that is not the total number of drawings, but it does not make the achievement any less impressive.

So who submitted the most?
  • Foreverfox = 50 reps drawn (11.6%)
  • MrBox = 44 reps drawn (10.2%)
  • -Blue- = 22 reps drawn (5.1%)
  • BetsySundrop = 21 reps drawn (4.9%)
  • Zerous = 16 reps drawn (3.7%)
  • Rosch = 14 reps drawn (3.2%)
  • azurill = 11 reps drawn (2.6%)
  • The Pennifer = 10 reps drawn (2.3%)

And whose rep received the most drawings?
No, no, no. You didn't think I'd give that away before the reveal, did you?

Thank you all for participating!!! Whether you submitted one drawing or fifty, you'll surely make someone smile to know that you were thinking of them. 😊
I've said it before, but this was such a wonderful event - This is such a wonderful community that I feel so lucky to be apart of!! 😊🎉
I wish I could have had more time, (commitments >: ( ), but thank you so much to everyone else who spent time trying to make sure as many people as possible came away happy from this event! I'd love to see more events like this in the future 💚
I really think that’s awesome how many people went above and beyond :D. I honestly feel bad I couldn’t do more than one extra since I got myself really burnt out, but I’m really hoping we have another canvas crossing in the future in an event that is maybe less packed with activities so I can do some more drawings for other members and some extras 🙂.
Wow, what an impressive number of drawings submitted! I'm really glad to know everyone had their rep drawn at least once! 🎉💗🎨 It's really heart-warming to see how much people loved this event, and how much fun people had drawing reps even after there were no more tickets to collect! 😊 I only managed to draw four reps in total, but I really enjoyed having the chance to draw them.

I noticed people mention what they struggled to draw, and I have to say, I enjoyed drawing shades, since it saved me drawing eyes. 😅

I'm really looking forward to scrolling through all of that art. All 431+ drawings. 😳😮
That is an amazing number of drawings. So glad everyone will get a drawing. I did manage to finish my last one just not on time. So they will get it in a DM unless I can post it here after the reveal. Excited to see everyone’s drawings it was great event would love to see something like it again.
I was worried that a lot of people weren't going to get any drawings for themselves. Especially anyone who participated because it wouldn't be fair to them to not get anything in return. I never expected over 400. That's about 3.5 times. Way to go you all! My goal was to try to get a drawing done for anyone who participated, but even that was too much for me to handle and I only managed to get 1/2 of that number if I was lucky.

It doesn't matter if you drew 22, 3, or 1. (Still 50/40 is an impressive number so way to go with that!) You drew for someone and I can't speak for them, but I would've been honored and touched if someone drew for me. I know there were a lot who mentioned being self-conscious about putting their out art publicly for everyone to see. I am sure everyone's art is going to be lovely in their own unique style. I know you all put a lot of effort and love in your pieces without even seeing them with how everyone has been commenting in this thread. So anyone should be touched if you choose to draw for them.

I actually didn't expect anyone to draw for me, but LadyDestani mentioned everyone had at least 1 drawing and that is a really amazing feat that everyone worked towards. Way to go! A very lovely friend shared their drawing they did for me and I love it. Events like these are so fun because they involve everyone and bring our community together for an event that's about giving. And I love that.

I may just draw some more reps even now that the event is over. My last drawing took a bit of time so I needed a break lol.
I only did one extra drawing, which has a lot of reps in it lol. Awesome job by everyone on this! Especially foreverfox, mrbox, blue, and really, everyone who drew anything.

Can't wait to see all of these!
That's really impressive tbh! That's like 18 if you only put 1 in your other 3. Very nice, going to love seeing that one! I put 8 in my last drawing and I felt like I was running out of space :ROFLMAO:

Going to be great to see the final reveal! I'll probably have to spend so much time looking at them all and then probably commenting on them individually!
I may just draw some more reps even now that the event is over. My last drawing took a bit of time so I needed a break lol.
I was thinking of maybe making a few more just for fun. They are so many fun reps that I didn’t have the time to draw. It might be fun to randomly surprise someone with a drawing.