Canvas Crossing

Wow some users really went all in on that event lol! Congrats for the determination, I truly can't wait to see everyone's drawings!!!
The community really went above and beyond for this event! I only submitted five drawings myself, but I can't wait to see everyone else's drawings. I hope there will be more events like this in the future!
This event really made me smile from the very beginning. Although I’m very self-conscious about my art and I am my own worst critic, I’m still pretty proud of the ones that I did draw up even though I did not get to spend as much time on them as I would’ve liked to since we were kind of on a time crunch. I am very proud of this community for everything that they give back. Makes me feel like a proud mama. 😘
Everyone did an amazing job drawing fellow TBTers!

Also, good news! Since this event had no staff favorites, we've decided to add raffles for the animated collectible. Similar to the puzzle and pin the tail events, we'll raffle 4 collectibles to anyone who participated. (1 raffle entry per participant, no matter how many drawings they submitted.)
I really enjoyed this part of the event - something that I felt happy to participate in … I was really happy to have the opportunity to contribute 10 Canvas Art entries - I would have like to do more but it seems to take me more time to produce something these days LOL
And I’d also like to say it really made my heart smile as I am very nostalgic about Belltree Forums - such a big part of my life for so many years! 💕