Cash or Card?

Cash or card?

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In Colorado, under my cats rule.
Jan 21, 2023
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Apple (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Purple Violet
Sweet Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Orange Balloon
I realized today that I have been using my ATM/bank card to pay for everything for years now. I paid for my family's movie tickets, and they all repaid me in cash. I realized that I hadn't had actual money in my wallet for a very long time.

I felt weird having paper bills in my wallet, and on my way home I immediately gave some of it to a guy on the corner who looked miserable with a sign "anything helps". (Side note, he explained that he was a 90's guy... I guess that was meaningful?)

It made me think, who carries around physical money still? I know a lot of people do, and I kind of wish everyone still did. I miss both of my grandpa's pockets full of jingling change as they walked around.

Do you use cash are card? Or maybe you write checks? Or some other way of payment I don't know about?
I carry both on me usually. It's a good idea to have some cash on you at all times since some places only take cash. In fact there's one place I go to that requires it, and doesn't take debit cards or anything else.
i don't use cash ever, i think i've only seen one time a place that said "cash only for today, our machines are down" and thats the only time i was like "hm, wish i had cash."

if i do ever have cash on me for whatever reason, i use THAT first before my card because i'll legit forget i have it. i had $50 in my wallet a few months back from a local sale that i completely forgot about until a few weekends ago.
Here we use QR code/bank app. I haven't used my card in ages because of the app. I have small change on me most of the time so I can for small things, like parking or tip.
i prefer to pay whatever cash i have on me before using my debit card. heck, i’ll prioritize apple pay over taking from my bank account if i have it.
I prefer using Apple Pay, which I suppose falls under card. I only have one debit card where all of my money is deposited via direct deposit, so it’s rather easy to keep track of.

I like to keep some cash handy; I almost always have at least $20 in cash on me at all times in situations I don’t feel safe using a card.
I use my phone/apple pay. I haven't carried a wallet in almost a decade so no physical cards or money: credit, debit, transit cards are all on my phone, I also do all my banking in the bank's app. When giving friends/family money, we use e-transfers (Canadians know what I'm talking about) it's like venmo but directly between bank accounts.

A lot of businesses around me do not accept cash as a form of payment so to me cash is seen as a burden.

I will prepare some cash in advance if I were to go travelling somewhere, in the destination's currency, just cause the credit card/bank's currency exchange rate is usually trash. And it's cool to see other countries' money!
Now that every place seems to have those machines with touch screens to let you tip with a credit card I don't really like carrying cash anymore. I did carry cash everywhere for a few years since I didn't have a credit card or debit card yet and it showed me the ups and downs to them. Cash is really charming. The designs on each bill type and the way it feels to hold them is great. The downside to cash is having to organize them. I've always been bad at folding cash and they often turned up like wads when I put the bills in my pocket. I was used to it though and didn't mind.

Then I got a credit card and I don't know if can go back. It's just so convenient and easy to use. It does make my already bad spending habits much worse though since I don't have to put as much effort into paying for it. The amount I owe this month from using my credit card is insane.
card or apple pay. i want to change it and start carrying some physical cash on me though because i feel like i'm developing a bad habit of constantly using my card for things i don't need to use card for.
Cash is really charming. The designs on each bill type and the way it feels to hold them is great. The downside to cash is having to organize them.

This is also true for anyone who loves physical copies of books.

Going digital scares me a bit. It is super convenient, but if the banks suddenly say "sorry, it doesn't exist anymore", what do we do? Physical money (and books/newspapers) will probably outlive us.
I much prefer card and all of my work is direct deposit, but I try to have some cash on me at all times for the chance of somewhere not taking AMEX/someone needs it/a mugging/etc
I use both! Mostly cards though.
Online, i only use certain credit cards to shop, never my bank card. Had the bad experience of having my stuff hacked. No fun.