Shop ★ cataloging shop ★ 1:1 catalog trades, tbt or nmt! (catalog 1 item for 2tbt)

Hiya - May I please catalog the five pennants for the five effects rack colors you're missing (black, white, blue, red, pink)?
Hiya - May I please catalog the five pennants for the five effects rack colors you're missing (black, white, blue, red, pink)?
hi! I haven’t ordered the pennants yet but I can let you know when I have! Would love to catalog your effect racks.
hi! I haven’t ordered the pennants yet but I can let you know when I have! Would love to catalog your effect racks.

Thank you so much! Just PM me when you've ordered them and we can do a catalog trade. 😊
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Reactions: Aus
island name: frelia
items to catalog: watermelon beach ball
quantity: n/a
offered items: 2tbt
quantity: n/a
total price: 2tbt