• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Celebrating Diversity: New Horizons Character Designing Event

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Here is my entry- I call it the "Disabili-tree Tee". I made the custom design myself! I don't think I've ever posted about this on TBT, but I am disabled and use mobility aids for multiple health conditions. I have used wheelchairs, crutches, and braces almost my whole life to get around in the world. As a kid I was embarrassed to be disabled and many people treated me differently because of it. I hated to let people see I was handicapped and every-time I put my parking placard on the rearview mirror or went out with my aids I saw it as a kind of personal defeat. In the years since I've grown to accept that being disabled is not something to be ashamed of- rather that it is just a human condition like any other. It doesn't make me "lesser" or unable to do things, it has made me problem-solve and get creative in order to live life to the fullest. And that's just what I intend to do!

This entry/design goes out to all the TBT-ers and their friends/families whose physical abilities may differ or who may also be disabled!

This touches my heart so much! My son is disabled (he has Spina Bifida) and has braces and a wheelchair. We aren't sure yet if he'll be able to walk with assistance or not, as he's just about to turn 2, but you're right - he just learns to problem solve!

I went for a (maybe kinda convoluted lol) topic that has related to me and particularly one close friend lately:
People are unique and greatly varied, and we come from many different backgrounds and contexts, with different ideas, mental healths, families/support groups, socio-economic backgrounds (the brain, person and bell coin on the hat), gender and sexual identities (the pride flags on the dress and hat), and emotional and health backgrounds (the heart and scan on the dress, as well as the eyepatch and wrinkles). In particular, due to health situations, such as the scoliosis scan seen on the dress, this friend has been forced to stop working, and watch all her friends of the same age progress in their educations, careers, and other goals.

From this idea, I wanted to create a character that sent the message that, despite different diverse backgrounds and challenges, there will still be multiple paths of life people can take, even if they take different amounts of time. Just because a path doesn't match up to the expectations and timelines of other people, such as heading off to university, doesn't mean isn't valid or special. Just because people come from different backgrounds, and face different challenges, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of paths open to them, in their own time.

As you can't hold a timer in nh, I made the timer flag to represent this individual timing, and the yellow dots and arrows on the dress were meaning to point to all the different opportunities or pathways someone can take in life despite these differences and potential blockages.
😭 why am I getting teary eyes from reading the short blurbs from the entries....(wipe my eyes) my co-workers are giving me weird looks ><

But this sounds like a really great event. I will definitely work on my entry and submit it this weekend. There are so many touching and wonderful entries already! I really love reading every background narratives to the outfits, everyone! Thanks so much for sharing these really personal stories.
😭 why am I getting teary eyes from reading the short blurbs from the entries....(wipe my eyes) my co-workers are giving me weird looks ><

But this sounds like a really great event. I will definitely work on my entry and submit it this weekend. There are so many touching and wonderful entries already! I really love reading every background narratives to the outfits, everyone! Thanks so much for sharing these really personal stories.
I feel ya, I am so proud (I feel like, mom proud)of the amount of courage people have shown to share such personal stories, myself included. This event has just been wonderful so far!

2-3 sentences: To see diversity is to know that people like you have existed and will continue to exist. The ones that came before you are incredibly proud of your existence. There will be a new generation of others like you and you will be proud of them.

More context: I read Stone Butch Blues recently and it completely changed how I see identity and community. It's written by a stone butch lesbian and has themes of chosen family and loneliness due to being cast out by society. Diversity and representation is important because it eliminates the chances of people being cast out. Diversity is education, it teaches you to celebrate others and their differences along with yourself. It also teaches minority groups that they're not the only ones who feel the way they do.

I'm physically disabled, autistic, mixed race, and a butch lesbian. I wouldn't have it any other way. Many people fought very hard for someone like me to have a happy and successful life. My identity means the world to me and I'm proud to be who I am.

About my clothes: I'm wearing a purple windflower to represent violets, one of the symbols or sapphic love. The wings represent the demonization I've faced from others. I'm wearing masculine clothing to show that I feel safe enough to be myself because of the bravery of older butches before me. My wheelchair is a sign of care and freedom. Many people go way too long before allowing themselves to be disabled, and allowing yourself to use a mobility aide is an ultimate act of self love.
This touches my heart so much! My son is disabled (he has Spina Bifida) and has braces and a wheelchair. We aren't sure yet if he'll be able to walk with assistance or not, as he's just about to turn 2, but you're right - he just learns to problem solve!
Sending so much love and good vibes to your son and your family! :) I had to relearn to walk twice as a child and it's so hard sometimes but with a good attitude and a support network to rely on it makes it so much more possible. Medical science advances everyday so there's always a chance for something new to help around the corner!!

I designed a dress that says “love is love” to represent that I am an ally for the LGBTQ+ community! I feel it’s very important to accept and support all individuals as they are. As a straight, cisgendered white woman I know I can never understand some of the experiences and struggles that others face, but I am absolutely an ally for all and believe in celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity in any way I can.

so for mine i chose to celebrate both the lgbtqia+ community and people with visual impairments or other disabilities! i made the design for my best friend awhile back. as a straight ally, i believe its important to show your support because pride is for everyone!! as for the visual disabilities, i know that so many people with different disabilities, whether that be physical or mental, recieve poor treatment and discrimination from others because its not considered normal. we should begin to normalize things like this throughout media so we can get one step closer to equality!
My trans flag inspired outfit. I'm not too sure what to write besides that I'm non-binary and use he/they pronouns. This year is my 10 year anniversary of coming out as transgender to my parents & friends. It's been a bumpy ride but I wouldn't change anything.

Also this outfit was originally made by glitteringhellspawn on tumblr but with a different coloured shirt, just to give them credit.
inclusivity ac.jpg

This is my inclusivity outfit, and while the clothes themselves aren't in the bi colours, I tried to make light of things and poke fun at all the stereotypical bi-appearance tropes: cuffed jeans, converse/vans, sweater (weather), and a dodo (because we don't exist). As a bi guy, I've had to learn (and still am learning) to find validation within myself. It's an identity that's primarily met with doubt or misconceptions, and isn't really celebrated. Add this external doubt to all the internal doubt that comes with being relatively fluid, and it's very hard to ever feel secure in knowing who you are. It's hard to love yourself when no one believes that it's you. I've never met anyone who's bi and out in real life, but I'm hopeful that in being out and embracing myself, others can feel safe and secure in who they are too.

For anyone who's considered using this label, please feel free to! It doesn't imply you're only into two genders and in equal amounts. It really just means, to me at least, that you have the capacity to love multiple types of people, without really putting a definitive number or degree on it.

One thing I've learned to do very well from having this identity is providing others with validation. Not just validating an answer, but moreso instilling a sense of faith in themselves. Doubt is one of the greatest inhibitors of love, and if we can work to erase that, the world and people can heal.
I've struggled with weight for a long time and wanted to let yall know that your weight, size, or shape doesn't define your worth, you are still handsome, pretty, beautiful or adorkable just the way you are :> You should feel confident to wear what you wanna wear, be who you wanna be, and love who you wanna love :>

Post automatically merged:

My trans flag inspired outfit. I'm not too sure what to write besides that I'm non-binary and use he/they pronouns. This year is my 10 year anniversary of coming out as transgender to my parents & friends. It's been a bumpy ride but I wouldn't change anything.
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Also this outfit was originally made by glitteringhellspawn on tumblr but with a different coloured shirt, just to give them credit.
this is so cute! my sister is non-binary and I'm so proud of yall for coming out! it takes alot of confidence and I'm not quite there yet :/

here’s my entry, it’s the traditional outfit from the Philippines. More of a Maria Clara/mestiza variant of the traditional dress, I thought it shows how long and rich history of the Philippines and how the Spanish have a heavy influence among the Philippine culture making Philippines different from other Asian countries with the Catholic traditions and the architecture of the old houses, churches, etc.

more info of traditional outfits in the Philippines: http://nationalclothing.org/asia/34...-philippines-barong-tagalog-baro-at-saya.html


bonus fan:


(I’m from the Philippines which explains my different time zone times)


Here is my entry! I chose to showcase OCD as my diverse admission. My brother was diagnosed with ocd in 2000 he and I had not been close growing up with our 8 year age difference but after he hit puberty and the much bigger compulsions started showing and the really horrific obsessions started attacking his thoughts, he and I got really close and now we’re not just siblings but really good friends. It broke my heart having to watch him Go through some of the things he went through, especially in the beginning. The kids and teachers that made fun of him and punished him for things that went beyond his control absolutely infuriated me. My mom actually pulled him out of school and had him homeschool until he could get his GED because it got so bad. I look up to him so much for all that he has accomplished since and how well he has learned to live with his disability with therapy and medication and our support. He is THE GREATEST uncle to my boys that I could ever have imagined. He luvs my boys so much and they luv him. He’s a HUGE wrestling (and Nintendo) fan so I tried to incorporate that into this pic. He’s also obsessed with numbers hence all the clocks. I made a tank (cuz he always wears tank tops) with a teal ribbon to represent ocd. My pants are similar to the ones he wears as well.

For my entry I decided to celebrate Atheism! I made this lil pro design shirt with the Atheist symbol on it, and some striped sleeves for style. The rest of the ensemble are what I would wear in real life; jeans, comfy boots, a warm knit hat.
I have been an agnostic atheist for well over 10 years now. It's definitely a strong part of who I am, especially considering I come from a family who raised me to be Catholic. I have nothing against those who practice a religion at all, to be clear! But in many places in the world today it is illegal to be atheist and I feel like a lot of people are unaware of that fact. Everyone should have the right to practice their desired religion (or lack of one) freely, without fear. 🖤

My character is wearing a cheongsam/qipao, also known as a traditional Chinese silk gown. I designed this gown with shades of red, which symbolizes positive concepts such as luck, joy and happiness in the Chinese culture. I am half Chinese, half Pacific Islander (CHamoru), therefore, I wanted to represent the side of my ethnic background that is not as apparent when people look at me and guess "what I am." I also added some yellow accents in the dress design because I wanted it to look like an abstract version of lit up paper lanterns. The Lantern Festival typically is an indicator that Chinese/Lunar New Year period is drawing to a close. I haven't attended one yet, but I do celebrate CNY annually with my family. The gold prom tiara and red strappy heels were chosen because I'm extra like that.

Here's my entry that celebrates my Korean heritage: it's a bright hanbok design! I'm a child of immigrants in an area without a lot of other Korean folx, so it has always been a bit lonely being unable to share this aspect of my identity with the people around me. I chose to design a hanbok as a way to express my creativity as well as to acknowledge that being Korean is and will always be a large part of my identity.

I also identify as LGBTQ+, but there isn't really a specific label I think I fall under. I'm very much still exploring my identity! So for anyone else who doesn't know yet or who is struggling with who they are: I want to say that it's ok -- I'm in my late 20's and STILL don't have it all figured out.

Hope you all have a great day!


To start with, my character's hat has the autism symbol, and the brim of the hat has the colors of the bisexual flag. The hat also has little bisexual flags going around the bottom, but they're not visible in this picture.

Next up is the sweater, which has the omnisexual flag colors and also features the autism symbol. Also, I went with comfy clothes because I can be sensitive to certain clothing textures and such due to my autism. This is also why my character is barefoot. It's always a nice feeling when I get home and can take off my shoes.

Last but not least is the flag. I identify as both omnisexual and bisexual since I think of omnisexual as a more specific category under the umbrella term of bisexual, so I did a half-and-half flag. I also placed the autism symbol in the center of the flag.

Oh and the glasses are because my vision is awful, so I for sure need my glasses~

so for my entry, i am representing lesbians, genderfluid, and demigirls!!
i have the lesbian flag on my cheeks to represent myself, and also my partner!
i also have a genderfluid sweater to represent my partner!
and lastly, a demigirl flag to represent my best friend!
i may not be genderfluid or a demigirl, but i still wanted to support my loved ones, as well as the rest of you on tbt who identify as these! you guys are all valid, i love you so much!

I'm just going with a picture of me.
I could add things to show all the ways I am different but I'm not going to. Because I'm just me. We are all just us.

We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. It doesn't matter how you look on the outside. It doesn't matter who you love. It matters who you are on the inside. And no amount of pictures or symbols can show that.

The one thing I think it most important is to just be kind. Treat everyone how you would want to be treated. And I don't mean treat others as you want to be treated as you. Treat them as if you lead the same life as they have, and how you would want to be treated then.

Its okay if you mess up. Just learn from it.

So yeah, I'm just me. Want to know more? Get to know me.
You won't (normally) see people walking around with giant signs saying how they're different from you so people should get used to that and just be kind. :)


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