Cycling Clockwork Cycling! [SEE TOWNS INSIDE] [ALWAYS UPDATING]

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Cranston is in Boxes!

Hey everyone! Cranston is in boxes and Elise (T5) has moved in!

Cranston: a lazy ostrich villager

He's completely free to the first person to comment and has room for him!

I will be voiding him at 10:30pm EST so I can work on more villagers.
EDIT: He has been voided as of 10:32PM EST
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Walt is in Boxes!

Hey guys! Walt is in boxes and Patty has moved in.

Walt is completely free to the first person to claim him. You must have room though!
His lurker has already been notified.

I will only hold him until 11:35pm EST. I'm hoping to do one last villager before I go to sleep.

EDIT: Walt has been voided as of 11:35pm EST. Sorry if anyone wanted him!

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Elise is in Boxes

Last post for the night because I'm exhausted.

Elise the snooty monkey is in boxes and Cube has moved in!

Elise is completely free to the first person to claim her before 12:20am EST. You must have room in your town as well.

EDIT: Elise was voided at 12:20am EST.

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Pashmina is in Boxes!

Can I lurk for Pudge and Robin please?
Absolutely! I've added you :).


Since I've finished my town for the day, I will be cycling for the rest of the day (so please check back regularly for new villagers leaving and moving in)!

Pashmina is in boxes and Butch has moved in!

Please offer for Pashmina below! She is a Tier 4 Goat.

She will be here until 2:30pm EST or unless someone claims her!
EDIT: Since no one claimed her, she was voided at 2:30pm EST.

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Henry is in Boxes!

Henry the frog is in boxes and Midge has moved in!

Henry is completely free to the first person to claim him. You must have room!

He will be voided by 3:20pm EST if no one claims him.

Absolutely! I'm glad someone wants him! I will add you now and open my gate. ^.^

Henry has been adopted! I will be posting momentarily with an update :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alright! Butch is now in boxes and Tammy has moved in!

Butch: the adorable cranky dog villager.
I don't know if you can tell, but I'm extremely partial to him.

Please make your offer for him below! He is a Tier 4 villager so I will give him an hour (4:30pm EST) before I void.

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I'm glad when any of them find homes!

Butch is still available if anyone wants him!

EDIT: Butch was voided at 4:30pm EST. :(
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Patty is in Boxes!

Alright everyone! Patty the cow is in boxes and Punchy has moved in.

Patty is free to adopt to the first person to claim her. You must have room in your town!

I will be voiding her at 5:30pm EST so I can work on other villagers!
EDIT: Patty was voided at 5:30pm EST.

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Cube is in Boxes!

Cube the penguin (T4) is in boxes and Octavian has moved in!

Please offer below for Cube! I will keep him until 6:30pm EST, and then I will be voiding him if no one claims him. This is only so I can work on quickly getting other villagers!
EDIT: Cube has been voided as of 6:30pm EST.

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Colton is in Boxes!

Colton is in boxes and Bunnie has moved in!


Colton is completely free to the first person who claims him and has room!I will be holding him until 7:15 before I void him so I can keep cycling!
EDIT: Colton was voided at 7:20pm EST

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Midge is in boxes!

Midge is in boxes and Pudge has moved in!

Midge is completely free to the first person to come claim her. I will be voiding her at 8:05pm EST if no one adopts her!
EDIT: Midge has been voided.

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