"COLLECTIBLES" - A blessing or a curse!

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1 or 2 is too limiting 5 would work. So nobody EXCESSIVELY buying stuff.
I'm not a fan of the collectables because of all the backlash and issues it's caused over on the mod end of things. It's a lot of hassle for pixels. I really could care less either way about a collectable, but I do like little commemorative things for events and doing something such as donating. It's nice to have acknowledgment. That's about the extent of my care though.

We can't really control who ends up with what. That's between you guys. Try not to abuse the system.
It seems to me that if a limit can be (and is) put on the birthstones, then a limit can be put on all the collectibles. I think I per person is too strict, so I would go for 2 per person, then they have one they can sue for trade or to sell.
We're not going to force a limit on the collectibles. Some people might want more than two of an item and some people might want to fill their entire inventory full of one item. We want to let people do that.

Now while our limited stock may be discouraging newer members that really isn't much of our concern. Our site is about Animal Crossing and about discussing topics and playing games. The shop is just an add-on and it's not the focus of our site so we don't give it the most attention.
We're not going to force a limit on the collectibles. Some people might want more than two of an item and some people might want to fill their entire inventory full of one item. We want to let people do that.

Now while our limited stock may be discouraging newer members that really isn't much of our concern. Our site is about Animal Crossing and about discussing topics and playing games. The shop is just an add-on and it's not the focus of our site so we don't give it the most attention.

But most of Bell Tree site isn't even about Animal Crossing any more. Look how the TBT forum has grown and expanded, so the pixels are just as important. The reality is that older members no longer play AC. You need to nurture and encourage the newer members not write them off.
But most of Bell Tree site isn't even about Animal Crossing any more. Look how the TBT forum has grown and expanded, so the pixels are just as important. The reality is that older members no longer play AC. You need to nurture and encourage the newer members not write them off.

Everyone is still part of the AC community though. You act as if we can't talk do stuff other than play AC. People WILL get bored of a video game.
But most of Bell Tree site isn't even about Animal Crossing any more. Look how the TBT forum has grown and expanded, so the pixels are just as important. The reality is that older members no longer play AC. You need to nurture and encourage the newer members not write them off.

The forum has been around for nearly a decade, yet collectibles as we know them have only existed for a little over a year. Not to mention that there are collectibles that don't run out of stock, so it's not like they can't buy any.
But I am not saying you can't, as you put it, do other stuff, I am pointing out that the site has evolved because naturally people get fed up playing the same game. There are members leaving Bell Tree the whole time and new people joining, these new people are necessary for the survival of the forum, therefore they need encouragement. They are also the ones most likely to keep the AC content up and running.
To be honest I love collectibles. But I think some people are getting really worked up over nothing. There will be chances to get more collectibles. Some that have even more stick when restocked. It's pixels.
The forum has been around for nearly a decade, yet collectibles as we know them have only existed for a little over a year. Not to mention that there are collectibles that don't run out of stock, so it's not like they can't buy any.

Collectibles, have taken on a life of their own over the past year. They are most likely the main reason the TBT exchange rate has risen to the crazy heights seen today. Without the collectibles there would not be the necessity to collect TBT bells on the current scale. If they are here to stay, you cannot write them off now as of minor importance to the forum. Currently there are two collectibles available that never run out of stock, and consequently they are the least interesting, and the birthstone is limited but also available to all.

I am a keen collector, but do feel sympathy with those who would like to own more than the readily available ones, but will probably never have the funds to do so, unless they are extremely lucky in being on hand at a restock. Is it right that the more established members, me included, should be the ones to solely own, hoard or try to sell for vast profit, the more interesting collectibles?
Hmm, I'm gonna throw my idea out there.

I think everything is fine the way it is, EXCEPT for the rate of exchange with the ACNL bells. There should just be a set amount you're allowed to trade, lets say 1 mil ACNL = 100 TBT. It wouldn't take anymore work for the mods than to put a sticky that says don't sell for more than that. I think they wouldn't even have to enforce it really, because the community would self-monitor it, and it would just discourage people from continuously raising the price to crazy heights.

The collectibles would still stay rare-ish, people should be able to collect however many of what they want, and it would still be challenging to get them, so they have some meaning and value. Newbies would have to do some work, saving up the TBT, and learning to negotiate with the older people who have a lot of the collectibles. BUT it would at least still be possible, instead of appearing crazy hard.
But I am not saying you can't, as you put it, do other stuff, I am pointing out that the site has evolved because naturally people get fed up playing the same game. There are members leaving Bell Tree the whole time and new people joining, these new people are necessary for the survival of the forum, therefore they need encouragement. They are also the ones most likely to keep the AC content up and running.

Back when I joined the site wasn't active like this after City Folk had been out a year. A lot of people left and that's just how it was. We've definitely been through a lot worse. Most of late 09 and all through 10 we only ever had at most 10 to 15 people active a week. On good days we'd have maybe ten or so at once but there was really only a small group coming on.

My opinion on the matter is that the site is doing fine on it's own, collectibles or not. People are still actively playing and I know of a lot of cases where new members want nothing to do with the shop and just want to play and discuss the game, which is what our site is here for. If we decided to put a bigger focus into the shop it would overtake the site and draw away from what TBT actually is. Also we do hold our events and those tend to draw people in and it keeps current members active as well.
Hmm, I'm gonna throw my idea out there.

I think everything is fine the way it is, EXCEPT for the rate of exchange with the ACNL bells. There should just be a set amount you're allowed to trade, lets say 1 mil ACNL = 100 TBT. It wouldn't take anymore work for the mods than to put a sticky that says don't sell for more than that. I think they wouldn't even have to enforce it really, because the community would self-monitor it, and it would just discourage people from continuously raising the price to crazy heights.

The collectibles would still stay rare-ish, people should be able to collect however many of what they want, and it would still be challenging to get them, so they have some meaning and value. Newbies would have to do some work, saving up the TBT, and learning to negotiate with the older people who have a lot of the collectibles. BUT it would at least still be possible, instead of appearing crazy hard.
Then say a person is selling TBT. How do you pick who you sell too? It's a market, people give higher rates to get buyers to come to them.
I do agree with you but I also agree with Jeremy.

When I first joined this forum I did like the idea of collectibles, and posted day by day to get collectibles. I also made great friends who also helped me out in my times of need, and I help them. I remember the first restock I saw I wanted one green letter and a Chocolate Cake and they were gone in less than 20 secs haha. I was shocked when I bought one people bought 10+.

But yes the price of tbt bells these days is rather odd, there is no way I can afford it anymore even with turnips haha.
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I do agree with you but I also agree with Jeremy.

When I first joined this forum I did like the idea of collectibles, and posted day by day to get collectibles. I also made great friends who also helped me out in my times of need, and I help them. I remember the first restock I saw I wanted one green letter and a Chocolate Cake and they were gone in less than 20 secs haha. I was shocked when I bought one people bought 10+.

But yes the price of tbt bells these days is rather odd, there is no way I can afford it anymore even with turnips.

There should definitely be a limit of like 2 collectibles per person... People are just ****** greedy.
Especially seems the restocks go so quickly and always happen in the middle of the night for GMT people like me...

I haven't been able to get any for over a year without people being generous and sending me some like the cherry and pokeball lol.

I know they're only pixels and really they mean nothing, but I find myself compelled to try and get them... well the letters at least.

I doubt I'll bother with the ones from the competition cos I'll probably miss them anyway ha
Then say a person is selling TBT. How do you pick who you sell too? It's a market, people give higher rates to get buyers to come to them.

They could just sell to the first person that posts. I mean, it's the only solution that works out easy for the mods, so they can focus on other things that are important on the site, and still would make collecting a bit more doable for those of us that care.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, the market aspect would still apply to the collectibles, people could offer all their TBT or whatever for the collectible. I just think the rate to ACNL bells should be set. Just like it's set for earning when posting.
They could just sell to the first person that posts. I mean, it's the only solution that works out easy for the mods, so they can focus on other things that are important on the site, and still would make collecting a bit more doable for those of us that care.

I'd also like to say that we have nothing to do with the exchange rates between TBT bells and In-game bells. I attempted to manage that when it first popped up and I got pushed out of the way so I didn't bother. All of that is up to the members, not us. If you feel like the rates are too high you'll need to find someone that is generous enough to give you lower.
I'd also like to say that we have nothing to do with the exchange rates between TBT bells and In-game bells. I attempted to manage that when it first popped up and I got pushed out of the way so I didn't bother. All of that is up to the members, not us. If you feel like the rates are too high you'll need to find someone that is generous enough to give you lower.
The exchange rate works like real life currency exchange rates. It's controlled by the supply and demand of both currencies. So yeah, it's decided by the market not us.
Re-opened thread. Apparently this got closed by accident.

We do welcome your opinions on the subject as long as they're civil and don't turn into a super heated debate with other members over collectibles.

As for my own personal opinion on the matter: I do feel like things have gotten a little out of hand these days. We never ever intended for it to be like this when we originally planned collectibles. Honestly, while flattering, the idea that TBT Bells are worth so much and are sold for real games is insane to me. There are definitely some changes that could be made to improve the situation, but I couldn't say when or whether they will actually happen.
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