Confetti Collecting

Couldn't get that last confetti, argh!
It happens. I didn't have a lot of confetti left to get, but I think it was because there wasn't any confetti action that could just net me 2 points. So all the tasks didn't count because it would set me over.
Did you edit any of your posts or change your poll vote by any chance? I had that happen to me, it made me spend 3 of my confetti sadly.
I do edit my posts sometimes because I make errors when I type really fast. I see you got to the max though. I may have to wait until Round 2 to find them.
I have 2 lost confetti...where are they???
I don’t know if it helps any but my last two confetti were pink .
Is anyone else disappointed we only hit one goal this round? Makes me worried for the next round and how many tickets we’ll earn.
I think there are probably a number of people who haven’t bought any balloons yet because they want a particular lineup. I don’t expect to hit all the goals, but I’m hopeful that we can claim all the tickets and unlock a few balloons in the shop. We should see spending increase by more and more as the event progresses.