Confetti Collecting

Dang I thought for sure my collectible thread would count as a thread. I think the rng-gods just hate me lol. I made 3 threads during this confetti crusade and none of them counted. I think I'm just going to give up on the thread task. It's not working for me.
Sorry your threads didn’t count. I made one just now in the new horizons and it counted . Maybe make one there.
I've only earned 215 overall so far, so I'm far from that 3rd mystery balloon. There's still 2 days left to collect confetti though so we shall see
I'm hoping to get maybe 1-2 balloons out of this? Too distracted by the other events to try to max this one out. Especially with all the cooldowns
I'm at 165 and counting. Still slightly confused with cooldowns ect, you'd think I'd have learnt by now with all the dusting events that have happened before! %)
Think Im on a cool down, ooh well still kinda stressing over the puzzle anyways XD
Somehow I feel like I’m earning the exact same amount of confetti overall even with cooldowns reduced by half. I must be missing something strategic! We have plenty of time to hit the cap, though, so I’m not worried about it. Excited for the upcoming balloon reveal since I’ll hopefully have three by then.
Looking around for confetti (as normal people do) I found theres even a 'confetti' perfume 🤣

Coming by to check if I’m on cool down. I was hoping today’s stuff would open up before I head to work but I guess it’ll just have to all be a surprise when I get home. I have sooooo much crap to do when I get home tonight though 😂😂😂 all of the stuff that I ordered for my next two wreath making classes came in while I was at my mom’s so I got all of that sorted through this morning but now I need to put my summer stuff from my last class back up and see what I can keep and what I need to throw away. I know it’s gonna take me at least an hour once I get home to do that, but I wanna get it done tonight so that I have all day tomorrow to start working all the new stuff.
thinking I am off cooldown, this is funny, it reminds me when we used to play IT or stuck in the mud and had to wait to be let go by other teammates.