Confetti Collecting

By the way, how did you know I contributed?
Oh, I just said that because you had expressed a willingness to buy a Pietro balloon to further the community goals. I didn’t actually know at the time whether you had made the purchase yet.

Currently, the random regular gradient balloon collectible that you purchased, which contributes 100 confetti to Pietro’s community goals, is displayed in your lineup next to your username. (It will transform into one of the gradient balloons sometime after this round ends.) so anyone who sees that collectible will know that you spent confetti towards Pietro.
Guys amazing work !!!!

you get more confetti by engaging on the forum via things like posting, reacting to content, making threads, and voting in polls, so long as you aren't on cooldown for the specified engagement method and it's a period of being able to earn confetti (which is listed in the op, but in short, we're currently at round 3/4 confetti earning period. with each round primarily taking place during the weekends)
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