actually i have a quick q: with the town having a cop, is it better to no-vote or random-vote d1? it seems like with mountainous the only way to get more information is to indiscriminately murder, but when we have some limited power to get information, is it better to prolong the game?
I checked in way earlier but didn't know what to say and just came back to check in and see if things were happening... D1 is very disorienting... I only really got things started last game by jumping on Damniel's fun wagon, but I obviously can't hop on this fun wagon! I'm going to answer Geoni's qs and see if I have any chaotic D1 reads.
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1) Dogs in pants... everyone knows the true purpose of pants is to hide your butt, so the answer is B. A is more like backless overalls.
2) Shave my hair.
3) I live in Canada, so definitely hospital without insurance. Lucky lucky.
4) I will do this when Betsy doesn't have me under the gun
5) Tomato. I am lactose intolerant. Actually, that's not the reason. I just don't like Alfredo that much. (maybe i've jkust never had a good one?)
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actually i have a quick q: with the town having a cop, is it better to no-vote or random-vote d1? it seems like with mountainous the only way to get more information is to indiscriminately murder, but when we have some limited power to get information, is it better to prolong the game?
I think the consensus has been d1 vote is better as it's the only chance town has to strike mafia. Plus it gives info for d2. And if the cop dies, you don't have any advantage anyway. And cop cannot claim to avoid a miselim, because then they get night killed.
Theoretically, but I wasn't sure how much of what was discussed last game would apply considering the rules are different this game. Cop power seems pretty big. But... I wouldn't advocate for holding up elims for a really long time, and in practice even if everything turns out perfect Cop is only really 1/4 chance of getting anything really juicy
I think the consensus has been d1 vote is better as it's the only chance town has to strike mafia. Plus it gives info for d2. And if the cop dies, you don't have any advantage anyway. And cop cannot claim to avoid a miselim, because then they get night killed.
Right, but... cop could claim d2 to share a piece of information that we wouldn't have otherwise. I guess that can happen most of the time anyway.
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I'm probably overthinking the existence of cop... It seems like such a powerful shift from the mountainous game we played last time, but in practice it's still just a flimsy random piece of information buried under heaps of potential deceit... how scary
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I'm going to vote for @Armadillo lover because it took betsy's vote for me to really make me get my head in the game and I haven't seen any content from A.L. and I'd really like to.
I'd never seen the Enneagram test before! My results are very high 4. Individualist and 7. Enthusiast, with dramatically low 6. Skeptic and kinda low 1. Perfectionist.
Boy 'no elim' conversations really are inevitable, aren't they. Sorry Sheep.
I don't really know how I feel in response to droqen's re-entrance after getting voted by Betsy. Because I feel something, but I don't know what exactly. (Could just be indigestion from Geoni's pasta party last night.) I guess I'll wait and see how Armadillo enters the thread after the vote on her and examine my feelings then. I hate being this waffle-y about it, but like I'm also not upset about it in general bc I'm still pretty null on a lot of people. I just wish more had been done with all this before I got back.
(btw Misty: if it helps clarify your indigestion: I sort of alluded to why I responded right after Betsy voted for me in my announcement of voting Armadillo... partly it was random chance - I just happened to check shortly before the Nintendo direct - but mostly it was very galvanizing. really made me feel like "whoa, right, we are playing a game with stakes". previously there was fluff that i wasn't sure what to say anything about, and i have some adhd/procrastination. easier for me to get involved once things get more hot)
(btw Misty: if it helps clarify your indigestion: I sort of alluded to why I responded right after Betsy voted for me in my announcement of voting Armadillo... partly it was random chance - I just happened to check shortly before the Nintendo direct - but mostly it was very galvanizing. really made me feel like "whoa, right, we are playing a game with stakes". previously there was fluff that i wasn't sure what to say anything about, and i have some adhd/procrastination. easier for me to get involved once things get more hot)
Hey Ghost! Welcome to the thread! Other than funny, do you have any thoughts about what you've read so far? Any directions you'd like to poke in?
@droqen yeah that's fair with the timing aspect. T'was a pretty big Direct even though we ACers have to wait until October for more, so I guess I can understand being a little split between this and that. The interaction just seemed a little stilted to me, though, like Betsy voted you, then you showed up like 'what up I'm here' and then Betsy took the opportunity of you showing up for the push to... just kinda talk about the no elim stuff some more.
The interaction just seemed a little stilted to me, though, like Betsy voted you, then you showed up like 'what up I'm here' and then Betsy took the opportunity of you showing up for the push to... just kinda talk about the no elim stuff some more.
re: my quick q, see the bottom of my post #60 and also Sheep's post #61
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I feel like you might be jumping to mischaracterize a bit yourself, @BetsySundrop - if wolf, why would Misty try to sell *me* on a theory that hinges on me forgetting I brought up the topic in the first place? If she was trying to pass it under the radar and get other people sussing you, maybe, but this seemed pretty innocent to me
I think the consensus has been d1 vote is better as it's the only chance town has to strike mafia. Plus it gives info for d2. And if the cop dies, you don't have any advantage anyway. And cop cannot claim to avoid a miselim, because then they get night killed.
The only thing from this post you replied to when he showed up.
You can take issue with the way I worded it all you want, it's not a mischaracterization to point out that all you did with the poke vote was answer a mechanical question because that was literally all that happened there.
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oh geez adding in the quotes ate the top part :v Note to self when using the multi-quote feature to add quotes in piecemeal.
EBWOP: 'I'll sum up the bits *that I was referring to that seem to be the basis of the mischaracterization*'
Your justification for voting droqen: poking for a reaction because you felt he'd been quiet.
The only thing from this post you replied to when he showed up.
You can take issue with the way I worded it all you want, it's not a mischaracterization to point out that all you did with the poke vote was answer a mechanical question because that was literally all that happened there.
Right, I answered a direct question, which is very different from just kinda talking. That was odd to see because I believe I was very direct in answering a specific question. And when I see something that seems odd to me, I follow up on it.
As for the response itself as a whole from droqen, I filed it away in the "hmmmm..." category, which means I am not sure where to put it, null/sus/town, so will be waiting to see more ( looking for more rxns, postings, etc) to get a better picture.
Right, I answered a direct question, which is very different from just kinda talking. That was odd to see because I believe I was very direct in answering a specific question. And when I see something that seems odd to me, I follow up on it.
As for the response itself as a whole from droqen, I filed it away in the "hmmmm..." category, which means I am not sure where to put it, null/sus/town, so will be waiting to see more ( looking for more rxns, postings, etc) to get a better picture.
re: my quick q, see the bottom of my post #60 and also Sheep's post #61
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I feel like you might be jumping to mischaracterize a bit yourself, @BetsySundrop - if wolf, why would Misty try to sell *me* on a theory that hinges on me forgetting I brought up the topic in the first place? If she was trying to pass it under the radar and get other people sussing you, maybe, but this seemed pretty innocent to me
Which is why I followed up on it. Anytime I see something that seems off to me, I'm gonna follow up/ question it. The response can only clarify things further, which I think is beneficial overall.
okay I have no idea why that sent early why I hit the letter q
actually I may have hit tab accidentally when reaching for q oops. it's cold here and my fingers are shaking.
...I had kinda been expecting some sort of Question so it might just be on me for holding your interactions to my unspoken standards I guess :s I dunno, I'm just winging this day one phase bc I really don't know what to do with it.
My weird, probably-too-early-to-start-world-building reaction was that the two of you weren't a wolfteam together because I can't see a wolf chat going like:
A: Hey I have an idea
B: What?
A: Imma vote you, then you come into the thread and ask a mechanical question, and then I'll answer it.
B: Great! let's make the mechanical question one that another player specifically mentioned being annoyed by, too.
A: Perfect!
Like it felt stilted, but kinda organically stilted. Stilted in a way that would have been weird to fake in advance I guess. That's why I wanted to see what droqen did with his push on Armadillo, since I already had a bit of a feel for you so I wanted to see what he did with some of his pushes to get a better feel for him.