So on to my last reads. With my lack of experience and ginormous self doubt, I believe there is ONE wolf in this group: droqen, misty, sheep.
A quick side note on why I address things that seem off, or seem like mischaracterizations, or that I see very differently from another player. There are several reasons this can happen:
1) mafia attempting to create suspicion on an active player
2) mafia team working together to eliminate a specific player
3) I have failed to be clear in my communications and it needs clarification
4) I'm making what someone else (a more experienced player) considers a bad play and need to understand why it's a bad play so I can improve
By addressing everything that seems off, I can gather more information on possible wolves and improve my play.
On to the reads! I will be very surprised if ONE of the above is not a wolf. I am really hoping the cop has laid low because I really don't want to be the idiot that votes off the cop.
Droqen- as stated before, play style is (was) very different from last game when he was town. After an initial post, a complete lack of anything for quite a while. I cast an RVS vote for droqen based on that inactivity. I explained this at the time I cast my vote, as it was made very clear last game that unexplained: votes/vote changes/ or last minute votes were considered as sus (and rightly so, lol). Therefore, I gave my explanation for the vote. Droqen's answer and following posts took them off my 'gotta be a wolf' list. The timing of the nintendo direct and fear of going all in and ending up miseliminating town are good explanations.
... this is where I am afraid of sussing the wrong person. Having seen not much from a few people, it would be really bad to eliminate a strong town. But it would also be really bad to ignore my suspicions and miss out on tagging a wolf. So...of the two, I would put sheep as more likely wolf, and this has only increased with today's activity. Initially, I thought it was a possible wolf pair of a strong player (misty) with an inactive player. So I nitpicked Misty's post, and questioned when even something small seemed off. (There wasnt a lot else to focus on, with the general inactivity in the thread at the time). Her responses made sense, cleared some things up for me, and I could see the point about the importance of putting my thoughts out there rather than collecting them all in my own brain.
Sheep- most likely to win my wolf vote today, (so far). I know things change quickly toward eod, and I'm still giving sheep time to specifically outline my contradictions so I can respond to them.
In a thread with general inactivity, I think I have been rather active, and for my first town game I think I'm doing ok at questioning things, trying to find answers. I had good reasons for my questions, and for my vote, and I have tried to respond to all questions/concerns re myself.
I also have difficulty with people painting wolf because something is 'off'. Give specifics, get responses, go from there. It's the only way to really figure things out. If someone asks for specifics, give specifics, don't deflect. If you don't give specific details, if you deflect, then it appears to be mafia tunneling rather than a true interest to determine alignment.
On all of this- I could be wrong. I do not know everyone's play styles and have very little experience, so I can only give my perspective.