Corrupt The Wish Above

Granted, but it's because the apocalypse began

I wish I did get to use the Ukrainian
Granted, but Disney becomes super left socialist and a bunch of other people live there and it starts to resemble Soviet Russia

I wish this wish could not be corrupted
Granted, but then sprout buys it and it is made into Calluo simulator 2099.9

I wish that me and my uh... unpaying employer... and I switch jobs on Saturnalia
But then you couldn't celebrate Saturnalia!

I wish I hadn't wrecked my car today :(
Granted, but it is in rubles

I wish for a Michael bay version of AFV
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Granted but the paradox of your wish destroys the universe.

I wish that I could get back into Animal Crossing.
Granted, but you name it Pokemon and the mayor is named VeryBest and every villager is Marshal.

I wish for Discovery Family in my home.
Granted, but you must leave your home for 40 years and discover where your family is hidden

I wish to confirm the ililuminati
Granted, but you'll be forever haunted and lose lots of sleep.
I got on such a kick about the ****ing illuminati, one time, that I lost a lot of sleep over the course of a week, researching. lol...I love researching, though...

I wish that I was more mentally alert
Granted, but then your brain explodes.

I wish that my ipad didn't crash while I was about to finish my artwork
#forgotToSave #ByeBye3hoursOfLabor
Granted, but the ipad spontaneously combusts instead

I wish my charger worked
Granted, but your battery dissolves, due to unknown reasons.

I wish that my dog wasn't sick.
Granted, your dog is no longer sick because it is dead

I wish I controlled space
Granted, but my Ukrainian grandparents call it a "poopy" because accent, and it feels sad

I wish my project in health class had more breaking bad references