• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cryptid Creek (Crystal Ballers and Buzzy Bees Cabins)


greedy heart stealer
Project Staff
May 27, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Toy Hammer
Toy Hammer

Hey, it's not time for sleeping! The cryptid's active hours are after midnight and it's time to prove the existence of these entities! We're sneaking out, so grab your strange tech doodads, camera and bug net (for safety reasons)! It's time to encounter a wild cryptid!

Task 🦍

  1. Pick one of your current villagers on your island and turn them into a cryptid!
  2. Depict a scene of photographing a rare creature in Photopia.
  3. Write a short description of no more than 3-5 sentences long, including the name, behavior, size and habitat about your cryptid.
  4. Finally post a screenshot of your island map showcasing your current villagers!

An example template will be shown below!

How to Participate 🦍

Head on over to Harv's Island and create a scene of your player's character capturing a photo of an elusive cryptid in Photopia! Once you have taken your rare photograph, fill out a case document describing your cryptid villager.

Submission Example:

Name: Blue Bigfoot
Behaviors: Silent but aggressive
Size: 9 ft tall
Habitat: Forest

Expedition Notes:
This large, blue cryptid is surprisingly quiet and easily blends into its surroundings. I was unaware how dangerously close I was to the creature when I heard distinct clapping noises behind me! It appeared it hadn't noticed my presence as it was just standing idlily with its backside facing me. I was absolutely terrified but couldn't help stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, that seemed to jostle the creature out of its calm state and I quickly ran for my life!
Screenshot: Name: Behaviors: Size: Habitat: Expedition Notes: Island Map (proof):

Rules 🦍

  • Your submitted entry must be your own photo. Do not claim other people's photos.
  • Your photo must be unedited. No in-game filters!
  • Only one player character and the chosen villager should be visible.
    • That means if you have multiple characters, choose one.
    • No Amiibos including NPCs! Use a current villager on your island.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your submission. Submissions that appear rushed and/or submitted jokingly will not be accepted.
  • You cannot edit your entry once submitted.
Event specific:
  • You may create your own cryptid or use an existing cryptid for your villager.
  • Expedition Notes should be no more than 3-5 sentences long.
  • You must submit your screenshot, the writing portion and your island map for your entry to be accepted.

How to Submit 🦍

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 6:59pm EDT on August 29th 2021

Post these three things directly in this thread:
✅ your screenshot
✅ writing portion
✅ your island map

How to Vote 🦍

The cabin favorites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like or Love reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favorites will be decided only by votes from members of the same cabin.

Prizes 🦍

  • 15 Woodland Tokens and 15 Cabin Points
The Top 3 cabin favorites will earn an additional 8 Woodland Tokens. The Top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Jellyfish collectible.


Can we use any room in Photopia?
Yes, you can!

Can we use custom designs in our photo?
Yes. You can use designs made by others or yourself.

Can we scan in Amiibos/NPCs for our photo?
Nope! Your photo must focus on one player character and your choice of villager cryptid.

Why are we posting a screenshot of our island map?
It's to show proof you are using a current villager living on your island.
interesting idea!
would it be okay to grey or cut out the dream address code on the map? my island isnt finished yet so i dont want anyone to see it haha

Name: Shortstacks
Behaviors: Stealthy, fast, surprisingly docile, unsurprisingly adorable.
Size: 3 feet
Habitat: Abandoned areas
Expedition Notes: In one of Tom Nook's abandoned warehouses deep in the woodlands, I went to search for any wood left behind, considering that all my trees were giving me was hardwood and softwood. As I rummaged through the cardboard boxes, taking any wood I could, I heard a rustling from behind. As I looked at what was making the sound, the creature let out a surprised quack before using its dainty little wings to flutter over me and subsequently take off. Why would such a cute creature prefer old, abandoned places in the first place?
Island Map (proof):

Name: Lost Teddy
Behaviors: Periodically plays "I love you!" built-in recording, possibly hostile
Size: 3 ft tall
Habitat: Late-night cities

Expedition Notes:
As the sun goes down, this child-sized stuffed bear roams the city, seemingly looking for something or someone that's now lost to him. Due to the sight difficulty of the dim, urban lights, the only thing that alerted me was his built-in recording. As soon as I saw what this creature was, I quickly crouched behind a stack of boxes! I was too shocked to move; I held my breath, hoping to remain hidden. I only got up to leave after I heard the robotic, "I love you!" faded away completely.


Name: The Old Porker
Behaviors: Incredibly Stealthy, but Slow.
Size: 4ft 6in
Habitat: City Parks, in the Night
Expedition Notes: In the 1900's, any New Yorker knows to stay away from The Old Porker. Legend has it that it was a mummified pig that was brought in from a recent expedition to Egypt somehow was brought back to life as escaped. Even though for its larger than normal size, it was incredibly stealthy and it used that skill for its advantage to creep on people during the night. My great-grandfather (pictured) allegedly has seen this creature on one of his lonely night walks with his dog after work. He was scared and once he was able to finally move, he took off with his dog, but not before someone managed this infamous photo was taken.
Island Map (proof):

Name: Mighty Minotaur
Behaviors: Strong, suspicious, dangerous
Size: 7'6in
Habitat: Mystical and Magical Forests
Expedition Notes: You have to be careful when you're out traveling through magical lands. Deep within those woods lives a very dangerous species, the Minotaur. Known for their rugged and scary appearance of half man half bull, they are feared amongst all. I stumbled up on this minotaur while collecting magical roots from the flora within the forest. Minotaurs rarely ever make their way to the carved out path made by travelers. As soon As I laid eyes on him I ran back to safety.

Island Map (proof):

name: gigant spheniscidae anthophila (; aka the giant penguin bee)
behaviors: loves to snack and take naps, apparently friendly towards other smaller bugs
size: about 150cm
habitat: previous notes had expressed sightings in the mountain's icy range but it has been spotted in the woodlands (and towns?) in recent years
expedition notes: beware what lurks in the woodlands! in the past recent years the gigant spheniscidae anthophila has been forced to leave it's frozen natural habitat as temperatures rise and the ice on the mountain melts. while searching the woodlands for new plants and fossils to study and classify, listen carefully for the soft hum of wings, buzzing and the sound of munching. be careful not to venture too far off from the campground campers!!
island map (proof):

Name: Bunnicula
Behaviors: Sleeps during the day, Active at night.
Size: The size of a household Bunny.
Habitat: Vegetable Fields
Expedition Notes:
Every time there is a vegetable missing, Bunnicula is nowhere to be found. Some say that Bunnicula is just your average bunny. I know the truth though. I’ve seen it. Beware of leaving your vegetables unguarded. He stalks the nights and sucks the juices right out of them…until they turn completely white.
Island Map (proof):

Name: Omniscient Octopus
Behaviors: Quiet, surprisingly calm, confused
Size: 8 ft tall
Habitat: Deep sea
Expedition Notes: This large octopus seems to be the last of her kind and appears to be cultivating a coral reef. I came out here on reports of missing sailors only to find this surprising calm and quiet creature. But beware, I believe she may become hostile if her reef is approached.

name: capricornus (sea goat), juvenile
behaviors: skittish toward humans, docile
size: roughly 4 ft.
habitat: along the rockiest shore
expedition notes: ahoy! upon these treacherous shores i've found it: the sea goat's lair and the creature itself, the capricorn! she be a little lass, unlike the goliath who pillaged me ship n me crew- shiver me timbers is that me hat.
she saw me peek from a rock and scurried away, but me thinks she be friendly. she does share some habits with the adult, aye; moves under the moon and always gawking over treasure!

Name: Rabid Runner
Behaviors: exercises and runs nonstop
Size: 3 ft tall
Habitat: grassy areas with lots of space to run around
Expedition Notes: During my first night camping, I heard lots of strange noises--the sound of leaves rustling, the sound of something zipzooming across repeatedly. The first thing I noticed after stepping out of my tent was that whatever was out there had been moving so fast that it had caused my fire to go out. When I felt brave enough, I peeked behind my tent to get a glimpse of the creature that had been running about. To my surprise, it was a little green creature. My encounter with it happened so fast and it quickly disappeared from sight.
Island Map (proof):

Name: Affluent Feline
Behaviors: Often found sleeping or hiding in Cardboard Boxes. Skittish and often runs from humans if spotted.
Size: 4 Feet Tall
Habitat: Forgotten Islands or Dark Alleys of Abandoned Towns
Expedition Notes: This extremely rare feline is rarely found in the wild in modern times, so much so that few even knows if he even exists. Those who have spotted it during the early days of its discovery claim to have seen them visiting forgotten islands faraway from civilization. The Affluent Feline is highly sought after for some reason, people often willing to trade a massive amount of currency even for the chance to see it. In more recent times, rumors state that they can also be found in dark alleys of deserted towns, often with a large amount of strange looking paper.

In fact, this is how I finally found this mythical creature! Strolling down the dark alley of a ghost town not too far from our campsite, I spotted the creature! Just like the tales mentioned, it was surrounded by strange blue papers and numerous cardboard boxes! I know not what the purpose of those papers are, but I’ll be sure to gather them up! I’ve heard they were once very valuable as a medium of trading before a spiraling deflation caused by a massive counterfeit operation. Still, these will make good artifacts for study!

Island Map (proof):

Name: Pre-historic reptile (un-identified)
Behaviours: Large and short temper, swimming and relaxing on rocks.
Habitat: underground pre-historic realm
Exhibition notes:
Boots may seem like a friendly alligator... but did you know that he is actually the great leader of an underground pre-historic realm! He and his fellow ancient reptiles reside here by the firey lakes and enjoy the earthly good. Boots was a bit cranky when I showed up announced, no trespassers were allowed! Oops.


Name: The Elusive Denim-Clad Frog
Behaviors: Spends countless hours sitting without movement with a blank smile on its face, blends well into surroundings so easily overlooked, is said to grant three wishes to any who offer it any sort of gift or token
Size: Allegedly around 3ft tall
Habitat: A hidden marsh found deep within the forest
Expedition Notes: After days of wandering through the dense forest, I finally stumbled across a small stream. In my haste to refill my canteen I almost didn’t notice the strange creature perched on a log across the water; it was practically camouflaged in the surrounding foliage. Despite my conspicuous presence and heavy breathing (I’d just run away from a bear) the creature did not seem to even realize I was there! I soon grew tired of watching it and continued on my way after a couple hours’ rest. I desperately wish I could find a way out of this forest… I’d give my prized necklace to be free from these wretched woods!

Name: Kabuki Kaibyo
Behaviors: Often found meditating or sleeping. Prefers isolation. Calm and relaxed though irritated when bothered by others. Keen hearing; easily disturbed by unnecessary noise.
Size: 3 ft tall
Habitat: Rural areas. Often spotted near temples or ancient relics.

Expedition Notes:
This creature resembles a feline, though it has intriguing and intricate patterns unlike anything currently known to man. It is said that anyone who encounters a Kabuki Kaibyo will soon experience good fortune (unless they disrupt and anger the creature, which in turn would cause misfortune). I spotted this creature doing some yoga when visiting the zen garden near the temples on my island. As it was quite early in the morning, I was unsure if what I was seeing was real or just a product of sleep deprivation. I chose not to approach the creature, but will definitely keep an eye out for it in the hopes to catch it again on my daily adventures.


* Fun Fact: 'Kaibyo' is the term for a supernatural, shapeshifting cat creature in Japan.
** Peep me wearing my cabin colors ayeeee

Name: Anu-Bark
Behaviours: Protective, will bark unceasingly until the intruder leaves the premises, cannot use toilet paper very well.
Size: 144 cm
Habitat: Ruins of Serpentopolis
Expedition Notes: There are stories of the mummified Anu-Bark and its eerie glowing eyes and frightening, yet annoying barks that may or may not curse you. According to the ancient texts, I gathered that the Anu-Bark was a good and loyal canine servant of the greedy, serpentine king of the ancient Slitherian civilization. The greedy king made his servant into the Anu-Bark to protect his possessions in the Slitherian afterlife. The Anu-Bark appears to be undead because of an ancient magic, being able to not need any sleep makes its barks frightening yet more annoying for some reason. While exploring the ruins and fleeing in terror whenever it approached, I made a discovery regarding this creature's weakness: It loves bacon.


Name: Blubbering Bear Cub
Behaviors: Fearful and isolated, waiting years on end for its mother's return. Grows skittish when approached.
Size: 3' 2"
Habitat: The woods, dense secluded areas.
Expedition Notes: Long before I could see the Blubbering Bear Cub, I could hear him. I was nearly a mile away when I first heard him wailing. My initial instinct was that there was an injured hiker nearby, but as I got closer I could faintly see the poor creature sobbing through the trees. I tried to approach the cub to see if I could sooth him, but the snapping twigs under my boots sent him running off—I suspect in search of a new isolated spot in the woods to let out his tears.
Island Map (proof):
Are we allowed to make references to events that we’ve already done (specifically, the birdwatching event? Not the answer, just part of the clue!)