99% of the time I prefer light mode. My eyes don't seem to like dark mode, it's hard to explain. If there's a lot of text in dark mode then it can get a little difficult to read
I switch to light mode during the day and prefer brighter colour themes during the day. At night, I switch to dark mode to prepare my body for sleep and prefer darker colour themes So it's both for me, depends on the time of the day.
I usually just leave it on whatever the default is, so I guess light mode. I did try dark mode for a few things on my work computer, but I didn't like it so I switched back. I find it harder to see things when the background is too dark. However, if a custom option is available, I will sometimes pick a mid-range color background with lighter text. For example, I have the main system I work with for my job set to a slate blue-gray background with a combination of white, light gray, and bright blue text for different fields to make the headers and things stand out.
it kind of depends on what it is. instagram, for example, i still use light mode because i’ve gotten used to it and don’t mind how it looks. but if i’m reading something digitally, i typically prefer dark mode as that’s easier on my eyes ;u;
Usually I use dark mode especially in apps when you read a lot of text (twitter, chat based apps erc.). I just find light mode too bright most of the time.
Dark modes always whenever available. I’ve got enough bright lights to deal with in real life, I don’t need the sun coming from my computer screen too.
Also I very often open my phone the instant after waking up or after I've been sitting in the dark and I would like to keep my eyesight at least somewhat intact (if I even can anymore)
It depends, I have to have twitter in dark mode because light mode looks way too busy, but my switch is on light mode because I think it just kinda suits it more. I watch YouTube in dark mode too but I don't mind watching it in light mode
I pretty much use dark mode on most things, a few websites may be exceptions because I either didn't know there was a dark mode, I'm too lazy to change it, or I'm just used to it and I like how it looks better.