Dark Veil 2


I look closer at the page, frowning. "A magma shroom? You have to be kidding me! Those only grow near volcanos!"

I walk in the room, looking at what Cindra's looking at. "There's one several miles from town. I don't know if it has any, but it's worth a shot," I say.
I exit the library, and head out to the abandoned woodcutter's shack not too far from the hotel.
I decide to go to the cafe to eat. As I eat, my head starts pounding again. Ugh... How do I stop these?
(Going to be writing novelized version of original Dark Veil, will post when I have the chance.)

(TCH can confirm that I had been working on a fanfiction of dark veil (an alternate universe when they are in highschool). Can I also proof yours? I can't wait xD)
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I wake up alone in the brute room after resting for a while, and I stretch my arms as I sit up. I don't know where anyone else is, so I get up and leave the room to find them rather than sitting here alone.
(Wut CLS is writing a fanfic? I'd love to read it)

"Aha," I say, finding the axe. Then I stashed it back in the Aura room. After I did that, I took a cab to a home improvement store, where they sold lots of wood.
(Heh, we'll see how they compare.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Yes yes)

(I had started mine ages ago (back in dark veil 1) and had forgotten about it, I only remembered I had it today when TCH pointed it out so it is completley out of date xD Your one will probably be better.)
(I'm on the part where Feindra was born at the hideout.)

(But I can't wait to read it!)

(Mine is just strange, alternate universe and all. Raphael is student body president xD)
I wake up in the aura room and touch my head. "I can't remember a thing..." Muttering, I sit up and go into the hall where I run into James.
"Oh, your awake I see." I say and cross my arms.
"Where is everyone?"
I decide to check down by the pool first, where some of the others tend to hand out a lot. I walk down the stairs and out to the pool, but no one is there.