Dark Veil 2

"Well you see, my erm... T-shirt button was stuck and... His hair was caught in it and I tried to get it out but then..." I mumble and then shake my head. "You're not buying this are you?"
"Nope," I reply, trying not to laugh. "I'm going to find Aions," I add, standing up and turning to the door. "Next time try somewhere where people can't just walk in?"
I walk out, giggling. I wonder where Aions is...?
Maybe in the library? I think, and I make my way over to said place. It takes me a while to find it, since I've only been in here once.
In the library, I see Aions trying to read an old book(?). "H-Hi, Aions," I stammer, and my face burns red when I talk to him.
I ignore her, finishing the cryptic book. I close it.
"Hi." I say to her. "Can you help me with something? It's very, very important."
As Raphael leaves, I let out a chuckle and turn back to Alex. "So do you want to continue where we left off?"
"I think the moments past." I say face palming. "Let's go find the others I guess."