Dark Veil 2

Ignoring the others at the library, I look through the bookshelves. There's a book with a gold Spine and blue cover.
(So me and TCH thought this would be a funny idea... *Turns around to look at Tia*)

I walk to the brute room with Alex. "Alex, I don't really know where everyone is so... Maybe we should use this to our 'advantage'." I say with a chuckle.
I roll my eyes. "Seriously?"
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(Mine is just strange, alternate universe and all. Raphael is student body president xD)
I wake up in the aura room and touch my head. "I can't remember a thing..." Muttering, I sit up and go into the hall where I run into James.
"Oh, your awake I see." I say and cross my arms.
"Where is everyone?"

(Sounds like a fitting role for me :D)

I leave and go to the training room, where I find Chiyoko. "Hey, what's up?" I ask.
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No one is in the training room either, until Raphael walks in. "Hi Raphel. I'm going to get Milkshake then come back down here," I tell him, then go back upstairs to get Milkshake. No one was in the brute room when I was in earlier, so I don't bother to knock on the door before opening it. I stop dead in my tracks when I open it, taking what I see.
"Chiyoko?!" I let out a little scream as I push James away. "I, erm, we, er?" Adjusting my t-shirt, I try to hide my blushing face.
"Way to kill the mood."
I take the book to the pool, where I flip through it. There's a page dripping blue ink. "What..." Specific words are highlighted. "Is this it?"
My eyes widen slightly as I realise what's going on. "I'm, just gonna, er, leave you two to it, I guess?" I stay quietly, grabbing Milkshake from my bed and running out, slamming the door behind me.
I flinch as I hear a door slam shut. The sound distracts me from my reading. "Hey!" I yell, and go back to reading.
"No it's not what it looks like!" I call and chase her to the door, but she slams it.
"Well that went well."
"Shut up." I open the door and follow, James slowly tagging behind.
"Uh, yeah, I guess...?" I reply, once I'm back in the training room. "I just saw something that I probably shouldn't have...."
(What role is Sam/Taylor?)

I pick up a bit of wood, pay the cashier, and realize that I'm gonna need a cab. I hail a taxi, who reluctantly drives me back.

(Goin AFK)
I read through the page, and a headache starts to form. Rather than coming on quickly and painfully, this one slowly and gradually comes to me.
I lose sight of Chiyoko. "Where did she go? Oh god, that didn't go as well as planned..." I trail off.
"Since when did we have a plan?"
"Shut up, lets find Chiyoko and sort this mess out."
I sit down in a seat against the wall of the training room, trying to forget about that, but I can't. I eventually give up, and just stroke my finger along the top of Milkshake's head.
Opening the training room, I find Chiyoko. "Chiyoko, it's not what it looked like. I swear!"
"Alex you are a terrible liar."
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"What was it then?" I ask, looking up at James and Alex. Their reactions were actually pretty funny, even though I really didn't want to have seen that.