Oh yeah, that's right...I was gonna knock some sense into Rapheal. Normally I wouldn't do this, since I'm really shy, but I just felt like something had to be done. "Hey, Rapheal, can you come here for a moment?"
Sam starts creating waves in the pool. I jump out before they get too tall, then hold Sam's hands so he can't make waves. "You may have gotten the group together, but you definitely are not the superior in fighting," I smirk, tossing him aside.
I cling to the wall, and dive kick Sam in the chest, knocking him into the pool. "So amateur. Your arrogance reminds me of Taylor," I say, going up to the brute room for a nap.
"I'm sorry... I've just been dealing with some stuff with my family. They're saying I need to come home, and... I'm just not sure what to do." I say, and sit down on the bench, head in hands.
(Also guys could you PM me when there is something important?)