I eventually find a shop where I can buy a new phone, right next to an alchemy shop. I decide to check in the alchemy shop first, just to see if there's anything interesting in there. I've always sort of wanted to get into alchemy, but never had the chance.
"Yeah, okay. I just think you guys should fight less, you know?" I laugh.
"All done!" The jeweler says in his thick Italian accent. I take the ring from him and pay.
I pick up a few basic potion ingredients, and see Aions and James when I turn around to get a bottle from one of the shelves near the entrance. "Hey guys, what are you two doing?" I ask.
"Chiyoko, what a surprise to meet you here!" I say in a not very convincing voice. "We are here because... Aions was helping me get some ingredients for a..." I wasn't sure what to say, so I came up with the first thing I thought of. "A... Love potion... FOR MYSELF!" Crap, I am a moron...
"Uh, okay... Bye Aions," I say, then turn my attention back to the shelves. For the potion I want to start with, I nee one more thing, fire essence. I eventually find some, the last bottle on the shelf. I take the stuff I picked up to the counter, and pay for it.