Dark Veil 2

"Thanks so much, man. I'll do anything in return for this; if you can even remember me saying this when you're not drunk." I get up. "I'll see you later!" I gleefully go to my room, placing the ring near Milkshake.
The base of th potion is just water, which I put in the cauldron first. I follow the method in the book, adding different ingredients, some of which I haven't ever heard of until I picked them up at the alchemy shop today. The last thing I add is a few drops of fire essence.
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I rip a piece of paper from my journal, and write From Aions in the corner. I go down to the kitchen and pour myself some wine, as James had drank all of the vodka.
I stir the mixture, and the whole thing turns a deep crimson red. I rummage around in the bag and pull out a number of small vials, which I carefully pour the potion into.
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"I don't have a problem with you. I have a problem with you being an alcoholic." I say, losing my cool.
"Then why do you drink at every chance you get? Why are you in love with your beer more than your pregnant girlfriend?" I yell.
I stopper the vials, put everything away in the bag, then decide to go to our bedroom. Before I get that far, I hear people arguing epsewhere, so I go to investigate.
I cover my ears, hearing the argument downstairs, and pat Alex on the back. "You should rest."
"YOU'RE WRONG!" I shout at him, hurling the vodka bottle at the wall behind him. "I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND AND MY BABY! DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"
I can hear Fein and James fighting, but I decide not to get involved. I'd probably split open their skulls if they got into a fistfight. I finish my wine and I go stand on the balcony.
I decide it would be best to wait until he was sober to explain to him, so I kick him in the face, knocking him to the ground.
I can't take it anymore, and open the door, going to where they are fighting. "Both of you, CUT IT OUT!"