Dark Veil 2

I start whistling the song, 'Staying Alive' but with a more creepy tune, and glare at James. "Sorry, couldn't hear you. What did you say?"
I roll my eyes. "I promise..." I shake my head and smirk. "We won't get caught next time. I'm sorry, I can't make a promise I can't keep." I laugh.
"Fine, good enough. But if I hear about anything, no cake for you at my wedding!" I grin mischievously.
"Our wedding. I know, Fein." I poke him with my elbow.
"How about we count all the times we've nearly died? Sounds like fun? I've technically died twice so far. Once when I gave my life to save Alex's, and when I died at the Titan-fest."
I go to count on my fingers. "Let me count... Oh wait... No, I haven't died before. And I don't plan on it anytime soon." I laugh.
"Did you hear me say, 'nearly died'? I know it's happened before, like that time that you were attacked by Arachne, and Alex told you she loved you and you woke up? Remember that?" I smirk.
"She said what?" I ask, not hearing this part of the story before.
"What!? No! I don't think... That's not exactly what happened..."
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"What?! No!" I protest and fold my arms. "If we are talking about times we nearly died. I think I remember the first time I met James he set my face on fire!"
"Yeah, and you punched me into a coma. And then when I woke up, you broke both my legs!"
"I directly quote: ""Please... Get up..." "I... Love you..."". How you like THEM APPLES?"
"Also, I remember almost passing out after healing your legs."
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I go red and scowl angrily. "I did not say that!"
I laugh uncontrollably and rustle Alex's hair as she pulls an angry face. "Wow, you said that? Cheesy much?"
"S-shut up!"
"Ah, young love." I say sarcastically, and my eyes grow wide as I see a care swerve across the road in front of us. "Watch out!"