Dark Veil 3

No, I think we should all get together and try to discuss this. I know they'll try to fight, but I think we can both stop it.
If you think it will work, I guess we could give it a shot, but when Alex hates someone, she HATES that person. If your sister ends up dead, I'm sorry. I text.
Ughhhhh, I just want to knock that sl*t out! I am so angry!!!! I kick a rock.
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Okay then. I text James an address, and I tell him to meet me there.

"Claire, I need to do something. I can do it myself." Claire initially refused, but I convinced her to let me go around the city for a bit.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay then. I text James an address, and I tell him to meet me there.

"Claire, I need to do something. I can do it myself." Claire initially refused, but I convinced her to let me go around the city for a bit.
I get the address and sigh. Okay, if I tell Alex that Claire will be there, she won't go. I might have to lie to her... Oh god, I am so dead. I ring Alex. "Hey, I need you to come to this address."
"I... Erm, I have a present for you!"
I call Claire, and tell her to meet me at the same address.

Part 1 of this accomplished. Now comes part 2. The impossible part. Here we go.
Confused, I take the letter. It takes me a moment to register where I've heard the name before. "Luke? But isn't he...?"
A block away from the address, I see Claire. I tell her something. "Listen, I need you to do something. Hold my hand, and don't let go under any circumstance, unless I tell you otherwise. Got it?"
"Um...okay." I hold his hand, and we walk together.
" missing I know" I say as I start to think why I could of got the letter and then in say "what if it says he is dead then it would be all my fault that he had died"
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I arrive at the address and go up to Alex who is tapping her foot impatiently.
"Well...?" I ask.
Soon, this might kick off again...