Do / did you wear uniform at school?


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My old school was pretty chill with uniforms for girls. We just had to wear a navy blazer with our school badge on it, a blue blouse, and then from year 7-9 you'd wear a grey pleated skirt, until year 10-11 when you'd switch to a grey pencil skirt. It wasn't too bad, or ugly looking either. x3

But now in sixth form we have to wear 'business attire'. HOWEVER, at my school, we HAVE to wear a black blazer, white blouse, black skirt, tights, black shoes, and a "plain" jumper during winter. Which is really ****ty because at other sixth forms, people are allowed to wear whatever they want provided it's "smart". ;v; It's not comfy and I always feel so gross having to wear it. :( I'll be glad on my last day that I will never have to wear anything like it again... Until I have a job, then I might have to!
Yeah I really don't understand how you Americans do dress code. Like oh noooo a female has a shoulder showing!!! Here females are allowed to wear whatever they feel like, even if it's a half transparent bra and stomach showing shirt. And as far as I'm aware the males are not THAT distracted by it. Teen males are gonna have wandering thoughts no matter anyway.

Exactly. And it's mainly public school. Like my university doesn't care what you have on as long as you're not naked when you come to class. Obviously university students are getting a great education with girls coming to class showing legs and shoulders, so I'm not sure why our public schools are so obsessed with dress codes. And I completely understand following rules and looking professional in a professional environment, but the public schools here just take it to the next level and it seems like the rules they make are the reason those clothes are even considered distracting.
I never had to deal with them and I think strict dress codes are dumb. A girl having bare shoulders or short shorts doesn't really distract anyone or cause any trouble in my experience, but school administrators making a big deal out of it does cause a distraction. It's not really their jobs to shame people for their wardrobe choices; as long a people are dressed decently it should be okay.
Yes. I did wear a uniform while in school. Various actually as I kept changing private school. I rather not say why though. Anyways, most of the time, my uniform was a white summer shirt with a black pant for uniform in some of the school I went to.
One is a green sweater and grey pants with a white shirt (actually thats the national uniform for most of the middle schools in Mexico)
The other one (which is for sports) is just dark blue
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I went to a catholic school a long time ago. They made all the girls wear gray and white plaid skirts with itchy stockings and black dress shoes. Once, I fell on my butt during recess and some kids saw my underwear. Ugh. So glad I went to public schools afterward. No more uniforms!
no. i like uniforms, but most of the uniforms they have to offer in america are really ugly and lol no
Nope. As long as it isn't against the school dress policy, we were allowed to were whatever we wanted. I don't see the point in school uniforms.
is there a code in place ? yes . do people follow it ? nah.
yes i do and its a green skirt (as green as our flag). as for the top we're supposed to wear like our school's blouse or varsity or jacket but it doesnt even matter at this point lol i wear a t shirt
Nope, the last time I had a uniform was in middle school and we just wore whatever we wanted to anyway so it wasn't really enforced.
When I started secondary school, blazers were compulsory for years 7, 8 and 9 where as it was optional for years 10 and 11. And each year had a different colour shirt- my year was white- and that colour was carried on into the next year and so on so forth, so when the new school year came around the new year 7 students would be given a different shirt colour.
But then the school became an academy and the colour for each year became two stripes on the school tie on either side of the new logo. Blazers became compulsory for everyone and I hated wearing it because it was a girl's blazer (as opposed to the previous one which was sort of gender neutral) and I felt really uncomfortable wearing it that when we received our school jumpers I resorted to carrying round the blazer before leaving it at home some days. I also somehow managed to get away with wearing trainers as well.
The school's Sixth Form required students to wear "casual-formal" attire, boys to wear shirts with collars and girls to wear blouses etc. So I wore polo shirts on top of long sleeved t-shirts and I even got away with wearing hoodies when I was cold... I'm glad I got out of there when I could to be honest, my school screwed me up.
I have never met anyone who wears uniforms to school xD

It's probably a British thing, because I also don't know any school in my country where you have to wear uniforms.
Yep!! Used to, anyway :'D

In grade school we wore uniforms all days except Wednesdays when we would be allowed to wear casual. In highschool, we wore our uniform for the whole school year, though at some points in the year we were made to wear light-colored pants instead of skirts because of dengue season.

The university I'm going to right now doesn't have a uniform or strict dress code, so I get the chance to wear shorts and sleeveless tees wooo (bc it's so hot here fskdjfh)
I have to wear a disgustingly dull, gray uniform with a hidious shade of red tie :| Complete with a blazer thats twice the size of me and makes me look like a dwarf.