do you bother adding apostrophe to your words when online?

I also use apostrophes as well, it would feel weird to do otherwise (especially with my mom being an English teacher xD).
I do whenever I have access to a keyboard. If I'm typing on my phone, I tend to shorten the speech as much as possible, and even speak in a more simplified vocabulary, but when I have the speed to fully articulate what I mean to convey, I make certain that it's utilizing proper grammar and punctuation!
i use apostrophes but ocassionally i'll turn off caps and just use lower cases. if i'm lazy or tired i'll let autocorrect just capitalize and do it's thang.
sometimes yes, sometimes no, its honestly completely up to chance whether or not i'll do it. i'm more likely to with contractions like "i'm" and "i'll" tho, as shown 🤣
I do. On my phone it's automatic but if it misses it or corrects it to the wrong version of the word, I'll add the apostrophe myself. I just hate the look of it without it lol.
I'll usually do it just from habit at this point, it's always nice when I'm on my phone and don't need to worry about it tho haha
Yes, I do. Usually on my phone it'll just autocorrect so I don't have to manually do it.
I tend not to on mobile since the keyboard is small and it's hard to type without hitting different characters. On desktop, I try to use correct grammar!
On my phone, I generally don't because it's annoying to have to switch to the punctuation layout, but depending on my mood, it might bother me enough.

On my computer, I generally do without even thinking about it, I don't have separate modes for essay/formal writing from regular texting. The only thing is occasionally I'll leave out capitalizations, especially when texting, but that's a holdover from my all lowercase poetry days, lol
Depends on how lazy I am, but I try to most of the time.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It really depends on who I’m talking to or what I’m doing, but I’m usually on my phone anyways so it’s pretty much a given. I try my best to add it though, when I’m not feeling too lazy.
I'm a huge stickler for grammar and was taught to be one from a very young age. Improper spelling and punctuation bothers me more than it probably should haha.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I add apostrophes like 99% of the time, it's just automatic. And if I read something I wrote where I happened to forget an apostrophe it feels weird lol.
Yes, because even though this is the place where you could be informal with your typing, my inner grammar police tells me I shouldn’t. That goes double when using commas, though I may have committed comma splices here and there while not realizing it.
I always add apostrophes wherever needed, and am easily bothered if people use them incorrectly. (Trust me, if it comes to spelling, I'm a ton like Ross Geller!) ("Oh and btw, Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E means you are, Y-O-U-R means your!")